¶10 Framework API
¶10.1 org.osgi.framework
Version 1.9
Framework Package Version 1.9.
Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest.
Example import for consumers using the API in this package:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework; version="[1.9,2.0)"
¶10.1.1 Summary
- A bundle's authority to adapt an object to a type. -
- A bundle's authority to perform specific privileged administrative operations on or to get sensitive information about a bundle. -
- AServiceEvent
listener that does not filter based upon package wiring. -
- An installed bundle in the Framework. -
- Customizes the starting and stopping of a bundle. -
- A bundle's execution context within the Framework. -
- An event from the Framework describing a bundle lifecycle change. -
- A Framework exception used to indicate that a bundle lifecycle problem occurred. -
- ABundleEvent
listener. -
- A bundle's authority to require or provide a bundle or to receive or attach fragments. -
- A reference to a Bundle. -
- A bundle's authority to provide or require a capability. -
- Supports a configuration object. -
- Defines standard names for the OSGi environment system properties, service properties, and Manifest header attribute keys. -
- A general event from the Framework. -
- AFrameworkEvent
listener. -
- Framework Utility class. -
- A Framework exception used to indicate that a filter string has an invalid syntax. -
- A bundle's authority to import or export a package. -
- A factory for prototype scope services. -
- An event from the Framework describing a service lifecycle change. -
- A service exception used to indicate that a service problem occurred. -
- A factory for bundle scope services. -
- AServiceEvent
listener. -
- Allows multiple service objects for a service to be obtained. -
- A bundle's authority to register or get a service. -
- A reference to a service. -
- A registered service. -
- A synchronousBundleEvent
listener. -
- AServiceEvent
listener that does not filter based upon any filter string specified to BundleContext.addServiceListener(ServiceListener, String). -
- Version identifier for capabilities such as bundles and packages. -
- Version range.
¶10.1.2 public final class AdaptPermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to adapt an object to a type.
has one action: adapt
¶ public static final String ADAPT = "adapt"
The action string initiate
¶ public AdaptPermission(String filter, String actions)
A filter expression. Filter attribute names are processed
in a case sensitive manner. A special value of "*"
can be
used to match all adaptations.
Creates a new granted AdaptPermission
This constructor must only be used to create a permission that is going
to be checked.
When a signer key is used within the filter expression the signer value must escape the special filter chars ('*', '(', ')').
The name is specified as a filter expression. The filter gives access to the following attributes:
signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign the exporting bundle. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
location - The location of the exporting bundle.
id - The bundle ID of the exporting bundle.
name - The symbolic name of the exporting bundle.
adaptClass - The name of the type to which an object can be adapted.
Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
– If the filter has an invalid syntax.
¶ public AdaptPermission(String adaptClass, Bundle adaptableBundle, String actions)
The name of the type to which an object can be adapted.
The bundle associated with the object being adapted.
Creates a new requested AdaptPermission
object to be used by the
code that must perform checkPermission
. AdaptPermission
objects created with this constructor cannot be added to an
permission collection.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to test for equality with this
Determines the equality of two AdaptPermission
This method checks that specified permission has the same name and
actions as this AdaptPermission
if obj
is a AdaptPermission
, and has
the same name and actions as this AdaptPermission
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the
Always returns present AdaptPermission
actions in the following
order: adapt
Canonical string representation of the AdaptPermission
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
A hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The requested permission.
Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object.
This method checks that the filter of the target is implied by the adapt
class name of this object. The list of AdaptPermission
must either match or allow for the list of the target object to imply the
target AdaptPermission
if the specified permission is implied by this
object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
A new PermissionCollection
¶10.1.3 public final class AdminPermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to perform specific privileged administrative operations on or to get sensitive information about a bundle. The actions for this permission are:
Action Methods
class Bundle.loadClass
execute Bundle.start
extensionLifecycle BundleContext.installBundle for extension bundles
Bundle.update for extension bundles
Bundle.uninstall for extension bundles
lifecycle BundleContext.installBundle
listener BundleContext.addBundleListener for
BundleContext.removeBundleListener for
metadata Bundle.getHeaders
resolve FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles
resource Bundle.getResource
Bundle resource/entry URL creation
startlevel FrameworkStartLevel.setStartLevel
context Bundle.getBundleContext
weave WovenClass.getBytes
WovenClass.getDynamicImports for modification
The special action "*" will represent all actions. The
action is implied by the class
, execute
The name of this permission is a filter expression. The filter gives access to the following attributes:
signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign a bundle. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
location - The location of a bundle.
id - The bundle ID of the designated bundle.
name - The symbolic name of a bundle.
Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
¶ public static final String CLASS = "class"
The action string class
. The class
action implies the
¶ public static final String EXECUTE = "execute"
The action string execute
. The execute
action implies the
¶ public static final String EXTENSIONLIFECYCLE = "extensionLifecycle"
The action string extensionLifecycle
¶ public static final String RESOLVE = "resolve"
The action string resolve
. The resolve
action is implied
by the class
, execute
and resource
¶ public static final String RESOURCE = "resource"
The action string resource
. The resource
action implies
the resolve
¶ public AdminPermission()
Creates a new AdminPermission
object that matches all bundles and
has all actions. Equivalent to AdminPermission("*","*");
¶ public AdminPermission(String filter, String actions)
A filter expression that can use signer, location, id, and
name keys. A value of "*" or null
matches all
bundle. Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive
, execute
, extensionLifecycle
, lifecycle
, listener
, metadata
, resource
, startlevel
or weave
. A value of "*" or null
indicates all actions.
Create a new AdminPermission. This constructor must only be used to create a permission that is going to be checked.
When a signer key is used within the filter expression the signer value must escape the special filter chars ('*', '(', ')').
Null arguments are equivalent to "*".
– If the filter has an invalid syntax.
¶ public AdminPermission(Bundle bundle, String actions)
A bundle.
, execute
, extensionLifecycle
, lifecycle
, listener
, metadata
, resource
, startlevel
, weave
. A value of "*" or null
indicates all actions.
Creates a new requested AdminPermission
object to be used by the
code that must perform checkPermission
. AdminPermission
objects created with this constructor cannot be added to an
permission collection.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object being compared for equality with this object.
Determines the equality of two AdminPermission
if obj
is equivalent to this
; false
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the
Always returns present AdminPermission
actions in the following
order: class
, execute
, extensionLifecycle
, listener
, metadata
, resolve
, startlevel
, context
, weave
Canonical string representation of the AdminPermission
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
Hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The requested permission.
Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object. This method throws an exception if the specified permission was not constructed with a bundle.
This method returns true
if the specified permission is an
AdminPermission AND
this object's filter matches the specified permission's bundle ID, bundle symbolic name, bundle location and bundle signer distinguished name chain OR
this object's filter is "*"
AND this object's actions include all of the specified permission's actions.
Special case: if the specified permission was constructed with "*"
filter, then this method returns true
if this object's filter is
"*" and this object's actions include all of the specified permission's
if the specified permission is implied by this
object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
A new PermissionCollection
¶10.1.4 public interface AllServiceListener
extends ServiceListener
A ServiceEvent
listener that does not filter based upon package
wiring. AllServiceListener
is a listener interface that may be
implemented by a bundle developer. When a ServiceEvent
is fired, it
is synchronously delivered to an AllServiceListener
. The Framework
may deliver ServiceEvent
objects to an AllServiceListener
of order and may concurrently call and/or reenter an
An AllServiceListener
object is registered with the Framework using
the BundleContext.addServiceListener
objects are called with a ServiceEvent
object when a service is registered, modified, or is in the process of
object delivery to AllServiceListener
objects is
filtered by the filter specified when the listener was registered. If the
Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, then additional filtering is
done. ServiceEvent
objects are only delivered to the listener if the
bundle which defines the listener object's class has the appropriate
to get the service using at least one of the named
classes under which the service was registered.
Unlike normal ServiceListener
objects, AllServiceListener
objects receive all ServiceEvent
objects regardless of whether the
package source of the listening bundle is equal to the package source of the
bundle that registered the service. This means that the listener may not be
able to cast the service object to any of its corresponding service
interfaces if the service object is retrieved.
ServiceEvent, ServicePermission
¶10.1.5 public interface Bundle
extends Comparable<Bundle>
An installed bundle in the Framework.
A Bundle
object is the access point to define the lifecycle of an
installed bundle. Each bundle installed in the OSGi environment must have an
associated Bundle
A bundle must have a unique identity, a long
, chosen by the
Framework. This identity must not change during the lifecycle of a bundle,
even when the bundle is updated. Uninstalling and then reinstalling the
bundle must create a new unique identity.
A bundle can be in one of six states:
Values assigned to these states have no specified ordering; they represent bit values that may be ORed together to determine if a bundle is in one of the valid states.
A bundle should only have active threads of execution when its state is one
. An
bundle can not be set to another state; it is a zombie
and can only be reached because references are kept somewhere.
The Framework is the only entity that is allowed to create Bundle
objects, and these objects are only valid within the Framework that created
Bundles have a natural ordering such that if two Bundle
s have the
same bundle id they are equal. A Bundle
less than another Bundle
if it has a lower bundle id and is greater if it has a higher bundle id.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public static final int ACTIVE = 32
The bundle is now running.
A bundle is in the ACTIVE
state when it has been successfully
started and activated.
The value of ACTIVE
is 0x00000020.
¶ public static final int INSTALLED = 2
The bundle is installed but not yet resolved.
A bundle is in the INSTALLED
state when it has been installed in
the Framework but is not or cannot be resolved.
This state is visible if the bundle's code dependencies are not resolved.
The Framework may attempt to resolve an INSTALLED
bundle's code
dependencies and move the bundle to the RESOLVED
The value of INSTALLED
is 0x00000002.
¶ public static final int RESOLVED = 4
The bundle is resolved and is able to be started.
A bundle is in the RESOLVED
state when the Framework has
successfully resolved the bundle's code dependencies. These dependencies
The bundle's class path from its Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH Manifest header.
The bundle's package dependencies from its Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE and Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE Manifest headers.
The bundle's required bundle dependencies from its Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE Manifest header.
A fragment bundle's host dependency from its Constants.FRAGMENT_HOST Manifest header.
Note that the bundle is not active yet. A bundle must be put in the
state before it can be started. The Framework may
attempt to resolve a bundle at any time.
The value of RESOLVED
is 0x00000004.
¶ public static final int SIGNERS_ALL = 1
Request that all certificates used to sign the bundle be returned.
¶ public static final int SIGNERS_TRUSTED = 2
Request that only certificates used to sign the bundle that are trusted by the framework be returned.
¶ public static final int START_ACTIVATION_POLICY = 2
The bundle start operation must activate the bundle according to the bundle's declared activation policy.
This bit may be set when calling start(int) to notify the framework that the bundle must be activated using the bundle's declared activation policy.
¶ public static final int START_TRANSIENT = 1
The bundle start operation is transient and the persistent autostart setting of the bundle is not modified.
This bit may be set when calling start(int) to notify the framework that the autostart setting of the bundle must not be modified. If this bit is not set, then the autostart setting of the bundle is modified.
¶ public static final int STARTING = 8
The bundle is in the process of starting.
A bundle is in the STARTING
state when its start method is active. A bundle must be in this state when the bundle's
BundleActivator.start(BundleContext) is called. If the
method completes without exception, then
the bundle has successfully started and must move to the ACTIVE
If the bundle has a lazy activation policy, then the bundle may remain in this state for some time until the activation is triggered.
The value of STARTING
is 0x00000008.
¶ public static final int STOP_TRANSIENT = 1
The bundle stop is transient and the persistent autostart setting of the bundle is not modified.
This bit may be set when calling stop(int) to notify the framework that the autostart setting of the bundle must not be modified. If this bit is not set, then the autostart setting of the bundle is modified.
¶ public static final int STOPPING = 16
The bundle is in the process of stopping.
A bundle is in the STOPPING
state when its stop method is active. A bundle must be in this state when the bundle's
BundleActivator.stop(BundleContext) method is called. When the
method completes the bundle is stopped and
must move to the RESOLVED
The value of STOPPING
is 0x00000010.
¶ public static final int UNINSTALLED = 1
The bundle is uninstalled and may not be used.
state is only visible after a bundle is
uninstalled; the bundle is in an unusable state but references to the
object may still be available and used for introspection.
The value of UNINSTALLED
is 0x00000001.
¶ public A adapt(Class<A> type)
The type to which this bundle is to be adapted.
Class object for the type to which this bundle is to be adapted.
Adapt this bundle to the specified type.
Adapting this bundle to the specified type may require certain checks,
including security checks, to succeed. If a check does not succeed, then
this bundle cannot be adapted and null
is returned.
The object, of the specified type, to which this bundle has been
adapted or null
if this bundle cannot be adapted to the
specified type.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public Enumeration<URL> findEntries(String path, String filePattern, boolean recurse)
The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.
The file name pattern for selecting entries in the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last element of the entry path. If the entry is a directory then the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If null is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all files.
If true
, recurse into subdirectories. Otherwise
only return entries from the specified path.
Returns entries in this bundle and its attached fragments. This bundle's
class loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this
bundle and its attached fragments are searched for the specified entries.
If this bundle's state is INSTALLED
, this method must attempt to
resolve this bundle before attempting to find entries.
This method is intended to be used to obtain configuration, setup, localization and other information from this bundle. This method takes into account that the "contents" of this bundle can be extended with fragments. This "bundle space" is not a namespace with unique members; the same entry name can be present multiple times. This method therefore returns an enumeration of URL objects. These URLs can come from different JARs but have the same path name. This method can either return only entries in the specified path or recurse into subdirectories returning entries in the directory tree beginning at the specified path. Fragments can be attached after this bundle is resolved, possibly changing the set of URLs returned by this method. If this bundle is not resolved, only the entries in the JAR file of this bundle are returned.
// List all XML files in the OSGI-INF directory and below
Enumeration e = b.findEntries("OSGI-INF", "*.xml", true);
// Find a specific localization file
Enumeration e = b.findEntries("OSGI-INF/l10n",
"bundle_nl_DU.properties", false);
if (e.hasMoreElements())
return (URL) e.nextElement();
URLs for directory entries must have their path end with "/".
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
An enumeration of URL objects for each matching entry, or
if no matching entry could be found or if the caller
does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions. The URLs are sorted such that
entries from this bundle are returned first followed by the
entries from attached fragments in attachment order. If this
bundle is a fragment, then only matching entries in this fragment
are returned.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public BundleContext getBundleContext()
Returns this bundle's BundleContext. The returned
can be used by the caller to act on behalf of this
If this bundle is not in the STARTING, ACTIVE, or
STOPPING states or this bundle is a fragment bundle, then this
bundle has no valid BundleContext
. This method will return
if this bundle has no valid BundleContext
A BundleContext
for this bundle or null
if this
bundle has no valid BundleContext
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public long getBundleId()
Returns this bundle's unique identifier. This bundle is assigned a unique identifier by the Framework when it was installed in the OSGi environment.
A bundle's unique identifier has the following attributes:
Is unique and persistent.
Is a
. -
Its value is not reused for another bundle, even after a bundle is uninstalled.
Does not change while a bundle remains installed.
Does not change when a bundle is updated.
