Interface Device

public interface Device

Interface for identifying device services.

A service must implement this interface or use the Constants.DEVICE_CATEGORY registration property to indicate that it is a device. Any services implementing this interface or registered with the DEVICE_CATEGORY property will be discovered by the device manager.

Device services implementing this interface give the device manager the opportunity to indicate to the device that no drivers were found that could (further) refine it. In this case, the device manager calls the noDriverFound() method on the Device object.

Specialized device implementations will extend this interface by adding methods appropriate to their device category to it.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Return value from Driver.match(ServiceReference) indicating that the driver cannot refine the device presented to it by the device manager.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Indicates to this Device object that the device manager has failed to attach any drivers to it.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • noDriverFound

      void noDriverFound()
      Indicates to this Device object that the device manager has failed to attach any drivers to it.

      If this Device object can be configured differently, the driver that registered this Device object may unregister it and register a different Device service instead.