OSGi™ Service Platform
Release 4

Interface DmtAdmin

public interface DmtAdmin

An interface providing methods to open sessions and register listeners. The implementation of DmtAdmin should register itself in the OSGi service registry as a service. DmtAdmin is the entry point for applications to use the DMT API.

The getSession methods are used to open a session on a specified subtree of the DMT. A typical way of usage:

 serviceRef = context.getServiceReference(DmtAdmin.class.getName());
 DmtAdmin admin = (DmtAdmin) context.getService(serviceRef);
 DmtSession session = admin.getSession("./OSGi/Configuration");

The methods for opening a session take a node URI (the session root) as a parameter. All segments of the given URI must be within the segment length limit of the implementation, and the special characters '/' and '\' must be escaped (preceded by a '\'). Any string can be converted to a valid URI segment using the Uri.mangle(String) method.

It is possible to specify a lock mode when opening the session (see lock type constants in DmtSession). This determines whether the session can run in parallel with other sessions, and the kinds of operations that can be performed in the session. All Management Objects constituting the device management tree must support read operations on their nodes, while support for write operations depends on the Management Object. Management Objects supporting write access may support transactional write, non-transactional write or both. Users of DmtAdmin should consult the Management Object specification and implementation for the supported update modes. If Management Object definition permits, implementations are encouraged to support both update modes.

This interface also contains methods for manipulating the set of DmtEventListener objects that are called when the structure or content of the tree is changed. These methods are not needed in an OSGi environment, clients should register listeners through the Event Admin service.

Method Summary
 void addEventListener(int type, java.lang.String uri, DmtEventListener listener)
          Registers an event listener on behalf of a local application.
 void addEventListener(java.lang.String principal, int type, java.lang.String uri, DmtEventListener listener)
          Registers an event listener on behalf of a remote principal.
 DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String subtreeUri)
          Opens a DmtSession for local usage on a given subtree of the DMT with non transactional write lock.
 DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String subtreeUri, int lockMode)
          Opens a DmtSession for local usage on a specific DMT subtree with a given lock mode.
 DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String principal, java.lang.String subtreeUri, int lockMode)
          Opens a DmtSession on a specific DMT subtree using a specific lock mode on behalf of a remote principal.
 void removeEventListener(DmtEventListener listener)
          Remove a previously registered listener.

Method Detail


public DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String subtreeUri)
                      throws DmtException
Opens a DmtSession for local usage on a given subtree of the DMT with non transactional write lock. This call is equivalent to the following: getSession(null, subtreeUri, DmtSession.LOCK_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE)

The subtreeUri parameter must contain an absolute URI. It can also be null, in this case the session is opened with the default session root, ".", that gives access to the whole tree.

To perform this operation the caller must have DmtPermission for the subtreeUri node with the Get action present.

subtreeUri - the subtree on which DMT manipulations can be performed within the returned session
a DmtSession object for the requested subtree
DmtException - with the following possible error codes:
  • URI_TOO_LONG if subtreeUri or a segment of it is too long, or if it has too many segments
  • INVALID_URI if subtreeUri is syntactically invalid
  • NODE_NOT_FOUND if subtreeUri specifies a non-existing node
  • SESSION_CREATION_TIMEOUT if the operation timed out because of another ongoing session
  • COMMAND_FAILED if subtreeUri specifies a relative URI, or some unspecified error is encountered while attempting to complete the command
java.lang.SecurityException - if the caller does not have DmtPermission for the given root node with the Get action present


public DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String subtreeUri,
                             int lockMode)
                      throws DmtException
Opens a DmtSession for local usage on a specific DMT subtree with a given lock mode. This call is equivalent to the following: getSession(null, subtreeUri, lockMode)

The subtreeUri parameter must contain an absolute URI. It can also be null, in this case the session is opened with the default session root, ".", that gives access to the whole tree.

To perform this operation the caller must have DmtPermission for the subtreeUri node with the Get action present.

subtreeUri - the subtree on which DMT manipulations can be performed within the returned session
lockMode - one of the lock modes specified in DmtSession
a DmtSession object for the requested subtree
DmtException - with the following possible error codes:
  • URI_TOO_LONG if subtreeUri or a segment of it is too long, or if it has too many segments
  • INVALID_URI if subtreeUri is syntactically invalid
  • NODE_NOT_FOUND if subtreeUri specifies a non-existing node
  • FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED if atomic sessions are not supported by the implementation and lockMode requests an atomic session
  • SESSION_CREATION_TIMEOUT if the operation timed out because of another ongoing session
  • COMMAND_FAILED if subtreeUri specifies a relative URI, if lockMode is unknown, or some unspecified error is encountered while attempting to complete the command
java.lang.SecurityException - if the caller does not have DmtPermission for the given root node with the Get action present


public DmtSession getSession(java.lang.String principal,
                             java.lang.String subtreeUri,
                             int lockMode)
                      throws DmtException
Opens a DmtSession on a specific DMT subtree using a specific lock mode on behalf of a remote principal. If local management applications are using this method then they should provide null as the first parameter. Alternatively they can use other forms of this method without providing a principal string.

