Package org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto

@Version("2.0.0") package org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto
Http Runtime DTO Package Version 2.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto; version="[2.0,3.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto; version="[2.0,3.1)"

  • Classes
    Represents common information about a jakarta.servlet.Servlet service.
    Defines standard constants for the DTOs.
    Represents a jakarta.servlet.Servlet for handling errors and currently being used by a servlet context.
    Represents a jakarta.servlet.Servlet service registered as an error page but currently not being used by a servlet context due to a problem.
    Represents a servlet Filter service which is currently not being used by a servlet context due to a problem.
    Represents a listener service which is currently not being used by a servlet context due to a problem.
    Represents a preprocessor service which is currently not being used due to a problem.
    Represents a resource definition which is currently not being used by a servlet context due to a problem.
    Represents a servlet context that is currently not used due to some problem.
    Represents a jakarta.servlet.Servlet service which is currently not being used by a servlet context due to a problem.
    Represents a servlet jakarta.servlet.Filter service currently being used for by a servlet context.
    Represents a listener currently being used by a servlet context.
    Represents a preprocessor org.osgi.service.servlet.whiteboard.Preprocessor service currently being used during request processing.
    Represents the services used to process a specific request.
    Represents a resource definition currently being used by a servlet context.
    Represents the state of a Http Service Runtime.
    Represents a jakarta.servlet.ServletContext created for servlets, resources, servlet Filters, and listeners associated with that servlet context.
    Represents a jakarta.servlet.Servlet currently being used by a servlet context.