This method must continue to return this bundle's unique identifier while
this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
The unique identifier of this bundle.
¶ public File getDataFile(String filename)
A relative name to the file to be accessed.
Creates a File
object for a file in the persistent storage area
provided for this bundle by the Framework. This method will return
if the platform does not have file system support or this
bundle is a fragment bundle.
A File
object for the base directory of the persistent storage
area provided for this bundle by the Framework can be obtained by calling
this method with an empty string as filename
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the Framework will
ensure that this bundle has the java.io.FilePermission
actions read
for all files
(recursively) in the persistent storage area provided for this bundle.
A File
object that represents the requested file or
if the platform does not have file system support or
this bundle is a fragment bundle.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public URL getEntry(String path)
The path name of the entry.
Returns a URL to the entry at the specified path in this bundle. This bundle's class loader is not used to search for the entry. Only the contents of this bundle are searched for the entry.
The specified path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
A URL to the entry, or null
if no entry could be found or
if the caller does not have the appropriate
and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public Enumeration<String> getEntryPaths(String path)
The path name for which to return entry paths.
Returns an Enumeration of all the paths (String
objects) to
entries within this bundle whose longest sub-path matches the specified
path. This bundle's class loader is not used to search for entries. Only
the contents of this bundle are searched.
The specified path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with a "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.
Returned paths indicating subdirectory paths end with a "/". The returned paths are all relative to the root of this bundle and must not begin with "/".
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. Paths to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
An Enumeration of the entry paths (String
objects) or
if no entry could be found or if the caller does not
have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,RESOURCE]
the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public Dictionary<String, String> getHeaders()
Returns this bundle's Manifest headers and values. This method returns all the Manifest headers and values from the main section of this bundle's Manifest file; that is, all lines prior to the first blank line.
Manifest header names are case-insensitive. The methods of the returned
object must operate on header names in a
case-insensitive manner.
If a Manifest header value starts with "%", it must be
localized according to the default locale. If no localization is found
for a header value, the header value without the leading "%" is
For example, the following Manifest headers and values are included if they are present in the Manifest file:
This method must continue to return Manifest header information while
this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
An unmodifiable Dictionary
object containing this
bundle's Manifest headers and values.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public Dictionary<String, String> getHeaders(String locale)
The locale name into which the header values are to be
localized. If the specified locale is null
then the locale
returned by java.util.Locale.getDefault
is used. If the
specified locale is the empty string, this method will return the
raw (unlocalized) manifest headers including any leading
Returns this bundle's Manifest headers and values localized to the specified locale.
This method performs the same function as Bundle.getHeaders()
except the manifest header values are localized to the specified locale.
If a Manifest header value starts with "%", it must be localized according to the specified locale. If a locale is specified and cannot be found, then the header values must be returned using the default locale. Localizations are searched for in the following order:
bn + "_" + Ls + "_" + Cs + "_" + Vs
bn + "_" + Ls + "_" + Cs
bn + "_" + Ls
bn + "_" + Ld + "_" + Cd + "_" + Vd
bn + "_" + Ld + "_" + Cd
bn + "_" + Ld
Where bn
is this bundle's localization basename, Ls
and Vs
are the specified locale (language, country,
variant) and Ld
, Cd
and Vd
are the default locale
(language, country, variant).
If null
is specified as the locale string, the header values must
be localized using the default locale. If the empty string ("")
is specified as the locale string, the header values must not be
localized and the raw (unlocalized) header values, including any leading
"%", must be returned. If no localization is found for a header
value, the header value without the leading "%" is returned.
This method must continue to return Manifest header information while
this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
state, however the header
values must only be available in the raw and default locale values.
An unmodifiable Dictionary
object containing this
bundle's Manifest headers and values.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
getHeaders(), Constants.BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION
¶ public long getLastModified()
Returns the time when this bundle was last modified. A bundle is considered to be modified when it is installed, updated or uninstalled.
The time value is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
The time when this bundle was last modified.
¶ public String getLocation()
Returns this bundle's location identifier.
The location identifier is the location passed to
when a bundle is installed. The
location identifier does not change while this bundle remains installed,
even if this bundle is updated.
This method must continue to return this bundle's location identifier
while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
The string representation of this bundle's location identifier.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public ServiceReference<?>[] getRegisteredServices()
Returns this bundle's ServiceReference
list for all services it
has registered or null
if this bundle has no registered services.
If the Java runtime supports permissions, a ServiceReference
object to a service is included in the returned list only if the caller
has the ServicePermission
to get the service using at least one
of the named classes the service was registered under.
The list is valid at the time of the call to this method, however, as the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at anytime.
An array of ServiceReference
objects or null
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public URL getResource(String name)
The name of the resource. See ClassLoader.getResource
for a description of the format of a resource name.
Find the specified resource from this bundle's class loader.
This bundle's class loader is called to search for the specified
resource. If this bundle's state is INSTALLED
, this method must
attempt to resolve this bundle before attempting to get the specified
resource. If this bundle cannot be resolved, then only this bundle must
be searched for the specified resource. Imported packages cannot be
searched when this bundle has not been resolved. If this bundle is a
fragment bundle then null
is returned.
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
A URL to the named resource, or null
if the resource
could not be found or if this bundle is a fragment bundle or if
the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
getEntry(String), findEntries(String, String, boolean)
¶ public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException
The name of the resource. See
for a description of the format
of a resource name.
Find the specified resources from this bundle's class loader.
This bundle's class loader is called to search for the specified
resources. If this bundle's state is INSTALLED
, this method must
attempt to resolve this bundle before attempting to get the specified
resources. If this bundle cannot be resolved, then only this bundle must
be searched for the specified resources. Imported packages cannot be
searched when a bundle has not been resolved. If this bundle is a
fragment bundle then null
is returned.
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
An enumeration of URLs to the named resources, or null
the resource could not be found or if this bundle is a fragment
bundle or if the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
– If there is an I/O error.
¶ public ServiceReference<?>[] getServicesInUse()
Returns this bundle's ServiceReference
list for all services it
is using or returns null
if this bundle is not using any
services. A bundle is considered to be using a service if it has any
unreleased service objects.
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, a
object to a service is included in the returned
list only if the caller has the ServicePermission
to get the
service using at least one of the named classes the service was
registered under.
The list is valid at the time of the call to this method, however, as the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at anytime.
An array of ServiceReference
objects or null
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public Map<X509Certificate, List<X509Certificate>> getSignerCertificates(int signersType)
If SIGNERS_ALL is specified, then information on all signers of this bundle is returned. If SIGNERS_TRUSTED is specified, then only information on the signers of this bundle trusted by the framework is returned.
Return the certificates for the signers of this bundle and the certificate chains for those signers.
The X509Certificate
s for the signers of this bundle and
the X509Certificate
chains for those signers. The keys of
the Map
are the X509Certificate
s of the signers
of this bundle. The value for a key is a List
the X509Certificate
chain for the signer. The first item
in the List
is the signer's X509Certificate
is then followed by the rest of the X509Certificate
chain. The returned Map
will be empty if there are no
signers. The returned Map
is the property of the caller
who is free to modify it.
– If the specified signersType
¶ public int getState()
Returns this bundle's current state.
A bundle can be in only one state at any time.
An element of UNINSTALLED
¶ public String getSymbolicName()
Returns the symbolic name of this bundle as specified by its
manifest header. The bundle symbolic name
should be based on the reverse domain name naming convention like that
used for java packages.
This method must continue to return this bundle's symbolic name while
this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
The symbolic name of this bundle or null
if this bundle
does not have a symbolic name.
¶ public Version getVersion()
Returns the version of this bundle as specified by its
manifest header. If this bundle does not have a
specified version then Version.emptyVersion is returned.
This method must continue to return this bundle's version while this
bundle is in the UNINSTALLED
The version of this bundle.
¶ public boolean hasPermission(Object permission)
The permission to verify.
Determines if this bundle has the specified permissions.
If the Java Runtime Environment does not support permissions, this method
always returns true
is of type Object
to avoid referencing the
class directly. This is to allow the
Framework to be implemented in Java environments which do not support
If the Java Runtime Environment does support permissions, this bundle and
all its resources including embedded JAR files, belong to the same
; that is, they must share the same
set of permissions.
if this bundle has the specified permission or the
permissions possessed by this bundle imply the specified
permission; false
if this bundle does not have the
specified permission or permission
is not an
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
The name of the class to load.
Loads the specified class using this bundle's class loader.
If this bundle is a fragment bundle then this method must throw a
If this bundle's state is INSTALLED
, this method must attempt to
resolve this bundle before attempting to load the class.
If this bundle cannot be resolved, a Framework event of type
FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a
with details of the reason this bundle could not
be resolved. This method must then throw a ClassNotFoundException
If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED
, then an
is thrown.
The Class object for the requested class.
– If no such class can be found or if this
bundle is a fragment bundle or if the caller does not have the
appropriate AdminPermission[this,CLASS]
, and the Java
Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public void start(int options) throws BundleException
The options for starting this bundle. See START_TRANSIENT and START_ACTIVATION_POLICY. The Framework must ignore unrecognized options.
Starts this bundle.
If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED
then an
is thrown.
If the current start level is less than this bundle's start level:
If the START_TRANSIENT option is set, then a
is thrown indicating this bundle cannot be started due to the Framework's current start level. -
Otherwise, the Framework must set this bundle's persistent autostart setting to Started with declared activation if the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set or Started with eager activation if not set.
When the Framework's current start level becomes equal to or more than this bundle's start level, this bundle will be started.
Otherwise, the following steps are required to start this bundle:
If this bundle is in the process of being activated or deactivated then this method must wait for activation or deactivation to complete before continuing. If this does not occur in a reasonable time, a
is thrown to indicate this bundle was unable to be started. -
If the START_TRANSIENT option is not set then set this bundle's autostart setting to Started with declared activation if the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set or Started with eager activation if not set. When the Framework is restarted and this bundle's autostart setting is not Stopped, this bundle must be automatically started.
If this bundle's state is
then this method returns immediately. -
If this bundle's state is not
, an attempt is made to resolve this bundle. If the Framework cannot resolve this bundle, aBundleException
is thrown. -
If the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set and this bundle's declared activation policy is lazy then:
If this bundle's state is
then this method returns immediately. -
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.LAZY_ACTIVATION is fired.
This method returns immediately and the remaining steps will be followed when this bundle's activation is later triggered.
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STARTING is fired.
The BundleActivator.start(BundleContext) method of this bundle's
, if one is specified, is called. If theBundleActivator
is invalid or throws an exception then:-
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPING is fired.
Any services registered by this bundle must be unregistered.
Any services used by this bundle must be released.
Any listeners registered by this bundle must be removed.
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPED is fired.
is then thrown.
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STARTED is fired.
} if this bundle has a lazy activation policy.
Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
Bundle autostart setting is modified unless the START_TRANSIENT option was set.
} unless the lazy activation policy was used. -
has been called and did not throw an exception unless the lazy activation policy was used.
Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
Depending on when the exception occurred, bundle autostart setting is modified unless the START_TRANSIENT option was set.
not in {STARTING
– If this bundle could not be started.
BundleException types thrown by this method include:
BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void start() throws BundleException
Starts this bundle with no options.
This method performs the same function as calling start(0)
– If this bundle could not be started.
BundleException types thrown by this method include:
BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void stop(int options) throws BundleException
The options for stopping this bundle. See STOP_TRANSIENT. The Framework must ignore unrecognized options.
Stops this bundle.
The following steps are required to stop a bundle:
If this bundle's state is
then anIllegalStateException
is thrown. -
If this bundle is in the process of being activated or deactivated then this method must wait for activation or deactivation to complete before continuing. If this does not occur in a reasonable time, a
is thrown to indicate this bundle was unable to be stopped. -
If the STOP_TRANSIENT option is not set then set this bundle's persistent autostart setting to Stopped. When the Framework is restarted and this bundle's autostart setting is Stopped, this bundle must not be automatically started.
If this bundle's state is not
then this method returns immediately. -
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPING is fired.
If this bundle's state was
prior to setting the state toSTOPPING
, the BundleActivator.stop(BundleContext) method of this bundle'sBundleActivator
, if one is specified, is called. If that method throws an exception, this method must continue to stop this bundle and aBundleException
must be thrown after completion of the remaining steps. -
Any services registered by this bundle must be unregistered.
Any services used by this bundle must be released.
Any listeners registered by this bundle must be removed.
If this bundle's state is
, because this bundle was uninstalled while theBundleActivator.stop
method was running, aBundleException
must be thrown. -
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPED is fired.
Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
Bundle autostart setting is modified unless the STOP_TRANSIENT option was set.
not in {ACTIVE
}. -
has been called and did not throw an exception.
Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
Bundle autostart setting is modified unless the STOP_TRANSIENT option was set.
– BundleException types thrown by this method
include: BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void stop() throws BundleException
Stops this bundle with no options.
This method performs the same function as calling stop(0)
– BundleException types thrown by this method
include: BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void uninstall() throws BundleException
Uninstalls this bundle.
This method causes the Framework to notify other bundles that this bundle
is being uninstalled, and then puts this bundle into the
state. The Framework must remove any resources
related to this bundle that it is able to remove.
If this bundle has exported any packages, the Framework must continue to make these packages available to their importing bundles until the FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles method has been called or the Framework is relaunched.
The following steps are required to uninstall a bundle:
If this bundle's state is
then anIllegalStateException
is thrown. -
If this bundle's state is
, this bundle is stopped as described in theBundle.stop
method. IfBundle.stop
throws an exception, a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing the exception. -
This bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.UNINSTALLED is fired.
This bundle and any persistent storage area provided for this bundle by the Framework are removed.
Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
}. -
This bundle has been uninstalled.
Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
}. -
This Bundle has not been uninstalled.
– If the uninstall failed. This can occur if
another thread is attempting to change this bundle's state and
does not complete in a timely manner. BundleException types
thrown by this method include:
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void update(InputStream input) throws BundleException
The InputStream
from which to read the new bundle or
to indicate the Framework must create the input
stream from this bundle's Bundle-UpdateLocation Manifest header, if present, or this
bundle's original location. The input stream must always be closed
when this method completes, even if an exception is thrown.
Updates this bundle from an InputStream
If the specified InputStream
is null
, the Framework must
create the InputStream
from which to read the updated bundle by
interpreting, in an implementation dependent manner, this bundle's
Bundle-UpdateLocation Manifest
header, if present, or this bundle's original location.
If this bundle's state is ACTIVE
, it must be stopped before the
update and started after the update successfully completes.
If this bundle has exported any packages that are imported by another bundle, these packages must remain exported until the FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles method has been has been called or the Framework is relaunched.
The following steps are required to update a bundle:
If this bundle's state is
then anIllegalStateException
is thrown. -
If this bundle's state is
, this bundle is stopped as described in theBundle.stop
method. IfBundle.stop
throws an exception, the exception is rethrown terminating the update. -
The updated version of this bundle is read from the input stream and installed. If the Framework is unable to install the updated version of this bundle, the original version of this bundle must be restored and a
must be thrown after completion of the remaining steps. -
This bundle's state is set to
. -
If the updated version of this bundle was successfully installed, a bundle event of type BundleEvent.UPDATED is fired.
