Interface TR069Connector

public interface TR069Connector
A TR-069 Connector is an assistant to a TR-069 Protocol Adapter developer. The connector manages the low level details of converting the different TR-069 RPCs to a Device Management Tree managed by Dmt Admin. The connector manages the conversions from the TR-069 Object Names to a node in the DMT and vice versa.

The connector uses a Dmt Session from the caller, which is given when the connector is created. The connector does not implement the exact RPCs but only provides the basic functions to set and get the parameters of an object as well as adding and deleting an object in a table. A TR-069 developer must still parse the XML, handle the relative and absolute path issues, open a Dmt Session etc.

The connector assumes that each parameter or object path is relative to the root of the Dmt Session.

This connector must convert the TR-069 paths to Dmt Admin URIs. This conversion must take into account the LIST and MAP concepts defined in the specifications as well as the synthetic parameters NumberOfEntries and Alias. These concepts define the use of an InstanceId node that must be used by the connector to provide a TR-069 table view on the LIST and MAP nodes.

  • Field Details

    • PREFIX

      static final String PREFIX
      The MIME type prefix.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_DEFAULT
      Constant representing the default or unknown type. If this type is used a default conversion will take place
      See Also:
    • TR069_MIME_INT

      static final String TR069_MIME_INT
      Constant representing the TR-069 integer type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_UNSIGNED_INT
      Constant representing the TR-069 unsigned integer type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_MIME_LONG

      static final String TR069_MIME_LONG
      Constant representing the TR-069 long type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_UNSIGNED_LONG
      Constant representing the TR-069 unsigned long type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_STRING
      Constant representing the TR-069 string type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_STRING_LIST
      Constant representing the TR-069 string list type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_BOOLEAN
      Constant representing the TR-069 boolean type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_MIME_BASE64

      static final String TR069_MIME_BASE64
      Constant representing the TR-069 base64 type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_HEXBINARY
      Constant representing the TR-069 hex binary type.
      See Also:

      static final String TR069_MIME_DATETIME
      Constant representing the TR-069 date time type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_MIME_EAGER

      static final String TR069_MIME_EAGER
      Constant representing the TR-069 eager type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_DEFAULT

      static final int TR069_DEFAULT
      Constant representing the default or unknown type. If this type is used a default conversion will take place
      See Also:
    • TR069_INT

      static final int TR069_INT
      Constant representing the TR-069 integer type.
      See Also:

      static final int TR069_UNSIGNED_INT
      Constant representing the TR-069 unsigned integer type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_LONG

      static final int TR069_LONG
      Constant representing the TR-069 long type.
      See Also:

      static final int TR069_UNSIGNED_LONG
      Constant representing the TR-069 unsigned long type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_STRING

      static final int TR069_STRING
      Constant representing the TR-069 string type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_BOOLEAN

      static final int TR069_BOOLEAN
      Constant representing the TR-069 boolean type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_BASE64

      static final int TR069_BASE64
      Constant representing the TR-069 base64 type.
      See Also:

      static final int TR069_HEXBINARY
      Constant representing the TR-069 hex binary type.
      See Also:
    • TR069_DATETIME

      static final int TR069_DATETIME
      Constant representing the TR-069 date time type.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setParameterValue

      void setParameterValue(String parameterPath, String value, int type) throws TR069Exception
      Setting a parameter. This method should be used to provide the SetParameterValues RPC. This method must convert the parameter Name to a URI and replace the DMT node at that place. It must follow the type conversions as described in the specification.

      The connector must attempt to create any missing nodes along the way, creating parent nodes on demand.

      If the value of a an Alias node is set then the parent node must be renamed. For example, if the value of M/X/Alias is set to Y then the node will have a URI of M/Y/Alias. The value must not be escaped as the connector will escape it.

      parameterPath - The parameter path
      value - A trimmed string value that has the given type. The value can be in either canonical or lexical representation by TR069.
      type - The type of the parameter (TR069_INT, TR069_UNSIGNED_INT,TR069_LONG, TR069_UNSIGNED_LONG,TR069_STRING, TR069_DATETIME,TR069_BASE64, TR069_HEXBINARY, TR069_BOOLEAN)
      TR069Exception - The following fault codes are defined for this method: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9007, 9008.
    • getParameterValue

      ParameterValue getParameterValue(String parameterPath) throws TR069Exception
      Getting a parameter value. This method should be used to implement the GetParameterValues RPC. This method does not handle retrieving multiple values as the corresponding RPC can request with an object or table path, this method only accepts a parameter path. Retrieving multiple values can be achieved with the getParameterNames(String, boolean).

      If the parameterPath ends in NumberOfEntries then the method must synthesize the value. The parameterPath then has a pattern like (object-path)(table-name)NumberOfEntries. The returned value must be an TR069_UNSIGNED_INT that contains the number of child nodes in the table (object-path)(table-name). For example, if A.B.CNumberOfEntries is requested the return value must be the number of child nodes under A/B/C.

