Class ReferenceTemplateDTO


public class ReferenceTemplateDTO extends DTO
A description of a reference dependency of a component

The content of this DTO is resolved form metadata at initialization time and remains the same between the CDI bundle restarts.

  • Field Details

    • name

      public String name
      A unique within the container and persistent across reboots identified for this activation

      The value must not be null. The value must be equal to the reference name.

    • serviceType

      public String serviceType
      Indicates the type of service matched by the reference.

      The value must not be null.

    • targetFilter

      public String targetFilter
      Indicates a target filter used in addition to the serviceType to match services.

      Contains the target filter resolved from the CDI bundle metadata. The filter can be replaced by configuration at runtime.

    • minimumCardinality

      public int minimumCardinality
      The minimum cardinality of the reference.

      Contains the minimum cardinality statically resolved from the CDI bundle metadata. The minimum cardinality can be replaced by configuration at runtime.

    • maximumCardinality

      public MaximumCardinality maximumCardinality
      The maximum cardinality of the reference.
    • policy

      public ReferencePolicy policy
      Indicates if the reference is dynamic or static in nature.
    • policyOption

      public ReferencePolicyOption policyOption
      Indicates if the reference is greedy or reluctant in nature.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReferenceTemplateDTO

      public ReferenceTemplateDTO()