Interface Feature

@ProviderType public interface Feature
The Feature Model Feature.
  • Method Details

    • getID

      ID getID()
      Get the Feature's ID.
      The ID of this Feature.
    • getName

      Optional<String> getName()
      Get the name.
      The name.
    • getCategories

      List<String> getCategories()
      Get the categories.
      The categories. The returned list is unmodifiable.
    • getDescription

      Optional<String> getDescription()
      Get the description.
      The description.
    • getDocURL

      Optional<String> getDocURL()
      Get the documentation URL.
      The documentation URL.
    • getVendor

      Optional<String> getVendor()
      Get the vendor.
      The vendor.
    • getLicense

      Optional<String> getLicense()
      Get the license of this Feature. The syntax of the value follows the Bundle-License header syntax. See the 'Bundle Manifest Headers' section in the OSGi Core specification.
      The license.
    • getSCM

      Optional<String> getSCM()
      Get the SCM information relating to the feature. The syntax of the value follows the Bundle-SCM format. See the 'Bundle Manifest Headers' section in the OSGi Core specification.
      The SCM information.
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      Get whether the feature is complete or not.
      Completeness value.
    • getBundles

      List<FeatureBundle> getBundles()
      Get the bundles.
      The bundles. The returned list is unmodifiable.
    • getConfigurations

      Map<String,FeatureConfiguration> getConfigurations()
      Get the configurations. The iteration order of the returned map should follow the definition order of the configurations in the feature.
      The configurations. The returned map is unmodifiable.
    • getExtensions

      Map<String,FeatureExtension> getExtensions()
      Get the extensions. The iteration order of the returned map should follow the definition order of the extensions in the feature.
      The extensions. The returned map is unmodifiable.
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables()
      Get the variables. The iteration order of the returned map should follow the definition order of the variables in the feature. Values are of type: String, Boolean or BigDecimal for numbers. The null JSON value is represented by a null value in the map.
      The variables. The returned map is unmodifiable.