      If the value of a an Alias node is requested then the name of the parent node must be returned. For example, if the path is M.X.Alias then the returned value must be X.

      The connector must attempt to create any missing nodes along the way, creating parent nodes on demand.

      parameterPath - A parameter path (must refer to a valid parameter, not an object or table).
      The name, value, and type triad of the requested parameter as defined by the TR-069 ParameterValueStruct.
      TR069Exception - The following fault codes are defined for this method: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005.
    • getParameterNames

      Collection<ParameterInfo> getParameterNames(String objectOrTablePath, boolean nextLevel) throws TR069Exception
      Getting the ParameterInfo objects addressed by path. This method is intended to be used to implement the GetParameterNames RPC.

      The connector must attempt to create any missing nodes that are needed for the objectOrTablePath by using the toURI(String, boolean) method with true.

      This method must traverse the sub-tree addressed by the path and return the paths to all the objects, tables, and parameters in that tree. If the nextLevel argument is true then only the children object, table, and parameter information must be returned.

      The returned ParameterInfo objects must be usable to discover the sub-tree.

      If the child nodes have an InstanceId node then the returned names must include the InstanceId values instead of the node names.

      If the parent node is a MAP, then the synthetic Alias parameter must be included.

      Any MAP and LIST node must include a ParameterInfo for the corresponding NumberOfEntries parameter.

      objectOrTablePath - A path to an object or table.
      nextLevel - If true consider only the children of the object or table addressed by path, otherwise include the whole sub-tree, including the addressed object or table.
      A collection of ParameterInfo objects representing the resulting child parameter, objects, and tables as defined by the TR-069 ParameterInfoStruct.
      TR069Exception - If the fault is caused by an invalid ParameterPath value, the Invalid Parameter Name fault code (9005) MUST be used instead of the more general Invalid Arguments fault code (9003). A ParameterPath value must be considered invalid if it is not an empty string and does not exactly match a parameter or object name currently present in the data model. If nextLevel is true and objectOrTablePath is a parameter path rather than an object/table path, the method must return a fault response with the Invalid Arguments fault code (9003). If the value cannot be gotten for some reason, this method can generate the following fault codes::
    • addObject

      String addObject(String path) throws TR069Exception
      Add a new node to the Dmt Admin as defined by the AddObject RPC. The path must map to either a LIST or MAP node as no other nodes can accept new children.

      If the path ends in an alias ([ ALIAS ]) then the node name must be the alias, however, no new node must be created. Otherwise, the Connector must calculate a unique instance id for the new node name that follows the TR-069 rules for instance ids. That is, this id must not be reused and must not be in use. That is, the id must be reserved persistently.

      If the LIST or MAP node has a Meta Node with a MIME type application/x-tr-069-eager then the node must be immediately created. Otherwise no new node must be created, this node must be created when the node is accessed in a subsequent RPC.

      The alias name or instance id must be returned as identifier for the ACS.

      path - A table path with an optional alias at the end
      The name of the new node.
      TR069Exception - The following fault codes are defined for this method: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005. If an AddObject request would result in exceeding the maximum number of such objects supported by the CPE, the CPE MUST return a fault response with the Resources Exceeded (9004) fault code.
    • deleteObject

      void deleteObject(String objectPath) throws TR069Exception
      Delete an object from a table. A missing node must be ignored.
      objectPath - The path to an object in a table to be deleted.
      TR069Exception - The following fault codes are defined for this method: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9005. If the fault is caused by an invalid objectPath value, the Invalid Parameter Name fault code (9005) must be used instead of the more general Invalid Arguments fault code (9003). A missing node for objectPath must be ignored.
    • toPath

      String toPath(String uri) throws TR069Exception
      Convert a Dmt Session relative Dmt Admin URI to a valid TR-069 path, either a table, object, or parameter path depending on the structure of the DMT. The translation takes into account the special meaning LIST, MAP , Alias, and InstanceId nodes.
      uri - A Dmt Session relative URI
      An object, table, or parameter path
      TR069Exception - If there is an error
    • toURI

      String toURI(String name, boolean create) throws TR069Exception
      Convert a TR-069 path to a Dmt Session relative Dmt Admin URI. The translation takes into account the special meaning LIST, MAP, InstanceId node semantics.

      The synthetic Alias or NumberOfEntries parameter cannot be mapped and must throw an TR069Exception.INVALID_PARAMETER_NAME.

      The returned path is properly escaped for TR-069.

      The mapping from the path to a URI requires support from the meta data in the DMT, it is not possible to use a mapping solely based on string replacements. The translation takes into account the semantics of the MAP and LIST nodes. If at a certain point a node under a MAP node does not exist then the Connector can create it if the create flag is set to true. Otherwise a non-existent node will terminate the mapping.

      name - A TR-069 path
      create - If true, create missing nodes when they reside under a MAP or LIST
      A relative Dmt Admin URI
      TR069Exception - If there is an error
    • close

      void close()
      Close this connector. This will not close the corresponding session.