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OSGi™ Compendium
Release 7
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N - Static variable in class org.osgi.util.measurement.Unit
The force unit newton (N).
NAME - Static variable in annotation type org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component
Special string representing the name of this Component.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO
The name of the component.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ReferenceDTO
The name of the reference.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.SatisfiedReferenceDTO
The name of the declared reference.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO
The name of the declared reference.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.BaseServletDTO
The name of the servlet.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.FilterDTO
The name of the servlet filter.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.ServletContextDTO
The name of the servlet context.
name - Variable in class org.osgi.service.jaxrs.runtime.dto.BaseDTO
The name of the service if it set one using JaxrsWhiteboardConstants.JAX_RS_NAME, otherwise this value will contain the generated name for this service
name() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences
Returns this node's name, relative to its parent.
NAME - Static variable in interface
This service property describes the package name of the technology manageable by this REST API extension.
nameBindings - Variable in class org.osgi.service.jaxrs.runtime.dto.ExtensionDTO
The full names of the NameBinding annotations applied to this extension, if any
nameBindings - Variable in class org.osgi.service.jaxrs.runtime.dto.ResourceMethodInfoDTO
The NameBinding annotations that apply to this resource method, if any
NamespaceException - Exception in org.osgi.service.http
A NamespaceException is thrown to indicate an error with the caller's request to register a servlet or resources into the URI namespace of the Http Service.
NamespaceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.http.NamespaceException
Construct a NamespaceException object with a detail message.
NamespaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.http.NamespaceException
Construct a NamespaceException object with a detail message and a nested exception.
newBuilder(WebTarget) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jaxrs.client.SseEventSourceFactory
Create a new SseEventSource.Builder
newConverterBuilder() - Method in interface org.osgi.util.converter.Converter
Obtain a builder to create a modified converter based on this converter.
newConverterBuilder() - Static method in class org.osgi.util.converter.Converters
Obtain a converter builder based on the standard converter.
newInitialContext() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jndi.JNDIContextManager
Creates a new JNDI initial context with the default JNDI environment properties.
newInitialContext(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jndi.JNDIContextManager
Creates a new JNDI initial context with the specified JNDI environment properties.
newInitialDirContext() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jndi.JNDIContextManager
Creates a new initial DirContext with the default JNDI environment properties.
newInitialDirContext(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jndi.JNDIContextManager
Creates a new initial DirContext with the specified JNDI environment properties.
newInstance(Dictionary<String, ?>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.component.ComponentFactory
Create and activate a new component configuration.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class
Returns a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing ConfigurationPermissions.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.coordinator.CoordinationPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing CoordinationPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentAdminPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DeploymentAdminPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.DeploymentCustomizerPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DeploymentCustomizerPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing AlertPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DmtPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DmtPrincipalPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.event.TopicPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing TopicPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing EndpointPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing SubsystemPermissions.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdminPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing UserAdminPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WirePermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing WirePermission objects.
newRequirementBuilder(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.repository.Repository
Return a new RequirementBuilder which provides a convenient way to create a requirement.
newSource(WebTarget) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jaxrs.client.SseEventSourceFactory
Create a new SseEventSource
nodata() - Method in class org.osgi.util.pushstream.PushEvent
Convenience to cast a close/error event to another payload type.
node(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences
Returns a named Preferences object (node), creating it and any of its ancestors if they do not already exist.
NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
The requested node creation operation failed because the target already exists.
NODE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
The requested target node was not found.
nodeChanged(String[]) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.ReadableDataSession
Notifies the plugin that the given node has changed outside the scope of the plugin, therefore the Version and Timestamp properties must be updated (if supported).
nodeExists(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences
Returns true if the named node exists.
noDriverFound() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.device.Device
Indicates to this Device object that the device manager has failed to attach any drivers to it.
noneMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface org.osgi.util.pushstream.PushStream
Closes the channel and resolve the promise with false when the predicate matches any pay load.
NonNullMetadata - Interface in org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect
Metadata for a value that cannot null.
noRollbackFor - Variable in class org.osgi.service.transaction.control.TransactionBuilder
The list of Throwable types that must not trigger rollback
noRollbackFor(Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class org.osgi.service.transaction.control.TransactionBuilder
Declare a list of Exception types (and their subtypes) that must not trigger a rollback.
NoSuchComponentException - Exception in org.osgi.service.blueprint.container
A Blueprint exception indicating that a component does not exist in a Blueprint Container.
NoSuchComponentException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.NoSuchComponentException
Create a No Such Component Exception for a non-existent component.
NoSuchComponentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.NoSuchComponentException
Create a No Such Component Exception for a non-existent component.
not(RequirementExpression) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.repository.ExpressionCombiner
Return the negation of a RequirementExpression.
NotExpression - Interface in org.osgi.service.repository
A RequirementExpression representing the not (negation) of a requirement expression.
NotificationService - Interface in org.osgi.service.dmt.notification
NotificationService enables sending asynchronous notifications to a management server.
notifiesOnChange(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.monitor.Monitorable
Tells whether the StatusVariable provider is able to send instant notifications when the given StatusVariable changes.
notifyUPnPEvent(String, String, Dictionary<String, ?>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.upnp.UPnPEventListener
Callback method that is invoked for received events.
notSupported(Callable<T>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.transaction.control.TransactionStarter
The supplied piece of work must be run outside the context of a transaction.
NULL - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect.NullMetadata
Singleton instance of NullMetadata.
NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtData
Constant instance representing a leaf node of null format.
NullMetadata - Interface in org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect
Metadata for a value specified to be null via the <null> element.
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OSGi™ Compendium
Release 7

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