If this bundle's state was originally
, the updated bundle is started as described in theBundle.start
method. IfBundle.start
throws an exception, a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing the exception.
Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
}. -
This bundle has been updated.
Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
}. -
Original bundle is still used; no update occurred.
– If this bundle could not be updated.
BundleException types thrown by this method include:
BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
for both the current
bundle and the updated bundle, and the Java Runtime Environment
supports permissions.
¶ public void update() throws BundleException
Updates this bundle.
This method performs the same function as calling
update(InputStream) with a null
– If this bundle could not be updated.
BundleException types thrown by this method include:
BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and
– If this bundle has been uninstalled or this
bundle tries to change its own state.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
for both the current
bundle and the updated bundle, and the Java Runtime Environment
supports permissions.
¶10.1.6 public interface BundleActivator
Customizes the starting and stopping of a bundle.
is an interface that may be implemented when a bundle
is started or stopped. The Framework can create instances of a bundle's
as required. If an instance's
method executes successfully, it is guaranteed
that the same instance's BundleActivator.stop
method will be called
when the bundle is to be stopped. The Framework must not concurrently call a
is specified through the Bundle-Activator
Manifest header. A bundle can only specify a single BundleActivator
in the Manifest file. Fragment bundles must not have a
. The form of the Manifest header is:
where class-name is a fully qualified Java classname.
The specified BundleActivator
class must have a public constructor
that takes no parameters so that a BundleActivator
object can be
created by Class.newInstance()
Not Thread-safe
¶ public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception
The execution context of the bundle being started.
Called when this bundle is started so the Framework can perform the bundle-specific activities necessary to start this bundle. This method can be used to register services or to allocate any resources that this bundle needs.
This method must complete and return to its caller in a timely manner.
– If this method throws an exception, this bundle is
marked as stopped and the Framework will remove this bundle's
listeners, unregister all services registered by this bundle, and
release all services used by this bundle.
¶ public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception
The execution context of the bundle being stopped.
Called when this bundle is stopped so the Framework can perform the
bundle-specific activities necessary to stop the bundle. In general, this
method should undo the work that the BundleActivator.start
started. There should be no active threads that were started by this
bundle when this bundle returns. A stopped bundle must not call any
Framework objects.
This method must complete and return to its caller in a timely manner.
– If this method throws an exception, the bundle is still
marked as stopped, and the Framework will remove the bundle's
listeners, unregister all services registered by the bundle, and
release all services used by the bundle.
¶10.1.7 public interface BundleContext
extends BundleReference
A bundle's execution context within the Framework. The context is used to grant access to other methods so that this bundle can interact with the Framework.
methods allow a bundle to:
Subscribe to events published by the Framework.
Register service objects with the Framework service registry.
from the Framework service registry. -
Get and release service objects for a referenced service.
Install new bundles in the Framework.
Get the list of bundles installed in the Framework.
Get the Bundle object for a bundle.
objects for files in a persistent storage area provided for the bundle by the Framework.
A BundleContext
object will be created for a bundle when the bundle
is started. The Bundle
object associated with a BundleContext
object is called the context bundle.
The BundleContext
object will be passed to the
BundleActivator.start(BundleContext) method during activation of the
context bundle. The same BundleContext
object will be passed to the
BundleActivator.stop(BundleContext) method when the context bundle is
stopped. A BundleContext
object is generally for the private use of
its associated bundle and is not meant to be shared with other bundles in the
OSGi environment.
The BundleContext
object is only valid during the execution of its
context bundle; that is, during the period from when the context bundle is in
, and ACTIVE
bundle states.
However, the BundleContext
object becomes invalid after
BundleActivator.stop(BundleContext) returns (if the bundle has a
Bundle Activator). The BundleContext
object becomes invalid before
disposing of any remaining registered services and releasing any remaining
services in use. Since those activities can result in other bundles being
called (for example, ServiceListeners for
ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING events and ServiceFactorys for
unget operations), those other bundles can observe the stopping bundle in the
state but with an invalid BundleContext
object. If
the BundleContext
object is used after it has become invalid, an
must be thrown. The BundleContext
object must never be reused after its context bundle is stopped.
Two BundleContext
objects are equal if they both refer to the same
execution context of a bundle. The Framework is the only entity that can
create BundleContext
objects and they are only valid within the
Framework that created them.
A Bundle can be adapted to its
. In order for this to succeed, the caller must have the
appropriate AdminPermission[bundle,CONTEXT]
if the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public void addBundleListener(BundleListener listener)
The BundleListener
to be added.
Adds the specified BundleListener
object to the context bundle's
list of listeners if not already present. BundleListener objects are
notified when a bundle has a lifecycle state change.
If the context bundle's list of listeners already contains a listener
such that (l==listener)
, this method does nothing.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
– If listener is a
and the caller does not have
the appropriate AdminPermission[context bundle,LISTENER]
and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void addFrameworkListener(FrameworkListener listener)
The FrameworkListener
object to be added.
Adds the specified FrameworkListener
object to the context
bundle's list of listeners if not already present. FrameworkListeners are
notified of general Framework events.
If the context bundle's list of listeners already contains a listener
such that (l==listener)
, this method does nothing.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public void addServiceListener(ServiceListener listener, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
The ServiceListener
object to be added.
The filter criteria.
Adds the specified ServiceListener
object with the specified
to the context bundle's list of listeners. See
Filter for a description of the filter syntax.
objects are notified when a service has a
lifecycle state change.
If the context bundle's list of listeners already contains a listener
such that (l==listener)
, then this method replaces that
listener's filter (which may be null
) with the specified one
(which may be null
The listener is called if the filter criteria is met. To filter based
upon the class of the service, the filter should reference the
Constants.OBJECTCLASS property. If filter
is null
, all services are considered to match the filter.
When using a filter
, it is possible that the ServiceEvent
s for the complete lifecycle of a service will not be delivered to the
listener. For example, if the filter
only matches when the
property x
has the value 1
, the listener will not be
called if the service is registered with the property x
not set
to the value 1
. Subsequently, when the service is modified
setting property x
to the value 1
, the filter will match
and the listener will be called with a ServiceEvent
of type
. Thus, the listener will not be called with a
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the
object will be notified of a service event only
if the bundle that is registering it has the ServicePermission
get the service using at least one of the named classes the service was
registered under.
– If filter
contains an invalid
filter string that cannot be parsed.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public void addServiceListener(ServiceListener listener)
The ServiceListener
object to be added.
Adds the specified ServiceListener
object to the context bundle's
list of listeners.
This method is the same as calling
BundleContext.addServiceListener(ServiceListener listener,
String filter)
with filter
set to null
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Filter createFilter(String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
The filter string.
Creates a Filter
object. This Filter
object may be used
to match a ServiceReference
object or a Dictionary
If the filter cannot be parsed, an InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable message where the filter became unparsable.
A Filter
object encapsulating the filter string.
– If filter
contains an invalid
filter string that cannot be parsed.
– If filter
is null.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
Framework specification for a description of the filter string syntax.
, FrameworkUtil.createFilter(String)
¶ public ServiceReference<?>[] getAllServiceReferences(String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
The class name with which the service was registered or
for all services.
The filter expression or null
for all services.
Returns an array of ServiceReference
objects. The returned array
of ServiceReference
objects contains services that were
registered under the specified class and match the specified filter
The list is valid at the time of the call to this method. However since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.
The specified filter
expression is used to select the registered
services whose service properties contain keys and values which satisfy
the filter expression. See Filter for a description of the filter
syntax. If the specified filter
is null
, all registered
services are considered to match the filter. If the specified
expression cannot be parsed, an
InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable
message where the filter became unparsable.
The result is an array of ServiceReference
objects for all
services that meet all of the following conditions:
If the specified class name,
, is notnull
, the service must have been registered with the specified class name. The complete list of class names with which a service was registered is available from the service's objectClass property. -
If the specified
is notnull
, the filter expression must match the service. -
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller must have
with theGET
action for at least one of the class names under which the service was registered.
An array of ServiceReference
objects or null
no services are registered which satisfy the search.
– If the specified filter
an invalid filter expression that cannot be parsed.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Bundle getBundle()
Returns the Bundle
object associated with this
. This bundle is called the context bundle.
The Bundle
object associated with this
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Bundle getBundle(long id)
The identifier of the bundle to retrieve.
Returns the bundle with the specified identifier.
A Bundle
object or null
if the identifier does
not match any installed bundle.
¶ public Bundle getBundle(String location)
The location of the bundle to retrieve.
Returns the bundle with the specified location.
A Bundle
object or null
if the location does not
match any installed bundle.
¶ public Bundle[] getBundles()
Returns a list of all installed bundles.
This method returns a list of all bundles installed in the OSGi environment at the time of the call to this method. However, since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, bundles can be installed or uninstalled at anytime.
An array of Bundle
objects, one object per installed
¶ public File getDataFile(String filename)
A relative name to the file to be accessed.
Creates a File
object for a file in the persistent storage area
provided for the bundle by the Framework. This method will return
if the platform does not have file system support.
A File
object for the base directory of the persistent storage
area provided for the context bundle by the Framework can be obtained by
calling this method with an empty string as filename
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the Framework will
ensure that the bundle has the java.io.FilePermission
actions read
for all files
(recursively) in the persistent storage area provided for the context
A File
object that represents the requested file or
if the platform does not have file system support.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public String getProperty(String key)
The name of the requested property.
Returns the value of the specified property. If the key is not found in
the Framework properties, the system properties are then searched. The
method returns null
if the property is not found.
All bundles must have permission to read properties whose names start with "org.osgi.".
The value of the requested property, or null
if the
property is undefined.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
to read the property, and the Java
Runtime Environment supports permissions.
¶ public S getService(ServiceReference<S> reference)
Type of Service.
A reference to the service.
Returns the service object for the service referenced by the specified
A bundle's use of a service object obtained from this method is tracked by the bundle's use count of that service. Each time the service object is returned by getService(ServiceReference) the context bundle's use count for the service is incremented by one. Each time the service object is released by ungetService(ServiceReference) the context bundle's use count for the service is decremented by one.
When a bundle's use count for the service drops to zero, the bundle should no longer use the service object.
This method will always return null
when the service associated
with the specified reference
has been unregistered.
The following steps are required to get the service object:
If the service has been unregistered,
is returned. -
If the context bundle's use count for the service is currently zero and the service has bundle or prototype scope, the ServiceFactory.getService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration) method is called to supply the service object for the context bundle. If the service object returned by the
object isnull
, not aninstanceof
all the classes named when the service was registered or theServiceFactory
object throws an exception or will be recursively called for the context bundle,null
is returned and a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR containing a ServiceException describing the error is fired. The supplied service object is cached by the Framework. While the context bundle's use count for the service is greater than zero, subsequent calls to get the service object for the context bundle will return the cached service object. -
The context bundle's use count for the service is incremented by one.
The service object for the service is returned.
A service object for the service associated with
or null
if the service is not
registered, the service object returned by a
does not implement the classes under which
it was registered or the ServiceFactory
threw an
– If the caller does not have the
to get the service using at least one
of the named classes the service was registered under and the
Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
– If the specified
was not created by the same framework
instance as this BundleContext
¶ public ServiceObjects<S> getServiceObjects(ServiceReference<S> reference)
Type of Service.
A reference to the service.
Returns the ServiceObjects object for the service referenced by
the specified ServiceReference
The ServiceObjects object can be used to obtain multiple service objects for services with prototype scope.
For services with singleton or bundle scope, the ServiceObjects.getService() method behaves the same as the getService(ServiceReference) method and the ServiceObjects.ungetService(Object) method behaves the same as the ungetService(ServiceReference) method. That is, only one, use-counted service object is available from the ServiceObjects object.
This method will always return null
when the service associated
with the specified reference
has been unregistered.
A ServiceObjects object for the service associated with
the specified reference
or null
if the service is
not registered.
– If the caller does not have the
to get the service using at least one
of the named classes the service was registered under and the
Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
– If the specified
was not created by the same framework
instance as this BundleContext
¶ public ServiceReference<?> getServiceReference(String clazz)
The class name with which the service was registered.
Returns a ServiceReference
object for a service that implements
and was registered under the specified class.
The returned ServiceReference
object is valid at the time of the
call to this method. However as the Framework is a very dynamic
environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.
This method is the same as calling
getServiceReferences(String, String) with a null
expression and then finding the reference with the highest priority. It
is provided as a convenience for when the caller is interested in any
service that implements the specified class.
If multiple such services exist, the service with the highest priority is selected. This priority is defined as the service reference with the highest ranking (as specified in its Constants.SERVICE_RANKING property) is returned.
If there is a tie in ranking, the service with the lowest service id (as specified in its Constants.SERVICE_ID property); that is, the service that was registered first is returned.
A ServiceReference
object, or null
if no services
are registered which implement the named class.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public ServiceReference<S> getServiceReference(Class<S> clazz)
Type of Service.
The class under whose name the service was registered. Must
not be null
Returns a ServiceReference
object for a service that implements
and was registered under the name of the specified class.
The returned ServiceReference
object is valid at the time of the
call to this method. However as the Framework is a very dynamic
environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.
This method is the same as calling
getServiceReferences(Class, String) with a null
expression. It is provided as a convenience for when the caller is
interested in any service that implements the specified class.
If multiple such services exist, the service with the highest ranking (as specified in its Constants.SERVICE_RANKING property) is returned.
If there is a tie in ranking, the service with the lowest service id (as specified in its Constants.SERVICE_ID property); that is, the service that was registered first is returned.
A ServiceReference
object, or null
if no services
are registered which implement the specified class.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
getServiceReferences(Class, String)
¶ public ServiceReference<?>[] getServiceReferences(String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
The class name with which the service was registered or
for all services.
The filter expression or null
for all services.
Returns an array of ServiceReference
objects. The returned array
of ServiceReference
objects contains services that were
registered under the specified class, match the specified filter
expression, and the packages for the class names under which the services
were registered match the context bundle's packages as defined in
ServiceReference.isAssignableTo(Bundle, String).
The list is valid at the time of the call to this method. However since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.
The specified filter
expression is used to select the registered
services whose service properties contain keys and values which satisfy
the filter expression. See Filter for a description of the filter
syntax. If the specified filter
is null
, all registered
services are considered to match the filter. If the specified
expression cannot be parsed, an
InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable
message where the filter became unparsable.
The result is an array of ServiceReference
objects for all
services that meet all of the following conditions:
If the specified class name,
, is notnull
, the service must have been registered with the specified class name. The complete list of class names with which a service was registered is available from the service's objectClass property. -
If the specified
is notnull
, the filter expression must match the service. -
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller must have
with theGET
action for at least one of the class names under which the service was registered. -
For each class name with which the service was registered, calling ServiceReference.isAssignableTo(Bundle, String) with the context bundle and the class name on the service's
object must returntrue
An array of ServiceReference
objects or null
no services are registered which satisfy the search.
– If the specified filter
an invalid filter expression that cannot be parsed.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Collection<ServiceReference<S>> getServiceReferences(Class<S> clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
Type of Service
The class under whose name the service was registered. Must
not be null
The filter expression or null
for all services.
