OSGi™ Compendium
Release 5

Class DmtException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DmtException
extends java.lang.Exception

Checked exception received when a DMT operation fails. Beside the exception message, a DmtException always contains an error code (one of the constants specified in this class), and may optionally contain the URI of the related node, and information about the cause of the exception.

Some of the error codes defined in this class have a corresponding error code defined in OMA DM, in these cases the name and numerical value from OMA DM is used. Error codes without counterparts in OMA DM were given numbers from a different range, starting from 1.

The cause of the exception (if specified) can either be a single Throwable instance, or a list of such instances if several problems occurred during the execution of a method. An example for the latter is the close method of DmtSession that tries to close multiple plugins, and has to report the exceptions of all failures.

Each constructor has two variants, one accepts a String node URI, the other accepts a String[] node path. The former is used by the DmtAdmin implementation, the latter by the plugins, who receive the node URI as an array of segment names. The constructors are otherwise identical.

Getter methods are provided to retrieve the values of the additional parameters, and the printStackTrace(PrintWriter) method is extended to print the stack trace of all causing throwables as well.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          An alert can not be sent from the device to the given principal.
          The recipient encountered an error which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
          The requested command is not allowed on the target node.
          An error occurred related to concurrent access of nodes.
          An error related to the recipient data store occurred while processing the request.
          The requested command failed because an optional feature required by the command is not supported.
static int INVALID_URI
          The requested command failed because the target URI or node name is null or syntactically invalid.
          The requested operation failed because a specific limit was exceeded, e.g.
          Operation failed because of meta data restrictions.
          The requested node creation operation failed because the target already exists.
static int NODE_NOT_FOUND
          The requested target node was not found.
          The requested command failed because the principal associated with the session does not have adequate access control permissions (ACL) on the target.
static int REMOTE_ERROR
          A device initiated remote operation failed.
          The rollback command was not completed successfully.
          Creation of a session timed out because of another ongoing session.
          A transaction-related error occurred in an atomic session.
          The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command.
static int URI_TOO_LONG
          The requested command failed because the target URI is too long for what the recipient is able or willing to process.
Constructor Summary
DmtException(java.lang.String[] path, int code, java.lang.String message)
          Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments.
DmtException(java.lang.String[] path, int code, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments, and specifying the cause exception.
DmtException(java.lang.String[] path, int code, java.lang.String message, java.util.Vector causes, boolean fatal)
          Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments, the list of cause exceptions, and whether the exception is a fatal one.
DmtException(java.lang.String uri, int code, java.lang.String message)
          Create an instance of the exception.
DmtException(java.lang.String uri, int code, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Create an instance of the exception, specifying the cause exception.
DmtException(java.lang.String uri, int code, java.lang.String message, java.util.Vector causes, boolean fatal)
          Create an instance of the exception, specifying the list of cause exceptions and whether the exception is a fatal one.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Throwable getCause()
          Get the cause of this exception.
 java.lang.Throwable[] getCauses()
          Get all causes of this exception.
 int getCode()
          Get the error code associated with this exception.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Get the message associated with this exception.
 java.lang.String getURI()
          Get the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued.
 boolean isFatal()
          Check whether this exception is marked as fatal in the session.
 void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream s)
          Prints the exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNAUTHORIZED
The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command.

This status code is used as response to device originated sessions if the remote management server cannot authorize the device to perform the requested operation.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 401 "Unauthorized".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_NOT_FOUND
The requested target node was not found. No indication is given as to whether this is a temporary or permanent condition, unless otherwise noted.

This is only used when the requested node name is valid, otherwise the more specific error codes URI_TOO_LONG or INVALID_URI are used. This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 404 "Not Found".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED
The requested command is not allowed on the target node. This includes the following situations:

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 405 "Command not allowed".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED
The requested command failed because an optional feature required by the command is not supported. For example, opening an atomic session might return this error code if the DmtAdmin implementation does not support transactions. Similarly, accessing the optional node properties (Title, Timestamp, Version, Size) might not succeed if either the DmtAdmin implementation or the underlying plugin does not support the property.

When getting or setting values for interior nodes (an optional optimization feature), a plugin can use this error code to indicate that the given interior node does not support values.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 406 "Optional feature not supported".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LIMIT_EXCEEDED
The requested operation failed because a specific limit was exceeded, e.g. if a requested resource exceeds a size limit.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 413 "Request entity too large".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int URI_TOO_LONG
The requested command failed because the target URI is too long for what the recipient is able or willing to process.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 414 "URI too long".

See Also:
"OSGi Service Platform, Mobile Specification Release 4", Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS
The requested node creation operation failed because the target already exists. This can occur if the node is created directly (with one of the create... methods), or indirectly (during a copy operation).

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 418 "Already exists".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PERMISSION_DENIED
The requested command failed because the principal associated with the session does not have adequate access control permissions (ACL) on the target. This can only appear in case of remote sessions, i.e. if the session is associated with an authenticated principal.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 425 "Permission denied".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COMMAND_FAILED
The recipient encountered an error which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

This error code is only used in situations not covered by any of the other error codes that a method may use. Some methods specify more specific error situations for this code, but it can generally be used for any unexpected condition that causes the command to fail.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 500 "Command Failed".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DATA_STORE_FAILURE
An error related to the recipient data store occurred while processing the request. This error code may be thrown by any of the methods accessing the tree, but whether it is really used depends on the implementation, and the data store it uses.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 510 "Data store failure".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROLLBACK_FAILED
The rollback command was not completed successfully. The tree might be in an inconsistent state after this error.

This error code corresponds to the OMA DM response status code 516 "Atomic roll back failed".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REMOTE_ERROR
A device initiated remote operation failed. This is used when the protocol adapter fails to send an alert for any reason.