The subtreeUri parameter must contain an absolute URI. It can also be null, in this case the session is opened with the default session root, ".", that gives access to the whole tree.

This method is guarded by DmtPrincipalPermission in case of remote sessions. In addition, the caller must have Get access rights (ACL in case of remote sessions, DmtPermission in case of local sessions) on the subtreeUri node to perform this operation.

principal - the identifier of the remote server on whose behalf the data manipulation is performed, or null for local sessions
subtreeUri - the subtree on which DMT manipulations can be performed within the returned session
lockMode - one of the lock modes specified in DmtSession
a DmtSession object for the requested subtree
DmtException - with the following possible error codes:
  • URI_TOO_LONG if subtreeUri or a segment of it is too long, or if it has too many segments
  • INVALID_URI if subtreeUri is syntactically invalid
  • NODE_NOT_FOUND if subtreeUri specifies a non-existing node
  • PERMISSION_DENIED if principal is not null and the ACL of the node does not allow the Get operation for the principal on the given root node
  • FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED if atomic sessions are not supported by the implementation and lockMode requests an atomic session
  • SESSION_CREATION_TIMEOUT if the operation timed out because of another ongoing session
  • COMMAND_FAILED if subtreeUri specifies a relative URI, if lockMode is unknown, or some unspecified error is encountered while attempting to complete the command
java.lang.SecurityException - in case of remote sessions, if the caller does not have the required DmtPrincipalPermission with a target matching the principal parameter, or in case of local sessions, if the caller does not have DmtPermission for the given root node with the Get action present


public void addEventListener(int type,
                             java.lang.String uri,
                             DmtEventListener listener)
Registers an event listener on behalf of a local application. The given listener will receive notification on all changes affecting the specified subtree. The subtree is specified by its root node URI. An event is delivered to the registered listener if at least one affected node is within this subtree. The events can also be filtered by specifying a bitmask of relevant event types (e.g. DmtEvent.ADDED | DmtEvent.REPLACED | DmtEvent.SESSION_CLOSED). Only event types included in the bitmask will be delivered to the listener.

The listener will only receive the change notifications of nodes for which the registering application has the appropriate GET DmtPermission.

If the specified listener was already registered, calling this method will update the registration.

type - a bitmask of event types the caller is interested in
uri - the URI of the root node of a subtree, must not be null
listener - the listener to be registered, must not be null
java.lang.SecurityException - if the caller doesn't have the necessary GET DmtPermission for the given URI
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the uri or listener parameter is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the type parameter contains invalid bits (not corresponding to any event type defined in DmtEvent), or if the uri parameter is invalid (is not an absolute URI or is syntactically incorrect)


public void addEventListener(java.lang.String principal,
                             int type,
                             java.lang.String uri,
                             DmtEventListener listener)
Registers an event listener on behalf of a remote principal. The given listener will receive notification on all changes affecting the specified subtree. The subtree is specified by its root node URI. An event is delivered to the registered listener if at least one affected node is within this subtree. The events can also be filtered by specifying a bitmask of relevant event types (e.g. DmtEvent.ADDED | DmtEvent.REPLACED | DmtEvent.SESSION_CLOSED). Only event types included in the bitmask will be delivered to the listener.

The listener will only receive the change notifications of nodes for which the node ACL grants GET access to the specified principal.

If the specified listener was already registered, calling this method will update the registration.

principal - the management server identity the caller is acting on behalf of, must not be null
type - a bitmask of event types the caller is interested in
uri - the URI of the root node of a subtree, must not be null
listener - the listener to be registered, must not be null
java.lang.SecurityException - if the caller doesn't have the necessary DmtPrincipalPermission to use the specified principal
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the principal, uri or listener parameter is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the type parameter contains invalid bits (not corresponding to any event type defined in DmtEvent), or if the uri parameter is invalid (is not an absolute URI or is syntactically incorrect)


public void removeEventListener(DmtEventListener listener)
Remove a previously registered listener. After this call, the listener will not receive change notifications.

listener - the listener to be unregistered, must not be null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the listener parameter is null

OSGi™ Service Platform
Release 4

Copyright © OSGi Alliance (2000, 2006). All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OSGi Specification License, Version 1.0