Returns a collection of ServiceReference
objects. The returned
collection of ServiceReference
objects contains services that
were registered under the name of the specified class, match the
specified filter expression, and the packages for the class names under
which the services were registered match the context bundle's packages as
defined in ServiceReference.isAssignableTo(Bundle, String).
The collection is valid at the time of the call to this method. However since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.
The specified filter
expression is used to select the registered
services whose service properties contain keys and values which satisfy
the filter expression. See Filter for a description of the filter
syntax. If the specified filter
is null
, all registered
services are considered to match the filter. If the specified
expression cannot be parsed, an
InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable
message where the filter became unparsable.
The result is a collection of ServiceReference
objects for all
services that meet all of the following conditions:
The service must have been registered with the name of the specified class. The complete list of class names with which a service was registered is available from the service's objectClass property.
If the specified
is notnull
, the filter expression must match the service. -
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller must have
with theGET
action for at least one of the class names under which the service was registered. -
For each class name with which the service was registered, calling ServiceReference.isAssignableTo(Bundle, String) with the context bundle and the class name on the service's
object must returntrue
A collection of ServiceReference
objects. May be empty if
no services are registered which satisfy the search.
– If the specified filter
an invalid filter expression that cannot be parsed.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Bundle installBundle(String location, InputStream input) throws BundleException
The location identifier of the bundle to install.
The InputStream
object from which this bundle will
be read or null
to indicate the Framework must create the
input stream from the specified location identifier. The input
stream must always be closed when this method completes, even if
an exception is thrown.
Installs a bundle from the specified InputStream
If the specified InputStream
is null
, the Framework must
create the InputStream
from which to read the bundle by
interpreting, in an implementation dependent manner, the specified
The specified location
identifier will be used as the identity of
the bundle. Every installed bundle is uniquely identified by its location
identifier which is typically in the form of a URL.
The following steps are required to install a bundle:
If a bundle containing the same location identifier is already installed, the
object for that bundle is returned. -
The bundle's content is read from the input stream. If this fails, a BundleException is thrown.
The bundle's associated resources are allocated. The associated resources minimally consist of a unique identifier and a persistent storage area if the platform has file system support. If this step fails, a
is thrown. -
The bundle's state is set to
. -
A bundle event of type BundleEvent.INSTALLED is fired.
object for the newly or previously installed bundle is returned.
Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
}. -
Bundle has a unique ID.
Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
Bundle is not installed. If there was an existing bundle for the specified location, then that bundle must still be in the state it was prior to calling this method.
The Bundle
object of the installed bundle.
– If the installation failed. BundleException types
thrown by this method include: BundleException.READ_ERROR
BundleException.MANIFEST_ERROR, and
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
AdminPermission[installed bundle,LIFECYCLE]
, and the Java
Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public Bundle installBundle(String location) throws BundleException
The location identifier of the bundle to install.
Installs a bundle from the specified location
This method performs the same function as calling
installBundle(String,InputStream) with the specified
identifier and a null
The Bundle
object of the installed bundle.
– If the installation failed. BundleException types
thrown by this method include: BundleException.READ_ERROR
BundleException.MANIFEST_ERROR, and
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
AdminPermission[installed bundle,LIFECYCLE]
, and the Java
Runtime Environment supports permissions.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public ServiceRegistration<?> registerService(String[] clazzes, Object service, Dictionary<String, ?> properties)
The class names under which the service can be located. The class names in this array will be stored in the service's properties under the key Constants.OBJECTCLASS.
The service object or an object implementing
The properties for this service. The keys in the
properties object must all be String
objects. See
Constants for a list of standard service property keys.
Changes should not be made to this object after calling this
method. To update the service's properties the
ServiceRegistration.setProperties(Dictionary) method must
be called. The set of properties may be null
if the
service has no properties.
Registers the specified service object with the specified properties
under the specified class names into the Framework. A
object is returned. The
object is for the private use of the bundle
registering the service and should not be shared with other bundles. The
registering bundle is defined to be the context bundle. Other bundles can
locate the service by using one of the
getServiceReferences(Class, String),
getServiceReferences(String, String),
getServiceReference(Class) or
getServiceReference(String) methods.
A bundle can register a service object that implements the ServiceFactory interface to have more flexibility in providing service objects to other bundles.
The following steps are required to register a service:
does not implementServiceFactory
, anIllegalArgumentException
is thrown ifservice
is not aninstanceof
all the specified class names. -
The Framework adds the following service properties to the service properties from the specified
(which may benull
A property named Constants.SERVICE_ID identifying the registration number of the service
A property named Constants.OBJECTCLASS containing all the specified classes.
A property named Constants.SERVICE_SCOPE identifying the scope of the service.
A property named Constants.SERVICE_BUNDLEID identifying the context bundle.
Properties with these names in the specified
will be ignored. -
The service is added to the Framework service registry and may now be used by other bundles.
A service event of type ServiceEvent.REGISTERED is fired.
object for this registration is returned.
A ServiceRegistration
object for use by the bundle
registering the service to update the service's properties or to
unregister the service.
– If one of the following is true:
. -
does not implementServiceFactory
and is not an instance of all the specified classes. -
contains case variants of the same key name.
– If the caller does not have the
to register the service for all the
named classes and the Java Runtime Environment supports
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
ServiceRegistration, PrototypeServiceFactory, ServiceFactory
¶ public ServiceRegistration<?> registerService(String clazz, Object service, Dictionary<String, ?> properties)
The class name under which the service can be located.
The service object or an object implementing
The properties for this service.
Registers the specified service object with the specified properties under the specified class name with the Framework.
This method is otherwise identical to
registerService(String[], Object, Dictionary) and is provided as
a convenience when service
will only be registered under a single
class name. Note that even in this case the value of the service's
Constants.OBJECTCLASS property will be an array of string, rather
than just a single string.
A ServiceRegistration
object for use by the bundle
registering the service to update the service's properties or to
unregister the service.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public ServiceRegistration<S> registerService(Class<S> clazz, S service, Dictionary<String, ?> properties)
Type of Service.
The class under whose name the service can be located.
The service object or an object implementing
The properties for this service.
Registers the specified service object with the specified properties under the name of the specified class with the Framework.
This method is otherwise identical to
registerService(String, Object, Dictionary) and is provided to
return a type safe ServiceRegistration
A ServiceRegistration
object for use by the bundle
registering the service to update the service's properties or to
unregister the service.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
registerService(String, Object, Dictionary)
¶ public ServiceRegistration<S> registerService(Class<S> clazz, ServiceFactory<S> factory, Dictionary<String, ?> properties)
Type of Service.
The class under whose name the service can be located.
The ServiceFactory
The properties for this service.
Registers the specified service factory object with the specified properties under the name of the specified class with the Framework.
This method is otherwise identical to
registerService(Class, Object, Dictionary) and is provided to
return a type safe ServiceRegistration
when registering a
A ServiceRegistration
object for use by the bundle
registering the service to update the service's properties or to
unregister the service.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
registerService(Class, Object, Dictionary)
¶ public void removeBundleListener(BundleListener listener)
The BundleListener
object to be removed.
Removes the specified BundleListener
object from the context
bundle's list of listeners.
If listener
is not contained in the context bundle's list of
listeners, this method does nothing.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
– If listener is a
and the caller does not have
the appropriate AdminPermission[context bundle,LISTENER]
and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void removeFrameworkListener(FrameworkListener listener)
The FrameworkListener
object to be removed.
Removes the specified FrameworkListener
object from the context
bundle's list of listeners.
If listener
is not contained in the context bundle's list of
listeners, this method does nothing.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public void removeServiceListener(ServiceListener listener)
The ServiceListener
to be removed.
Removes the specified ServiceListener
object from the context
bundle's list of listeners.
If listener
is not contained in this context bundle's list of
listeners, this method does nothing.
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
¶ public boolean ungetService(ServiceReference<?> reference)
A reference to the service to be released.
Releases the service object for the service referenced by the specified
object. If the context bundle's use count for
the service is zero, this method returns false
. Otherwise, the
context bundle's use count for the service is decremented by one.
The service object must no longer be used and all references to it should be destroyed when a bundle's use count for the service drops to zero.
The following steps are required to release the service object:
If the context bundle's use count for the service is zero or the service has been unregistered,
is returned. -
The context bundle's use count for the service is decremented by one.
If the context bundle's use count for the service is now zero and the service has bundle or prototype scope, the ServiceFactory.ungetService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration, Object) method is called to release the service object for the context bundle.
is returned.
if the context bundle's use count for the service
is zero or if the service has been unregistered; true
– If this BundleContext is no longer valid.
– If the specified
was not created by the same framework
instance as this BundleContext
¶10.1.8 public class BundleEvent
extends EventObject
An event from the Framework describing a bundle lifecycle change.
objects are delivered to
s and BundleListener
s when a change
occurs in a bundle's lifecycle. A type code is used to identify the event
type for future extendability.
OSGi Alliance reserves the right to extend the set of types.
BundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener
¶ public static final int INSTALLED = 1
The bundle has been installed.
¶ public static final int LAZY_ACTIVATION = 512
The bundle will be lazily activated.
The bundle has a lazy activation policy
and is waiting to be activated. It is now in the STARTING state and has a valid BundleContext
. This event is only
delivered to SynchronousBundleListeners. It is not delivered to
¶ public static final int STARTED = 2
The bundle has been started.
The bundle's BundleActivator start method has been executed if the bundle has a bundle activator class.
¶ public static final int STARTING = 128
The bundle is about to be activated.
The bundle's BundleActivator
start method is about to be called if the bundle has a bundle activator
class. This event is only delivered to SynchronousBundleListener
s. It is not delivered to BundleListener
¶ public static final int STOPPED = 4
The bundle has been stopped.
The bundle's BundleActivator stop method has been executed if the bundle has a bundle activator class.
¶ public static final int STOPPING = 256
The bundle is about to deactivated.
The bundle's BundleActivator
stop method is about to be called if the bundle has a bundle activator
class. This event is only delivered to SynchronousBundleListener
s. It is not delivered to BundleListener
¶ public static final int UNINSTALLED = 16
The bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public BundleEvent(int type, Bundle bundle, Bundle origin)
The event type.
The bundle which had a lifecycle change.
The bundle which is the origin of the event. For the event type INSTALLED, this is the bundle whose context was used to install the bundle. Otherwise it is the bundle itself.
Creates a bundle event of the specified type.
¶ public BundleEvent(int type, Bundle bundle)
The event type.
The bundle which had a lifecycle change. This bundle is used as the origin of the event.
Creates a bundle event of the specified type.
¶ public Bundle getBundle()
Returns the bundle which had a lifecycle change. This bundle is the source of the event.
The bundle that had a change occur in its lifecycle.
¶ public Bundle getOrigin()
Returns the bundle that was the origin of the event.
For the event type INSTALLED, this is the bundle whose context was used to install the bundle. Otherwise it is the bundle itself.
The bundle that was the origin of the event.
¶ public int getType()
Returns the type of lifecyle event. The type values are:
The type of lifecycle event.
¶10.1.9 public class BundleException
extends Exception
A Framework exception used to indicate that a bundle lifecycle problem occurred.
A BundleException
object is created by the Framework to denote an
exception condition in the lifecycle of a bundle. BundleException
should not be created by bundle developers. A type code is used to identify
the exception type for future extendability.
OSGi Alliance reserves the right to extend the set of types.
This exception conforms to the general purpose exception chaining mechanism.
¶ public static final int DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR = 9
The install or update operation failed because another already installed bundle has the same symbolic name and version. This exception type will only occur if the framework is configured to only allow a single bundle to be installed for a given symbolic name and version.
¶ public static final int NATIVECODE_ERROR = 8
The bundle could not be resolved due to an error with the Bundle-NativeCode header.
¶ public static final int READ_ERROR = 11
The framework received an error while reading the input stream for a bundle.
¶ public static final int REJECTED_BY_HOOK = 12
A framework hook rejected the operation.
¶ public static final int SECURITY_ERROR = 6
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
¶ public static final int START_TRANSIENT_ERROR = 10
The start transient operation failed because the start level of the bundle is greater than the current framework start level
¶ public static final int STATECHANGE_ERROR = 7
The operation failed to complete the requested lifecycle state change.
¶ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 1
The operation was unsupported. This type can be used anywhere a BundleException can be thrown.
¶ public BundleException(String msg, Throwable cause)
The associated message.
The cause of this exception.
Creates a BundleException
with the specified message and
exception cause.
¶ public BundleException(String msg)
The message.
Creates a BundleException
with the specified message.
¶ public BundleException(String msg, int type, Throwable cause)
The associated message.
The type for this exception.
The cause of this exception.
Creates a BundleException
with the specified message, type and
exception cause.
¶ public BundleException(String msg, int type)
The message.
The type for this exception.
Creates a BundleException
with the specified message and type.
¶ public Throwable getCause()
Returns the cause of this exception or null
if no cause was set.
The cause of this exception or null
if no cause was set.
¶ public Throwable getNestedException()
Returns the cause of this exception or null
if no cause was
specified when this exception was created.
This method predates the general purpose exception chaining mechanism.
The getCause()
method is now the preferred means of obtaining
this information.
The result of calling getCause()
¶ public int getType()
Returns the type for this exception or UNSPECIFIED
if the type
was unspecified or unknown.
The type of this exception.
¶ public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
The cause of this exception.
Initializes the cause of this exception to the specified value.
This exception.
– If the specified cause is this
– If the cause of this exception has already
been set.
¶10.1.10 public interface BundleListener
extends EventListener
A BundleEvent
listener. BundleListener
is a listener
interface that may be implemented by a bundle developer. When a
is fired, it is asynchronously delivered to a
. The Framework delivers BundleEvent
objects to
a BundleListener
in order and must not concurrently call a
A BundleListener
object is registered with the Framework using the
BundleContext.addBundleListener(BundleListener) method.
s are called with a BundleEvent
object when a
bundle has been installed, resolved, started, stopped, updated, unresolved,
or uninstalled.
Not Thread-safe
¶ public void bundleChanged(BundleEvent event)
The BundleEvent
Receives notification that a bundle has had a lifecycle change.
¶10.1.11 public final class BundlePermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to require or provide a bundle or to receive or attach fragments.
A bundle symbolic name defines a unique fully qualified name. Wildcards may be used.
name ::= <symbolic name> | <symbolic name ending in ".*"> | *
has four actions: provide
, require
, and fragment
. The provide
action implies the
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT = "fragment"
The action string fragment
¶ public static final String HOST = "host"
The action string host
¶ public static final String PROVIDE = "provide"
The action string provide
. The provide
action implies the
¶ public static final String REQUIRE = "require"
The action string require
. The require
action is implied
by the provide
¶ public BundlePermission(String symbolicName, String actions)
The bundle symbolic name.
, host
(canonical order).
Defines the authority to provide and/or require and or specify a host fragment symbolic name within the OSGi environment.
Bundle Permissions are granted over all possible versions of a bundle.