Alert routing errors (that occur while looking for the proper protocol adapter to use) are indicated by ALERT_NOT_ROUTED, this code is only for errors encountered while sending the routed alert. This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 500 "Command Failed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int METADATA_MISMATCH
Operation failed because of meta data restrictions. This covers any attempted deviation from the parameters defined by the MetaNode objects of the affected nodes, for example in the following situations:

This error code can also be used to indicate any other meta data violation, even if it cannot be described by the MetaNode class. For example, detecting a multi-node constraint violation while committing an atomic session should result in this error.

This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 405 "Command not allowed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INVALID_URI
The requested command failed because the target URI or node name is null or syntactically invalid. This covers the following cases:

See the Uri.encode(String) method for support on escaping invalid characters in a URI.

This code is only used if the URI or node name does not match any of the criteria for URI_TOO_LONG. This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 404 "Not Found" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CONCURRENT_ACCESS
An error occurred related to concurrent access of nodes. This can happen for example if a configuration node was deleted directly through the Configuration Admin service, while the node was manipulated via the tree.

This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 500 "Command Failed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ALERT_NOT_ROUTED
An alert can not be sent from the device to the given principal. This can happen if there is no Remote Alert Sender willing to forward the alert to the given principal, or if no principal was given and the DmtAdmin did not find an appropriate default destination.

This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 500 "Command Failed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_ERROR
A transaction-related error occurred in an atomic session. This error is caused by one of the following situations: The latter case may leave the tree in an inconsistent state due to the lack of a two-phase commit system, see DmtSession.commit() for details.

This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. It should be translated to the code 500 "Command Failed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SESSION_CREATION_TIMEOUT
Creation of a session timed out because of another ongoing session. The length of time while the DmtAdmin waits for the blocking session(s) to finish is implementation dependent.

This error code does not correspond to any OMA DM response status code. OMA has several status codes related to timeout, but these are meant to be used when a request times out, not if a session can not be established. This error code should be translated to the code 500 "Command Failed" when transferring over OMA DM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DmtException(java.lang.String uri,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message)
Create an instance of the exception. The uri and message parameters are optional. No originating exception is specified.

uri - the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message


public DmtException(java.lang.String uri,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message,
                    java.lang.Throwable cause)
Create an instance of the exception, specifying the cause exception. The uri, message and cause parameters are optional.

uri - the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message
cause - the originating exception, or null if there is no originating exception


public DmtException(java.lang.String uri,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message,
                    java.util.Vector causes,
                    boolean fatal)
Create an instance of the exception, specifying the list of cause exceptions and whether the exception is a fatal one. This constructor is meant to be used by plugins wishing to indicate that a serious error occurred which should invalidate the ongoing atomic session. The uri, message and causes parameters are optional.

If a fatal exception is thrown, no further business methods will be called on the originator plugin. In case of atomic sessions, all other open plugins will be rolled back automatically, except if the fatal exception was thrown during commit.

uri - the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message
causes - the list of originating exceptions, or empty list or null if there are no originating exceptions
fatal - whether the exception is fatal


public DmtException(java.lang.String[] path,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message)
Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments. This method behaves in exactly the same way as if the path was given as a URI string.

path - the path of the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message
See Also:
DmtException(String, int, String)


public DmtException(java.lang.String[] path,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message,
                    java.lang.Throwable cause)
Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments, and specifying the cause exception. This method behaves in exactly the same way as if the path was given as a URI string.

path - the path of the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message
cause - the originating exception, or null if there is no originating exception
See Also:
DmtException(String, int, String, Throwable)


public DmtException(java.lang.String[] path,
                    int code,
                    java.lang.String message,
                    java.util.Vector causes,
                    boolean fatal)
Create an instance of the exception, specifying the target node as an array of path segments, the list of cause exceptions, and whether the exception is a fatal one. This method behaves in exactly the same way as if the path was given as a URI string.

path - the path of the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued, or null if the operation is not associated with a node
code - the error code of the failure
message - the message associated with the exception, or null if there is no error message
causes - the list of originating exceptions, or empty list or null if there are no originating exceptions
fatal - whether the exception is fatal
See Also:
DmtException(String, int, String, Vector, boolean)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getURI()
Get the node on which the failed DMT operation was issued. Some operations like DmtSession.close() don't require an URI, in this case this method returns null.

the URI of the node, or null


public int getCode()
Get the error code associated with this exception. Most of the error codes within this exception correspond to OMA DM error codes.

the error code


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Get the message associated with this exception. The returned string also contains the associated URI (if any) and the exception code. The resulting message has the following format (parts in square brackets are only included if the field inside them is not null):
  <exception_code>[: '<uri>'][: <error_message>]

getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable
the error message in the format described above


public java.lang.Throwable getCause()
Get the cause of this exception. Returns non-null, if this exception is caused by one or more other exceptions (like a NullPointerException in a DmtPlugin). If there are more than one cause exceptions, the first one is returned.

getCause in class java.lang.Throwable
the cause of this exception, or null if no cause was given


public java.lang.Throwable[] getCauses()
Get all causes of this exception. Returns the causing exceptions in an array. If no cause was specified, an empty array is returned.

the list of causes of this exception


public boolean isFatal()
Check whether this exception is marked as fatal in the session. Fatal exceptions trigger an automatic rollback of atomic sessions.

whether the exception is marked as fatal


public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream s)
Prints the exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream. Any causes that were specified for this exception are also printed, together with their backtraces.

printStackTrace in class java.lang.Throwable
s - PrintStream to use for output

OSGi™ Compendium
Release 5

Copyright © OSGi Alliance (2000, 2013). All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OSGi Specification License, Version 2.0