Interface Functioning

All Superinterfaces:

@ProviderType public interface Functioning extends Specifying<Functioning>
This interface is used to specify the target function to perform conversions. This function can be used multiple times. A Functioning instance can be obtained via the Converter.
  • Method Details

    • to

      <T> Function<Object,T> to(Class<T> cls)
      Specify the target object type for the conversion as a class object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to convert to.
      cls - The class to convert to.
      A function that can perform the conversion.
    • to

      <T> Function<Object,T> to(Type type)
      Specify the target object type as a Java Reflection Type object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to convert to.
      type - A Type object to represent the target type to be converted to.
      A function that can perform the conversion.
    • to

      <T> Function<Object,T> to(TypeReference<T> ref)
      Specify the target object type as a TypeReference. If the target class carries generics information a TypeReference should be used as this preserves the generic information whereas a Class object has this information erased. Example use:
       List<String> result = converter.function()
                      .to(new TypeReference<List<String>>() {
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to convert to.
      ref - A type reference to the object being converted to.
      A function that can perform the conversion.