A bundle that needs to provide a bundle must have the appropriate
for the symbolic name; a bundle that requires a
bundle must have the appropriate BundlePermssion
for that
symbolic name; a bundle that specifies a fragment host must have the
appropriate BundlePermission
for that symbolic name.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to test for equality with this
Determines the equality of two BundlePermission
This method checks that specified bundle has the same bundle symbolic
name and BundlePermission
actions as this
if obj
is a BundlePermission
, and
has the same bundle symbolic name and actions as this
object; false
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the
Always returns present BundlePermission
actions in the following
order: provide
, require
, host
, fragment
Canonical string representation of the BundlePermission
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
A hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The requested permission.
Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object.
This method checks that the symbolic name of the target is implied by the
symbolic name of this object. The list of BundlePermission
actions must either match or allow for the list of the target object to
imply the target BundlePermission
The permission to provide a bundle implies the permission to require the named symbolic name.
x.y.*,"provide" -> x.y.z,"provide" is true
*,"require" -> x.y, "require" is true
*,"provide" -> x.y, "require" is true
x.y,"provide" -> x.y.z, "provide" is false
if the specified BundlePermission
action is
implied by this object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
A new PermissionCollection
¶10.1.12 public interface BundleReference
A reference to a Bundle.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public Bundle getBundle()
Returns the Bundle
object associated with this
The Bundle
object associated with this
¶10.1.13 public final class CapabilityPermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to provide or require a capability.
action allows a bundle to provide a capability matching the specified filter. -
action allows a bundle to require a capability matching the specified filter.
¶ public static final String PROVIDE = "provide"
The action string provide
¶ public static final String REQUIRE = "require"
The action string require
¶ public CapabilityPermission(String name, String actions)
The capability namespace or a filter over the attributes.
(canonical order)
Create a new CapabilityPermission.
The name is specified as a dot-separated string. Wildcards may be used.
name ::= <namespace> | <namespace ending in ".*"> | *
For the require
action, the name can also be a filter expression.
The filter gives access to the capability attributes as well as the
following attributes:
signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign the bundle providing the capability. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
location - The location of the bundle providing the capability.
id - The bundle ID of the bundle providing the capability.
name - The symbolic name of the bundle providing the capability.
capability.namespace - The namespace of the required capability.
Since the above attribute names may conflict with attribute names of a capability, you can prefix an attribute name with '@' in the filter expression to match against the capability attributes and not one of the above attributes. Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
There are two possible actions: require
and provide
. The
permission allows the owner of this permission to require
a capability matching the attributes. The provide
allows the bundle to provide a capability in the specified capability
– If the specified name is a filter
expression and either the specified action is not require
or the filter has an invalid syntax.
¶ public CapabilityPermission(String namespace, Map<String, ?> attributes, Bundle providingBundle, String actions)
The requested capability namespace.
The requested capability attributes.
The bundle providing the requested capability.
The action require
Creates a new requested CapabilityPermission
object to be used by
code that must perform checkPermission
for the require
action. CapabilityPermission
objects created with this
constructor cannot be added to a CapabilityPermission
– If the specified action is not
or attributes or providingBundle are null
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to test for equality.
Determines the equality of two CapabilityPermission objects.
Checks that specified object has the same name and action as this
true if obj is a CapabilityPermission
, and has the same
name and actions as this CapabilityPermission
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. Always
returns present actions in the following order: require
The canonical string representation of the actions.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
Hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The target permission to check.
Determines if a CapabilityPermission
object "implies" the
specified permission.
if the specified permission is implied by this
object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object for storing
A new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
¶10.1.14 public interface Configurable
Supports a configuration object.
is an interface that should be used by a bundle
developer in support of a configurable service. Bundles that need to
configure a service may test to determine if the service object is an
instanceof Configurable
As of 1.2. Please use Configuration Admin service.
¶ public Object getConfigurationObject()
Returns this service's configuration object.
Services implementing Configurable
should take care when
returning a service configuration object since this object is probably
If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, it is recommended that the caller is checked for some appropriate permission before returning the configuration object.
The configuration object for this service.
– If the caller does not have an appropriate
permission and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
As of 1.2. Please use Configuration Admin service.
¶10.1.15 public interface Constants
Defines standard names for the OSGi environment system properties, service properties, and Manifest header attribute keys.
The values associated with these keys are of type String
, unless
otherwise indicated.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public static final String ACTIVATION_LAZY = "lazy"
Bundle activation policy declaring the bundle must be activated when the first class load is made from the bundle.
A bundle with the lazy activation policy that is started with the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option will wait in the STARTING state until the first class load from the bundle occurs. The bundle will then be activated before the class is returned to the requester.
The activation policy value is specified as in the Bundle-ActivationPolicy manifest header like:
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_ACTIVATIONPOLICY = "Bundle-ActivationPolicy"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's activation policy.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR = "Bundle-Activator"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's activator class.
If present, this header specifies the name of the bundle resource class
that implements the BundleActivator
interface and whose
and stop
methods are called by the Framework when
the bundle is started and stopped, respectively.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_CATEGORY = "Bundle-Category"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's category.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_CLASSPATH = "Bundle-ClassPath"
Manifest header identifying a list of directories and embedded JAR files, which are bundle resources used to extend the bundle's classpath.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_CONTACTADDRESS = "Bundle-ContactAddress"
Manifest header identifying the contact address where problems with the bundle may be reported; for example, an email address.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT = "Bundle-Copyright"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's copyright information.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION = "Bundle-Description"
Manifest header containing a brief description of the bundle's functionality.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_DEVELOPERS = "Bundle-Developers"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's developers.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_DOCURL = "Bundle-DocURL"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's documentation URL, from which further information about the bundle may be obtained.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_ICON = "Bundle-Icon"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's icon URLs.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_LICENSE = "Bundle-License"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's license information.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION = "Bundle-Localization"
Manifest header identifying the base name of the bundle's localization entries.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION_DEFAULT_BASENAME = "OSGI-INF/l10n/bundle"
Default value for the Bundle-Localization
manifest header.
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_MANIFESTVERSION = "Bundle-ManifestVersion"
Manifest header identifying the bundle manifest version. A bundle manifest may express the version of the syntax in which it is written by specifying a bundle manifest version. Bundles exploiting OSGi Release 4, or later, syntax must specify a bundle manifest version.
The bundle manifest version defined by OSGi Release 4 or, more specifically, by version 1.3 of the OSGi Core Specification is "2".
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "Bundle-Name"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's name.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE = "Bundle-NativeCode"
Manifest header identifying a number of hardware environments and the native language code libraries that the bundle is carrying for each of these environments.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE_LANGUAGE = "language"
Manifest header attribute identifying the language in which the native bundle code is written specified in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header. See ISO 639 for possible values.
The attribute value is encoded in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header like:
Bundle-NativeCode: http.so ; language=nl_be ...
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE_OSNAME = "osname"
Manifest header attribute identifying the operating system required to run native bundle code specified in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header).
The attribute value is encoded in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header like:
Bundle-NativeCode: http.so ; osname=Linux ...
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE_OSVERSION = "osversion"
Manifest header attribute identifying the operating system version required to run native bundle code specified in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header).
The attribute value is encoded in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header like:
Bundle-NativeCode: http.so ; osversion="2.34" ...
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE_PROCESSOR = "processor"
Manifest header attribute identifying the processor required to run native bundle code specified in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header).
The attribute value is encoded in the Bundle-NativeCode manifest header like:
Bundle-NativeCode: http.so ; processor=x86 ...
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_REQUIREDEXECUTIONENVIRONMENT = "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment"
Manifest header identifying the required execution environment for the bundle. The service platform may run this bundle if any of the execution environments named in this header matches one of the execution environments it implements.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
As of 1.6. Replaced by the osgi.ee
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_SCM = "Bundle-SCM"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's software configuration management system.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "Bundle-SymbolicName"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's symbolic name.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME_ATTRIBUTE = "bundle-symbolic-name"
Manifest header attribute identifying the symbolic name of a bundle that exports a package specified in the Import-Package manifest header.
The attribute value is encoded in the Import-Package manifest header like:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework;
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_UPDATELOCATION = "Bundle-UpdateLocation"
Manifest header identifying the location from which a new bundle version is obtained during a bundle update operation.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_VENDOR = "Bundle-Vendor"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's vendor.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_VERSION = "Bundle-Version"
Manifest header identifying the bundle's version.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "bundle-version"
Manifest header attribute identifying a range of versions for a bundle
specified in the Require-Bundle
or Fragment-Host
headers. The default value is 0.0.0
The attribute value is encoded in the Require-Bundle manifest header like:
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; bundle-version="1.1"
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; bundle-version="[1.0,2.0)"
The bundle-version attribute value uses a mathematical interval notation to specify a range of bundle versions. A bundle-version attribute value specified as a single version means a version range that includes any bundle version greater than or equal to the specified version.
¶ public static final String DYNAMICIMPORT_PACKAGE = "DynamicImport-Package"
Manifest header identifying the packages that the bundle may dynamically import during execution.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String EFFECTIVE_ACTIVE = "active"
Manifest header directive value identifying a capability that is effective at active time. Capabilities with an effective time of active are ignored by the resolver.
The directive value is encoded in the Provide-Capability manifest header like:
Provide-Capability: com.acme.capability; effective:="active"
¶ public static final String EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE = "effective"
Manifest header directive identifying the effective time of the provided capability. The default value is resolve.
The directive value is encoded in the Provide-Capability manifest header like:
Provide-Capability: com.acme.capability; effective:="resolve"
¶ public static final String EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE = "resolve"
Manifest header directive value identifying a capability that is effective at resolve time. Capabilities with an effective time of resolve are the only capabilities which are processed by the resolver.
The directive value is encoded in the Provide-Capability manifest header like:
Provide-Capability: com.acme.capability; effective:="resolve"
¶ public static final String EXCLUDE_DIRECTIVE = "exclude"
Manifest header directive identifying a list of classes to exclude in the exported package..
This directive is used by the Export-Package manifest header to identify a list of classes of the specified package which must not be allowed to be exported. The directive value is encoded in the Export-Package manifest header like:
Export-Package: org.osgi.framework; exclude:="*Impl"
This directive is also used by the Bundle-ActivationPolicy manifest header to identify the packages from which class loads will not trigger lazy activation. The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-ActivationPolicy manifest header like:
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy; exclude:="org.osgi.framework"
¶ public static final String EXPORT_PACKAGE = "Export-Package"
Manifest header identifying the packages that the bundle offers to the Framework for export.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String EXPORT_SERVICE = "Export-Service"
Manifest header identifying the fully qualified class names of the services that the bundle may register (used for informational purposes only).
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
As of 1.2.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_BOOTCLASSPATH = "bootclasspath"
Manifest header directive value identifying the type of extension fragment. An extension fragment type of bootclasspath indicates that the extension fragment is to be loaded by the boot class loader.
The directive value is encoded in the Fragment-Host manifest header like:
Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:="bootclasspath"
As of 1.9.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR = "ExtensionBundle-Activator"
Manifest header identifying the extension bundle's activator class.
If present, this header specifies the name of the extension bundle
resource class that implements the BundleActivator
interface and
whose start
and stop
methods are called by the Framework
when the Framework is initialized and shutdown, respectively.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_DIRECTIVE = "extension"
Manifest header directive identifying the type of the extension fragment.
The directive value is encoded in the Fragment-Host manifest header like:
Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:="framework"
The default value is framework.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_FRAMEWORK = "framework"
Manifest header directive value identifying the type of extension fragment. An extension fragment type of framework indicates that the extension fragment is to be loaded by the framework's class loader.
The directive value is encoded in the Fragment-Host manifest header like:
Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:="framework"
¶ public static final String FILTER_DIRECTIVE = "filter"
Manifest header directive identifying the capability filter specified in the Require-Capability manifest header.
The directive value is encoded in the Require-Capability manifest header like:
Require-Capability: com.acme.capability; filter:="(someattr=somevalue)"
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_ALWAYS = "always"
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of always. A fragment attachment type of always indicates that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time (while the host is resolved or during the process of resolving the host bundle).
The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header like:
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.module.test; fragment-attachment:="always"
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_DIRECTIVE = "fragment-attachment"
Manifest header directive identifying if and when a fragment may attach to a host bundle. The default value is always.
The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header like:
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.module.test; fragment-attachment:="never"
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_NEVER = "never"
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of never. A fragment attachment type of never indicates that no fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time.
The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header like:
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.module.test; fragment-attachment:="never"
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_RESOLVETIME = "resolve-time"
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of resolve-time. A fragment attachment type of resolve-time indicates that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle only during the process of resolving the host bundle.
The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header like:
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.module.test;
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_HOST = "Fragment-Host"
Manifest header identifying the symbolic name of another bundle for which that the bundle is a fragment.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL = "org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning"
Framework launching property specifying the beginning start level of the framework.
Core Specification, Starting the Framework.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BOOTDELEGATION = "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation"
Framework launching property identifying packages for which the Framework must delegate class loading to the parent class loader of the bundle.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION = "org.osgi.framework.bsnversion"
Framework launching property specifying whether multiple bundles having the same symbolic name and version may be installed.
Default value is managed in this
release of the specification. This default may change in a future
specification release. Therefore, code must not assume the default
behavior is managed
and should interrogate the value of this
property to determine the behavior.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_MANAGED = "managed"
Specifies the framework must consult the bundle collision hook services to determine if it will be an error to install a bundle or update a bundle to have the same symbolic name and version as another installed bundle. If no bundle collision hook services are registered, then it will be an error to install a bundle or update a bundle to have the same symbolic name and version as another installed bundle.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_MULTIPLE = "multiple"
Specifies the framework will allow multiple bundles to be installed having the same symbolic name and version.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_SINGLE = "single"
Specifies the framework will only allow a single bundle to be installed for a given symbolic name and version. It will be an error to install a bundle or update a bundle to have the same symbolic name and version as another installed bundle.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT = "org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent"
Framework launching property specifying the parent class loader type for all bundle class loaders. Default value is boot.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_APP = "app"
Specifies to use the application class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders. Depending on how the framework is launched, this may refer to the same class loader as FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_FRAMEWORK.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_BOOT = "boot"
Specifies to use of the boot class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_EXT = "ext"
Specifies to use the extension class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_FRAMEWORK = "framework"
Specifies to use the framework class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders. The framework class loader is the class loader used to load the framework implementation. Depending on how the framework is launched, this may refer to the same class loader as FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_APP.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_COMMAND_ABSPATH = "abspath"
Specified the substitution string for the absolute path of a file.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_EXECPERMISSION = "org.osgi.framework.command.execpermission"
Framework launching property specifying an optional OS specific command to set file permissions on extracted native code. On some operating systems, it is required that native libraries be set to executable. This optional property allows you to specify the command. For example, on a UNIX style OS, this property could have the following value.
chmod +rx ${abspath}
The ${abspath}
is used by the framework to substitute the
actual absolute file path.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT = "org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment"
Framework launching property identifying execution environments provided by the Framework.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
As of 1.6. Replaced by the osgi.ee
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE = "org.osgi.framework.language"
Framework launching property identifying the Framework implementation language (see ISO 639 for possible values).
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_EXTENSIONS = "org.osgi.framework.library.extensions"
Framework launching property specifying a comma separated list of
additional library file extensions that must be used when a bundle's
class loader is searching for native libraries. If this property is not
set, then only the library name returned by
will be used to search. This is
needed for certain operating systems which allow more than one extension
for a library. For example, AIX allows library extensions of .a
and .so
, but System.mapLibraryName(String)
will only
return names with the .a
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_OS_NAME = "org.osgi.framework.os.name"
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's operating system.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_OS_VERSION = "org.osgi.framework.os.version"
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's operating system version number.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_PROCESSOR = "org.osgi.framework.processor"
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's processor name.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SECURITY = "org.osgi.framework.security"
Framework launching property specifying the type of security manager the framework must use. If not specified then the framework will not set the VM security manager.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_OSGI = "osgi"
Specifies that a security manager that supports all security aspects of the OSGi core specification including postponed conditions must be installed.
If this value is specified and there is a security manager already
installed, then a SecurityException
must be thrown when the
Framework is initialized.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_STORAGE = "org.osgi.framework.storage"
Framework launching property specifying the persistent storage area used by the framework. The value of this property must be a valid file path in the file system to a directory. If the specified directory does not exist then the framework will create the directory. If the specified path exists but is not a directory or if the framework fails to create the storage directory, then framework initialization must fail. The framework is free to use this directory as it sees fit. This area can not be shared with anything else.
If this property is not set, the framework should use a reasonable platform default for the persistent storage area.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN = "org.osgi.framework.storage.clean"
Framework launching property specifying if and when the persistent storage area for the framework should be cleaned. If this property is not set, then the framework storage area must not be cleaned.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN_ONFIRSTINIT = "onFirstInit"
Specifies that the framework storage area must be cleaned before the framework is initialized for the first time. Subsequent inits, starts or updates of the framework will not result in cleaning the framework storage area.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMCAPABILITIES = "org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities"
Framework launching property identifying capabilities which the system bundle must provide.
If this property is not specified then the framework must calculate a reasonable default value for the current execution environment.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMCAPABILITIES_EXTRA = "org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities.extra"
Framework launching property identifying extra capabilities which the system bundle must additionally provide.
This property is useful for configuring extra system capabilities in addition to the system capabilities calculated by the framework.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES = "org.osgi.framework.system.packages"
Framework launching property identifying packages which the system bundle must export.
If this property is not specified then the framework must calculate a reasonable default value for the current execution environment.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA = "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra"
Framework launching property identifying extra packages which the system bundle must export from the current execution environment.
This property is useful for configuring extra system packages in addition to the system packages calculated by the framework.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_TRUST_REPOSITORIES = "org.osgi.framework.trust.repositories"
Framework launching property specifying the trust repositories used by
the framework. The value is a java.io.File.pathSeparator
separated list of valid file paths to files that contain key stores. Key
stores of type JKS
must be supported and other key store types
may be supported. The framework will use the key stores as trust
repositories to authenticate certificates of trusted signers. The key
stores are only used as read-only trust repositories to access public
keys. No passwords are required to access the key stores' public keys.
Note that framework implementations are allowed to use other trust repositories in addition to the trust repositories specified by this property. How these other trust repositories are configured and populated is implementation specific.
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_UUID = "org.osgi.framework.uuid"
Framework environment property identifying the Framework's universally unique identifier (UUID). A UUID represents a 128-bit value. A new UUID is generated by the Framework.init() method each time a framework is initialized. The value of this property must conform to the UUID string representation specified in RFC 4122.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_VENDOR = "org.osgi.framework.vendor"
Framework environment property identifying the Framework implementation vendor.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_VERSION = "org.osgi.framework.version"
Framework environment property identifying the Framework version.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String FRAMEWORK_WINDOWSYSTEM = "org.osgi.framework.windowsystem"
Framework launching property specifying the current windowing system. The framework should provide a reasonable default if this is not set.
¶ public static final String IMPORT_PACKAGE = "Import-Package"
Manifest header identifying the packages on which the bundle depends.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String IMPORT_SERVICE = "Import-Service"
Manifest header identifying the fully qualified class names of the services that the bundle requires (used for informational purposes only).
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
As of 1.2.
¶ public static final String INCLUDE_DIRECTIVE = "include"
Manifest header directive identifying a list of classes to include in the exported package.
This directive is used by the Export-Package manifest header to identify a list of classes of the specified package which must be allowed to be exported. The directive value is encoded in the Export-Package manifest header like:
Export-Package: org.osgi.framework; include:="MyClass*"
This directive is also used by the Bundle-ActivationPolicy manifest header to identify the packages from which class loads will trigger lazy activation. The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-ActivationPolicy manifest header like:
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy; include:="org.osgi.framework"
¶ public static final String INTENT_ASYNC = "osgi.async"
Intent supported by Remote Service implementations that support
Asynchronous Remote Services as defined for the osgi.async
¶ public static final String INTENT_BASIC = "osgi.basic"
Intent supported by Remote Services implementations that support Basic
Remote Services as defined for the osgi.basic
¶ public static final String INTENT_CONFIDENTIAL = "osgi.confidential"
Intent supported by Remote Service implementation that provide
confidential communications as defined for the osgi.confidential
¶ public static final String INTENT_PRIVATE = "osgi.private"
Intent supported by Remote Service implementations that provide private
communications as defined for the osgi.private
¶ public static final String MANDATORY_DIRECTIVE = "mandatory"
Manifest header directive identifying names of matching attributes which must be specified by matching Import-Package statements in the Export-Package manifest header.
The directive value is encoded in the Export-Package manifest header like:
Export-Package: org.osgi.framework; mandatory:="bundle-symbolic-name"
¶ public static final String OBJECTCLASS = "objectClass"
Service property identifying all of the class names under which a service
was registered in the Framework. The value of this property must be of
type String[]
This property is set by the Framework when a service is registered.
¶ public static final String PACKAGE_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = "specification-version"
Manifest header attribute identifying the version of a package specified in the Export-Package or Import-Package manifest header.
As of 1.3. This has been replaced by VERSION_ATTRIBUTE.
¶ public static final String PROVIDE_CAPABILITY = "Provide-Capability"
Manifest header identifying the capabilities that the bundle offers to provide to other bundles.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String REMOTE_CONFIGS_SUPPORTED = "remote.configs.supported"
Service property identifying the configuration types supported by a distribution provider. Registered by the distribution provider on one of its services to indicate the supported configuration types.
The value of this property must be of type String
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String REMOTE_INTENTS_SUPPORTED = "remote.intents.supported"
Service property identifying the intents supported by a distribution provider. Registered by the distribution provider on one of its services to indicate the vocabulary of implemented intents.
The value of this property must be of type String
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String REQUIRE_BUNDLE = "Require-Bundle"
Manifest header identifying the symbolic names of other bundles required by the bundle.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String REQUIRE_CAPABILITY = "Require-Capability"
Manifest header identifying the capabilities on which the bundle depends.
The header value may be retrieved from the Dictionary
returned by the Bundle.getHeaders
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE = "resolution"
Manifest header directive identifying the resolution type in the Import-Package, Require-Bundle or Require-Capability manifest header. The default value is mandatory.
The directive value is encoded in the Import-Package, Require-Bundle or Require-Capability manifest header like:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework; resolution:="optional"
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; resolution:="optional"
Require-Capability: com.acme.capability; resolution:="optional"
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_MANDATORY = "mandatory"
Manifest header directive value identifying a mandatory resolution type. A mandatory resolution type indicates that the import package, require bundle or require capability must be resolved when the bundle is resolved. If such an import, require bundle or require capability cannot be resolved, the module fails to resolve.
The directive value is encoded in the Import-Package, Require-Bundle or Require-Capability manifest header like:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework; resolution:="mandatory"
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; resolution:="mandatory"
Require-Capability: com.acme.capability; resolution:="mandatory"
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL = "optional"
Manifest header directive value identifying an optional resolution type. An optional resolution type indicates that the import, require bundle or require capability is optional and the bundle may be resolved without the import, require bundle or require capability being resolved. If the import, require bundle or require capability is not resolved when the bundle is resolved, the import, require bundle or require capability may not be resolved until the bundle is refreshed.
The directive value is encoded in the Import-Package, Require-Bundle or Require-Capability manifest header like:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework; resolution:="optional"
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; resolution:="optional"
Require-Capability: com.acme.capability; resolution:="optional"
¶ public static final String SCOPE_BUNDLE = "bundle"
Service scope is bundle. Each bundle using the service receives a customized service object.
¶ public static final String SCOPE_PROTOTYPE = "prototype"
Service scope is prototype. Each bundle using the service receives either a customized service object or can request multiple customized service objects via ServiceObjects.
¶ public static final String SCOPE_SINGLETON = "singleton"
Service scope is singleton. All bundles using the service receive the same service object.
¶ public static final String SELECTION_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE = "selection-filter"
Manifest header attribute is used for selection by filtering based upon system properties.
The attribute value is encoded in manifest headers like:
Bundle-NativeCode: libgtk.so; selection-filter="(ws=gtk)"; ...
¶ public static final String SERVICE_BUNDLEID = "service.bundleid"
Service property identifying the bundle id of the bundle registering the service.
This property is set by the Framework when a service is registered. The
value of this property must be of type Long
¶ public static final String SERVICE_CHANGECOUNT = "service.changecount"
Service property identifying the monotonically increasing change count of a service.
A service may optional provide this property to indicate there has been a change in some data provided by the service. The change count must be incremented with a positive value every time the data provided by the service is changed. The service announces the modified change count by updating its service properties with the new value for this service property.
The value of this property must be of type Long
¶ public static final String SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = "service.description"
Service property identifying a service's description.
This property may be supplied in the properties Dictionary
passed to the BundleContext.registerService
¶ public static final String SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONFIGS = "service.exported.configs"
Service property identifying the configuration types that should be used to export the service. Each configuration type represents the configuration parameters for an endpoint. A distribution provider should create an endpoint for each configuration type that it supports.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the
method. The value of this property
must be of type String
, String[]
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTENTS = "service.exported.intents"
Service property identifying the intents that the distribution provider must implement to distribute the service. Intents listed in this property are reserved for intents that are critical for the code to function correctly, for example, ordering of messages. These intents should not be configurable.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the
method. The value of this property
must be of type String
, String[]
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTENTS_EXTRA = "service.exported.intents.extra"
Service property identifying the extra intents that the distribution
provider must implement to distribute the service. This property is
merged with the service.exported.intents
property before the
distribution provider interprets the listed intents; it has therefore the
same semantics but the property should be configurable so the
administrator can choose the intents based on the topology. Bundles
should therefore make this property configurable, for example through the
Configuration Admin service.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the
method. The value of this property
must be of type String
, String[]
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTERFACES = "service.exported.interfaces"
Service property marking the service for export. It defines the
interfaces under which this service can be exported. This list must be a
subset of the types under which the service was registered. The single
value of an asterisk ('*'
\u002A) indicates all the interface
types under which the service was registered excluding the non-interface
types. It is strongly recommended to only export interface types and not
concrete classes due to the complexity of creating proxies for some type
of concrete classes.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the
method. The value of this property
must be of type String
, String[]
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_ID = "service.id"
Service property identifying a service's registration number. The value
of this property must be of type Long
The value of this property is assigned by the Framework when a service is registered. The Framework assigns a unique, non-negative value that is larger than all previously assigned values since the Framework was started. These values are NOT persistent across restarts of the Framework.
¶ public static final String SERVICE_IMPORTED = "service.imported"
Service property identifying the service as imported. This service property must be set by a distribution provider to any value when it registers the endpoint proxy as an imported service. A bundle can use this property to filter out imported services.
The value of this property may be of any type.
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_IMPORTED_CONFIGS = "service.imported.configs"
Service property identifying the configuration types used to import the service. Any associated properties for this configuration types must be properly mapped to the importing system. For example, a URL in these properties must point to a valid resource when used in the importing framework. If multiple configuration types are listed in this property, then they must be synonyms for exactly the same remote endpoint that is used to export this service.
The value of this property must be of type String
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_INTENTS = "service.intents"
Service property identifying the intents that this service implement. This property has a dual purpose:
A bundle can use this service property to notify the distribution provider that these intents are already implemented by the exported service object.
A distribution provider must use this property to convey the combined intents of: the exporting service, the intents that the exporting distribution provider adds, and the intents that the importing distribution provider adds.
To export a service, a distribution provider must expand any qualified intents. Both the exporting and importing distribution providers must recognize all intents before a service can be distributed.
The value of this property must be of type String
, or Collection
of String
Remote Services Specification
¶ public static final String SERVICE_PID = "service.pid"
Service property identifying a service's persistent identifier.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the
method. The value of this property
must be of type String
, String[]
, or Collection
of String
A service's persistent identifier uniquely identifies the service and persists across multiple Framework invocations.
By convention, every bundle has its own unique namespace, starting with the bundle's identifier (see Bundle.getBundleId()) and followed by a dot (.). A bundle may use this as the prefix of the persistent identifiers for the services it registers.
¶ public static final String SERVICE_RANKING = "service.ranking"
Service property identifying a service's ranking number.
This property may be supplied in the properties
object passed to the BundleContext.registerService
method. The value of this property must be of type Integer
The service ranking is used by the Framework to determine the natural order of services, see ServiceReference.compareTo(Object), and the default service to be returned from a call to the BundleContext.getServiceReference(Class) or BundleContext.getServiceReference(String) method.
The default ranking is zero (0). A service with a ranking of
is very likely to be returned as the default
service, whereas a service with a ranking of Integer.MIN_VALUE
very unlikely to be returned.
If the supplied property value is not of type Integer
, it is
deemed to have a ranking value of zero.
¶ public static final String SERVICE_SCOPE = "service.scope"
Service property identifying a service's scope.
This property is set by the Framework when a service is registered. If the registered object implements PrototypeServiceFactory, then the value of this service property will be SCOPE_PROTOTYPE. Otherwise, if the registered object implements ServiceFactory, then the value of this service property will be SCOPE_BUNDLE. Otherwise, the value of this service property will be SCOPE_SINGLETON.
¶ public static final String SERVICE_VENDOR = "service.vendor"
Service property identifying a service's vendor.
This property may be supplied in the properties Dictionary
passed to the BundleContext.registerService
¶ public static final String SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE = "singleton"
Manifest header directive identifying whether a bundle is a singleton.
The default value is false
The directive value is encoded in the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header like:
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.module.test; singleton:=true
¶ public static final String SUPPORTS_BOOTCLASSPATH_EXTENSION = "org.osgi.supports.bootclasspath.extension"
Framework environment property identifying whether the Framework supports bootclasspath extension bundles.
If the value of this property is true
, then the Framework
supports bootclasspath extension bundles. The default value is
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String SUPPORTS_FRAMEWORK_EXTENSION = "org.osgi.supports.framework.extension"
Framework environment property identifying whether the Framework supports framework extension bundles.
As of version 1.4, the value of this property must be true
. The
Framework must support framework extension bundles.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String SUPPORTS_FRAMEWORK_FRAGMENT = "org.osgi.supports.framework.fragment"
Framework environment property identifying whether the Framework supports fragment bundles.
As of version 1.4, the value of this property must be true
. The
Framework must support fragment bundles.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final String SUPPORTS_FRAMEWORK_REQUIREBUNDLE = "org.osgi.supports.framework.requirebundle"
Framework environment property identifying whether the Framework supports the Require-Bundle manifest header.
As of version 1.4, the value of this property must be true
. The
Framework must support the Require-Bundle
manifest header.
The value of this property may be retrieved by calling the
¶ public static final long SYSTEM_BUNDLE_ID = 0L
Identifier of the OSGi system bundle , which is defined to be
¶ public static final String SYSTEM_BUNDLE_LOCATION = "System Bundle"
Location identifier of the OSGi system bundle , which is defined to be "System Bundle".
¶ public static final String SYSTEM_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "system.bundle"
Alias for the symbolic name of the OSGi system bundle . It is defined to be "system.bundle".
¶ public static final String USES_DIRECTIVE = "uses"
Manifest header directive identifying a list of packages that an exported package or provided capability uses.
The directive value is encoded in the Export-Package or Provide-Capability manifest header like:
Export-Package: org.osgi.util.tracker; uses:="org.osgi.framework"
Provide-Capability: com.acme.capability; uses:="com.acme.service"
¶ public static final String VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "version"
Manifest header attribute identifying the version of a package specified in the Export-Package or Import-Package manifest header.
The attribute value is encoded in the Export-Package or Import-Package manifest header like:
Export-Package: org.osgi.framework; version="1.1"
¶ public static final String VISIBILITY_DIRECTIVE = "visibility"
Manifest header directive identifying the visibility of a required bundle in the Require-Bundle manifest header. The default value is private.
The directive value is encoded in the Require-Bundle manifest header like:
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; visibility:="reexport"
¶ public static final String VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = "private"
Manifest header directive value identifying a private visibility type. A private visibility type indicates that any packages that are exported by the required bundle are not made visible on the export signature of the requiring bundle.
The directive value is encoded in the Require-Bundle manifest header like:
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; visibility:="private"
¶ public static final String VISIBILITY_REEXPORT = "reexport"
Manifest header directive value identifying a reexport visibility type. A reexport visibility type indicates any packages that are exported by the required bundle are re-exported by the requiring bundle. Any arbitrary matching attributes with which they were exported by the required bundle are deleted.
The directive value is encoded in the Require-Bundle manifest header like:
Require-Bundle: com.acme.module.test; visibility:="reexport"
¶10.1.16 public interface Filter
An RFC 1960-based Filter.
s can be created by calling
BundleContext.createFilter(String) or
FrameworkUtil.createFilter(String) with a filter string.
A Filter
can be used numerous times to determine if the match
argument matches the filter string that was used to create the Filter
Some examples of LDAP filters are:
"(cn=Babs Jensen)"
"(!(cn=Tim Howes))"
"(&(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*)))"
Core Specification, Filters, for a description of the filter string syntax.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to compare against this Filter
Compares this Filter
to another Filter
This implementation returns the result of calling
If the other object is a Filter
object, then returns the
result of calling this.toString().equals(obj.toString())
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode for this Filter
This implementation returns the result of calling
The hashCode of this Filter
¶ public boolean match(ServiceReference<?> reference)
The reference to the service whose properties are used in the match.
Filter using a service's properties.
This Filter
is executed using the keys and values of the
referenced service's properties. The keys are looked up in a case
insensitive manner.
if the service's properties match this
; false
¶ public boolean match(Dictionary<String, ?> dictionary)
The Dictionary
whose key/value pairs are used
in the match.
Filter using a Dictionary
with case insensitive key lookup. This
is executed using the specified Dictionary
's keys
and values. The keys are looked up in a case insensitive manner.
if the Dictionary
's values match this
filter; false
– If dictionary
contains case
variants of the same key name.
¶ public boolean matchCase(Dictionary<String, ?> dictionary)
The Dictionary
whose key/value pairs are used
in the match.
Filter using a Dictionary
. This Filter
is executed using
the specified Dictionary
's keys and values. The keys are looked
up in a normal manner respecting case.
if the Dictionary
's values match this
filter; false
¶ public boolean matches(Map<String, ?> map)
The Map
whose key/value pairs are used in the match.
Maps with null
key or values are not supported. A
value is considered not present to the filter.
Filter using a Map
. This Filter
is executed using the
specified Map
's keys and values. The keys are looked up in a
normal manner respecting case.
if the Map
's values match this filter;
¶ public String toString()
Returns this Filter
's filter string.
The filter string is normalized by removing whitespace which does not affect the meaning of the filter.
This Filter
's filter string.
¶10.1.17 public class FrameworkEvent
extends EventObject
A general event from the Framework.
objects are delivered to FrameworkListener
when a general event occurs within the OSGi environment. A type code is used
to identify the event type for future extendability.
OSGi Alliance reserves the right to extend the set of event types.
¶ public static final int ERROR = 2
An error has occurred.
There was an error associated with a bundle.
¶ public static final int INFO = 32
An informational event has occurred.
There was an informational event associated with a bundle.
¶ public static final int PACKAGES_REFRESHED = 4
A FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles operation has completed.
This event is fired when the Framework has completed the refresh bundles operation initiated by a call to the FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles method. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles(java.util.Collection, FrameworkListener...)
¶ public static final int STARTED = 1
The Framework has started.
This event is fired when the Framework has started after all installed bundles that are marked to be started have been started and the Framework has reached the initial start level. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
The Start Level Specification
¶ public static final int STARTLEVEL_CHANGED = 8
A FrameworkStartLevel.setStartLevel operation has completed.
This event is fired when the Framework has completed changing the active start level initiated by a call to the StartLevel.setStartLevel method. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
FrameworkStartLevel.setStartLevel(int, FrameworkListener...)
¶ public static final int STOPPED = 64
The Framework has stopped.
This event is fired when the Framework has been stopped because of a stop operation on the system bundle. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
¶ public static final int STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED = 256
The Framework has stopped and the boot class path has changed.
This event is fired when the Framework has been stopped because of a stop operation on the system bundle and a bootclasspath extension bundle has been installed or updated. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
¶ public static final int STOPPED_SYSTEM_REFRESHED = 1024
The Framework has stopped and the framework requires a new class loader to restart.
This event is fired when the Framework has been stopped because of a stop operation on the system bundle and the framework requires a new class loader to be used to restart. For example, if a framework extension bundle has been refreshed. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
¶ public static final int STOPPED_UPDATE = 128
The Framework has stopped during update.
This event is fired when the Framework has been stopped because of an update operation on the system bundle. The Framework will be restarted after this event is fired. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
¶ public static final int WAIT_TIMEDOUT = 512
The Framework did not stop before the wait timeout expired.
This event is fired when the Framework did not stop before the wait timeout expired. The source of this event is the System Bundle.
¶ public static final int WARNING = 16
A warning has occurred.
There was a warning associated with a bundle.
¶ public FrameworkEvent(int type, Object source)
The event type.
The event source object. This may not be null
Creates a Framework event.
As of 1.2. This constructor is deprecated in favor of using the other constructor with the System Bundle as the event source.
¶ public FrameworkEvent(int type, Bundle bundle, Throwable throwable)
The event type.
The event source.
The related exception. This argument may be null
if there is no related exception.
Creates a Framework event regarding the specified bundle.
¶ public Bundle getBundle()
Returns the bundle associated with the event. This bundle is also the source of the event.
The bundle associated with the event.
¶ public Throwable getThrowable()
Returns the exception related to this event.
The related exception or null
if none.
¶ public int getType()
Returns the type of framework event.
The type values are:
The type of state change.
¶10.1.18 public interface FrameworkListener
extends EventListener
A FrameworkEvent
listener. FrameworkListener
is a listener
interface that may be implemented by a bundle developer. When a
is fired, it is asynchronously delivered to a
. The Framework delivers FrameworkEvent
objects to a FrameworkListener
in order and must not concurrently
call a FrameworkListener
A FrameworkListener
object is registered with the Framework using the
BundleContext.addFrameworkListener(FrameworkListener) method.
objects are called with a FrameworkEvent
objects when the Framework starts and when asynchronous errors occur.
Not Thread-safe
¶ public void frameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent event)
The FrameworkEvent
Receives notification of a general FrameworkEvent
¶10.1.19 public class FrameworkUtil
Framework Utility class.
This class contains utility methods which access Framework functions that may be useful to bundles.
¶ public static Filter createFilter(String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException
The filter string.
Creates a Filter
object. This Filter
object may be used
to match a ServiceReference
object or a Dictionary
If the filter cannot be parsed, an InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable message where the filter became unparsable.
This method returns a Filter implementation which may not perform as well as the framework implementation-specific Filter implementation returned by BundleContext.createFilter(String).
A Filter
object encapsulating the filter string.
– If filter
contains an invalid
filter string that cannot be parsed.
– If filter
is null.
¶ public static Bundle getBundle(Class<?> classFromBundle)
A class defined by a bundle class loader.
Return a Bundle
for the specified bundle class. The returned
is the bundle associated with the bundle class loader
which defined the specified class.
A Bundle
for the specified bundle class or null
if the specified class was not defined by a bundle class loader.
¶ public static boolean matchDistinguishedNameChain(String matchPattern, List<String> dnChain)
The pattern against which to match the DN chain.
The DN chain to match against the specified pattern. Each
element of the chain must be of type String
and use the
format defined in RFC 2253.
Match a Distinguished Name (DN) chain against a pattern. DNs can be
matched using wildcards. A wildcard ('*'
\u002A) replaces all
possible values. Due to the structure of the DN, the comparison is more
complicated than string-based wildcard matching.
A wildcard can stand for zero or more DNs in a chain, a number of relative distinguished names (RDNs) within a DN, or the value of a single RDN. The DNs in the chain and the matching pattern are canonicalized before processing. This means, among other things, that spaces must be ignored, except in values.
The format of a wildcard match pattern is:
matchPattern ::= dn-match ( ';' dn-match ) *
dn-match ::= ( '*' | rdn-match ) ( ',' rdn-match ) * | '-'
rdn-match ::= name '=' value-match
value-match ::= '*' | value-star
value-star ::= < value, requires escaped '*' and '-' >
The most simple case is a single wildcard; it must match any DN. A wildcard can also replace the first list of RDNs of a DN. The first RDNs are the least significant. Such lists of matched RDNs can be empty.
For example, a match pattern with a wildcard that matches all DNs that end with RDNs of o=ACME and c=US would look like this:
*, o=ACME, c=US
This match pattern would match the following DNs:
cn = Bugs Bunny, o = ACME, c = US
ou = Carrots, cn=Daffy Duck, o=ACME, c=US
street = 9C\, Avenue St. Drézéry, o=ACME, c=US
dc=www, dc=acme, dc=com, o=ACME, c=US
o=ACME, c=US
The following DNs would not match:
street = 9C\, Avenue St. Drézéry, o=ACME, c=FR
dc=www, dc=acme, dc=com, c=US
If a wildcard is used for a value of an RDN, the value must be exactly *. The wildcard must match any value, and no substring matching must be done. For example:
This match pattern with wildcard must match the following DNs:
cn=Bugs Bunny,o=ACME,c=US
cn = Daffy Duck , o = ACME , c = US
cn=Road Runner, o=ACME, c=NL
But not:
o=ACME, c=NL
dc=acme.com, cn=Bugs Bunny, o=ACME, c=US
A match pattern may contain a chain of DN match patterns. The semicolon(
\u003B) must be used to separate DN match patterns in a
chain. Wildcards can also be used to match against a complete DN within a
The following example matches a certificate signed by Tweety Inc. in the US.
* ; ou=S & V, o=Tweety Inc., c=US
The wildcard ('*') matches zero or one DN in the chain, however,
sometimes it is necessary to match a longer chain. The minus sign (
\u002D) represents zero or more DNs, whereas the asterisk
only represents a single DN. For example, to match a DN where the Tweety
Inc. is in the DN chain, use the following expression:
- ; *, o=Tweety Inc., c=US
If the pattern matches the DN chain; otherwise
is returned.
– If the specified match pattern or DN
chain is invalid.
¶10.1.20 public class InvalidSyntaxException
extends Exception
A Framework exception used to indicate that a filter string has an invalid syntax.
An InvalidSyntaxException
object indicates that a filter string
parameter has an invalid syntax and cannot be parsed. See Filter for
a description of the filter string syntax.
This exception conforms to the general purpose exception chaining mechanism.
¶ public InvalidSyntaxException(String msg, String filter)
The message.
The invalid filter string.
Creates an exception of type InvalidSyntaxException
This method creates an InvalidSyntaxException
object with the
specified message and the filter string which generated the exception.
¶ public InvalidSyntaxException(String msg, String filter, Throwable cause)
The message.
The invalid filter string.
The cause of this exception.
Creates an exception of type InvalidSyntaxException
This method creates an InvalidSyntaxException
object with the
specified message and the filter string which generated the exception.
¶ public Throwable getCause()
Returns the cause of this exception or null
if no cause was set.
The cause of this exception or null
if no cause was set.
¶ public String getFilter()
Returns the filter string that generated the
The invalid filter string.
BundleContext.getServiceReferences(Class, String), BundleContext.getServiceReferences(String, String), BundleContext.addServiceListener(ServiceListener,String)
¶ public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
The cause of this exception.
Initializes the cause of this exception to the specified value.
This exception.
– If the specified cause is this
– If the cause of this exception has already
been set.
¶10.1.21 public final class PackagePermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to import or export a package.
A package is a dot-separated string that defines a fully qualified Java package.
For example:
has three actions: exportonly
and export
. The export
action, which is
deprecated, implies the import
¶ public static final String EXPORT = "export"
The action string export
. The export
action implies the
As of 1.5. Use exportonly
¶ public static final String EXPORTONLY = "exportonly"
The action string exportonly
. The exportonly
action does
not imply the import
¶ public static final String IMPORT = "import"
The action string import
¶ public PackagePermission(String name, String actions)
Package name or filter expression. A filter expression can
only be specified if the specified action is import
(canonical order).
Creates a new PackagePermission
The name is specified as a normal Java package name: a dot-separated string. Wildcards may be used.
name ::= <package name> | <package name ending in ".*"> | *
For the import
action, the name can also be a filter expression.
The filter gives access to the following attributes:
signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign the exporting bundle. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
location - The location of the exporting bundle.
id - The bundle ID of the exporting bundle.
name - The symbolic name of the exporting bundle.
package.name - The name of the requested package.
Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
Package Permissions are granted over all possible versions of a package.
A bundle that needs to export a package must have the appropriate
for that package; similarly, a bundle that
needs to import a package must have the appropriate
for that package.
Permission is granted for both classes and resources.
– If the specified name is a filter
expression and either the specified action is not import
or the filter has an invalid syntax.
¶ public PackagePermission(String name, Bundle exportingBundle, String actions)
The name of the requested package to import.
The bundle exporting the requested package.
The action import
Creates a new requested PackagePermission
object to be used by
code that must perform checkPermission
for the import
action. PackagePermission
objects created with this constructor
cannot be added to a PackagePermission
permission collection.
– If the specified action is not
or the name is a filter expression.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to test for equality with this
Determines the equality of two PackagePermission
This method checks that specified package has the same package name and
actions as this PackagePermission
if obj
is a PackagePermission
, and
has the same package name and actions as this
object; false
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the
Always returns present PackagePermission
actions in the following
Canonical string representation of the PackagePermission
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
A hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The requested permission.
Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object.
This method checks that the package name of the target is implied by the
package name of this object. The list of PackagePermission
actions must either match or allow for the list of the target object to
imply the target PackagePermission
The permission to export a package implies the permission to import the named package.
x.y.*,"export" -> x.y.z,"export" is true
*,"import" -> x.y, "import" is true
*,"export" -> x.y, "import" is true
x.y,"export" -> x.y.z, "export" is false
if the specified permission is implied by this
object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
A new PermissionCollection
¶10.1.22 public interface PrototypeServiceFactory<S>
extends ServiceFactory<S>
Type of Service
A factory for prototype scope services. The factory can provide multiple, customized service objects in the OSGi environment.
When registering a service, a PrototypeServiceFactory
object can be
used instead of a service object, so that the bundle developer can create a
customized service object for each caller that is using the service.
When a caller uses a ServiceObjects to request a service object, the framework calls the getService method to return a service object customized for the requesting caller. The caller can release the returned service object and the framework will call the ungetService method with the service object.
When a bundle uses the BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) method to obtain a service object, the framework must act as if the service has bundle scope. That is, the framework will call the getService method to obtain a bundle-scoped service object which will be cached and have a use count. See ServiceFactory.
A bundle can use both ServiceObjects and BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) to obtain a service object for a service. ServiceObjects.getService() will always return a service object provided by a call to getService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration) and BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) will always return the bundle-scoped service object.
objects are only used by the Framework and
are not made available to other bundles in the OSGi environment. The
Framework may concurrently call a PrototypeServiceFactory
BundleContext.getServiceObjects(ServiceReference), ServiceObjects
¶ public S getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<S> registration)
The bundle requesting the service.
The ServiceRegistration
object for the
requested service.
Returns a service object for a caller.
The Framework invokes this method for each caller requesting a service object using ServiceObjects.getService(). The factory can then return a customized service object for the caller.
The Framework must check that the returned service object is valid. If
the returned service object is null
or is not an
all the classes named when the service was registered,
a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired
containing a service exception of type
ServiceException.FACTORY_ERROR and null
is returned to
the caller. If this method throws an exception, a framework event of type
FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a service exception of
type ServiceException.FACTORY_EXCEPTION with the thrown exception
as the cause and null
is returned to the caller.
A service object that must be an instance of all the classes named when the service was registered.
¶ public void ungetService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<S> registration, S service)
The bundle releasing the service.
The ServiceRegistration
object for the
service being released.
The service object returned by a previous call to the getService method.
Releases a service object customized for a caller.
The Framework invokes this method when a service has been released by a bundle such as by calling ServiceObjects.ungetService(Object). The service object may then be destroyed.
If this method throws an exception, a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a service exception of type ServiceException.FACTORY_EXCEPTION with the thrown exception as the cause.
¶10.1.23 public class ServiceEvent
extends EventObject
An event from the Framework describing a service lifecycle change.
objects are delivered to ServiceListener
s and
s when a change occurs in this service's lifecycle.
A type code is used to identify the event type for future extendability.
OSGi Alliance reserves the right to extend the set of types.
ServiceListener, AllServiceListener
¶ public static final int MODIFIED = 2
The properties of a registered service have been modified.
This event is synchronously delivered after the service properties have been modified.
¶ public static final int MODIFIED_ENDMATCH = 8
The properties of a registered service have been modified and the new properties no longer match the listener's filter.
This event is synchronously delivered after the service
properties have been modified. This event is only delivered to listeners
which were added with a non-null
filter where the filter matched
the service properties prior to the modification but the filter does not
match the modified service properties.
¶ public static final int REGISTERED = 1
This service has been registered.
This event is synchronously delivered after the service has been registered with the Framework.
¶ public static final int UNREGISTERING = 4
This service is in the process of being unregistered.
This event is synchronously delivered before the service has completed unregistering.
If a bundle is using a service that is UNREGISTERING
, the bundle
should release its use of the service when it receives this event. If the
bundle does not release its use of the service when it receives this
event, the Framework will automatically release the bundle's use of the
service while completing the service unregistration operation.
ServiceRegistration.unregister(), BundleContext.ungetService(ServiceReference)
¶ public ServiceEvent(int type, ServiceReference<?> reference)
The event type.
A ServiceReference
object to the service that
had a lifecycle change.
Creates a new service event object.
¶ public ServiceReference<?> getServiceReference()
Returns a reference to the service that had a change occur in its lifecycle.
This reference is the source of the event.
Reference to the service that had a lifecycle change.
¶ public int getType()
Returns the type of event. The event type values are:
Type of service lifecycle change.
¶10.1.24 public class ServiceException
extends RuntimeException
A service exception used to indicate that a service problem occurred.
A ServiceException
object is created by the Framework or service
implementation to denote an exception condition in the service. A type code
is used to identify the exception type for future extendability. Service
implementations may also create subclasses of ServiceException
. When
subclassing, the subclass should set the type to SUBCLASSED to
indicate that ServiceException
has been subclassed.
This exception conforms to the general purpose exception chaining mechanism.
¶ public static final int ASYNC_ERROR = 7
An asynchronous operation was unable to obtain the service.
¶ public static final int FACTORY_ERROR = 2
The service factory produced an invalid service object.
¶ public static final int FACTORY_EXCEPTION = 3
The service factory threw an exception.
¶ public static final int FACTORY_RECURSION = 6
The service factory resulted in a recursive call to itself for the requesting bundle.
¶ public static final int REMOTE = 5
An error occurred invoking a remote service.
¶ public static final int SUBCLASSED = 4
The exception is a subclass of ServiceException. The subclass should be examined for the type of the exception.
¶ public static final int UNREGISTERED = 1
The service has been unregistered.
¶ public static final int UNSPECIFIED = 0
No exception type is unspecified.
¶ public ServiceException(String msg, Throwable cause)
The associated message.
The cause of this exception.
Creates a ServiceException
with the specified message and
exception cause.
¶ public ServiceException(String msg)
The message.
Creates a ServiceException
with the specified message.
¶ public ServiceException(String msg, int type, Throwable cause)
The associated message.
The type for this exception.
The cause of this exception.
Creates a ServiceException
with the specified message, type and
exception cause.
¶ public ServiceException(String msg, int type)
The message.
The type for this exception.
Creates a ServiceException
with the specified message and type.
¶ public int getType()
Returns the type for this exception or UNSPECIFIED
if the type
was unspecified or unknown.
The type of this exception.
¶10.1.25 public interface ServiceFactory<S>
Type of Service
A factory for bundle scope services. The factory can provide service objects customized for each bundle in the OSGi environment.
When registering a service, a ServiceFactory
object can be used
instead of a service object, so that the bundle developer can create a
customized service object for each bundle that is using the service.
When a bundle requests the service object, the framework calls the getService method to return a service object customized for the requesting bundle. The returned service object is cached by the Framework for subsequent calls to BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) until the bundle releases its use of the service.
When the bundle's use count for the service is decremented to zero (including the bundle stopping or the service being unregistered), the framework will call the ungetService method.
objects are only used by the Framework and are not
made available to other bundles in the OSGi environment. The Framework may
concurrently call a ServiceFactory
¶ public S getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<S> registration)
The bundle requesting the service.
The ServiceRegistration
object for the
requested service.
Returns a service object for a bundle.
The Framework invokes this method the first time the specified
requests a service object using the
BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) method. The factory
can then return a customized service object for each bundle.
The Framework must check that the returned service object is valid. If
the returned service object is null
or is not an
all the classes named when the service was registered,
a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired
containing a service exception of type
ServiceException.FACTORY_ERROR and null
is returned to
the bundle. If this method throws an exception, a framework event of type
FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a service exception of
type ServiceException.FACTORY_EXCEPTION with the thrown exception
as the cause and null
is returned to the bundle. If this method
is recursively called for the specified bundle, a framework event of type
FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a service exception of
type ServiceException.FACTORY_RECURSION and null
returned to the bundle.
The Framework caches the valid service object and will return the same service object on any future call to BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) for the specified bundle. This means the Framework must not allow this method to be concurrently called for the specified bundle.
A service object that must be an instance of all the classes named when the service was registered.
¶ public void ungetService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<S> registration, S service)
The bundle releasing the service.
The ServiceRegistration
object for the
service being released.
The service object returned by a previous call to the getService method.
Releases a service object customized for a bundle.
The Framework invokes this method when a service has been released by a bundle. The service object may then be destroyed.
If this method throws an exception, a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a service exception of type ServiceException.FACTORY_EXCEPTION with the thrown exception as the cause.
¶10.1.26 public interface ServiceListener
extends EventListener
A ServiceEvent
listener. ServiceListener
is a listener
interface that may be implemented by a bundle developer. When a
is fired, it is synchronously delivered to a
. The Framework may deliver ServiceEvent
objects to a ServiceListener
out of order and may concurrently call
and/or reenter a ServiceListener
A ServiceListener
object is registered with the Framework using the
method. ServiceListener
objects are called with a ServiceEvent
object when a service is
registered, modified, or is in the process of unregistering.
object delivery to ServiceListener
objects is
filtered by the filter specified when the listener was registered. If the
Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, then additional filtering is
done. ServiceEvent
objects are only delivered to the listener if the
bundle which defines the listener object's class has the appropriate
to get the service using at least one of the named
classes under which the service was registered.
object delivery to ServiceListener
objects is
further filtered according to package sources as defined in
ServiceReference.isAssignableTo(Bundle, String).
ServiceEvent, ServicePermission
¶ public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event)
The ServiceEvent
Receives notification that a service has had a lifecycle change.
¶10.1.27 public interface ServiceObjects<S>
Type of Service
Allows multiple service objects for a service to be obtained.
For services with prototype scope, multiple service objects for the service can be obtained. Since implementations of PrototypeServiceFactory can return the same service object repeatedly, the framework must use count the returned service objects to release the service object only when its use count returns to zero.
For services with singleton or bundle scope, only one, use-counted service object is available to a requesting bundle.
Any unreleased service objects obtained from this ServiceObjects
object are automatically released by the framework when the bundle associated
with the BundleContext used to create this ServiceObjects
object is
BundleContext.getServiceObjects(ServiceReference), PrototypeServiceFactory
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public S getService()
Returns a service object for the associated service.
This ServiceObjects
object can be used to obtain multiple service
objects for the associated service if the service has
prototype scope.
If the associated service has singleton or bundle scope, this method behaves the same as calling the BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference) method for the associated service. That is, only one, use-counted service object is available from this ServiceObjects object.
This method will always return null
when the associated service
has been unregistered.
For a prototype scope service, the following steps are required to obtain a service object:
If the associated service has been unregistered,
is returned. -
The PrototypeServiceFactory.getService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration) method is called to supply a customized service object for the caller.
If the service object returned by the
object isnull
, not aninstanceof
all the classes named when the service was registered or thePrototypeServiceFactory
object throws an exception,null
is returned and a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR containing a ServiceException describing the error is fired. -
The use count for the customized service object is incremented by one.
The customized service object is returned.
A service object for the associated service or null
the service is not registered, the customized service object
returned by a ServiceFactory
does not implement the
classes under which it was registered or the
threw an exception.
– If the BundleContext used to create this
object is no longer valid.
¶ public ServiceReference<S> getServiceReference()
Returns the ServiceReference for the service associated with this
The ServiceReference for the service associated with this
¶ public void ungetService(S service)
A service object previously provided by this
Releases a service object for the associated service.
This ServiceObjects
object can be used to obtain multiple service
objects for the associated service if the service has
prototype scope. If the associated
service has singleton or
bundle scope, this method behaves the same
as calling the BundleContext.ungetService(ServiceReference)
method for the associated service. That is, only one, use-counted service
object is available from this ServiceObjects object.
For a prototype scope service, the following steps are required to release a service object:
If the associated service has been unregistered, this method returns without doing anything.
The use count for the specified service object is decremented by one.
If the use count for the specified service object is now zero, the PrototypeServiceFactory.ungetService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration, Object) method is called to release the specified service object.
The specified service object must no longer be used and all references to it should be destroyed after calling this method when the use count has returned to zero.
– If the BundleContext used to create this
object is no longer valid.
– If the specified service object is
or was not provided by a ServiceObjects
object for the associated service.
¶10.1.28 public final class ServicePermission
extends BasicPermission
A bundle's authority to register or get a service.
action allows a bundle to register a service on the specified names. -
action allows a bundle to detect a service and get it.
Permission to get a service is required in order to detect events regarding
the service. Untrusted bundles should not be able to detect the presence of
certain services unless they have the appropriate ServicePermission
to get the specific service.
¶ public static final String GET = "get"
The action string get
¶ public static final String REGISTER = "register"
The action string register
¶ public ServicePermission(String name, String actions)
The service class name
(canonical order)
Create a new ServicePermission.
The name of the service is specified as a fully qualified class name. Wildcards may be used.
name ::= <class name> | <class name ending in ".*"> | *
For the get
action, the name can also be a filter expression. The
filter gives access to the service properties as well as the following
signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign the bundle publishing the service. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
location - The location of the bundle publishing the service.
id - The bundle ID of the bundle publishing the service.
name - The symbolic name of the bundle publishing the service.
Since the above attribute names may conflict with service property names used by a service, you can prefix an attribute name with '@' in the filter expression to match against the service property and not one of the above attributes. Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner unless the attribute references a service property. Service properties names are case insensitive.
There are two possible actions: get
and register
. The
permission allows the owner of this permission to obtain a
service with this name. The register
permission allows the bundle
to register a service under that name.
– If the specified name is a filter
expression and either the specified action is not get
the filter has an invalid syntax.
¶ public ServicePermission(ServiceReference<?> reference, String actions)
The requested service.
The action get
Creates a new requested ServicePermission
object to be used by
code that must perform checkPermission
for the get
action. ServicePermission
objects created with this constructor
cannot be added to a ServicePermission
permission collection.
– If the specified action is not
or reference is null
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to test for equality.
Determines the equality of two ServicePermission objects.
Checks that specified object has the same class name and action as this
true if obj is a ServicePermission
, and has the same
class name and actions as this ServicePermission
¶ public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. Always
returns present actions in the following order: get
The canonical string representation of the actions.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
Hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean implies(Permission p)
The target permission to check.
Determines if a ServicePermission
object "implies" the specified
if the specified permission is implied by this
object; false
¶ public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a new PermissionCollection
object for storing
A new PermissionCollection
object suitable for storing
¶10.1.29 public interface ServiceReference<S>
extends Comparable<Object>
Type of Service.
A reference to a service.
The Framework returns ServiceReference
objects from the
A ServiceReference
object may be shared between bundles and can be
used to examine the properties of the service and to get the service object.
Every service registered in the Framework has a unique
object and may have multiple, distinct
objects referring to it. ServiceReference
objects associated with a ServiceRegistration
object have the same
and are considered equal (more specifically, their
method will return true
when compared).
If the same service object is registered multiple times,
objects associated with different
objects are not equal.
BundleContext.getServiceReference(Class), BundleContext.getServiceReference(String), BundleContext.getServiceReferences(Class, String), BundleContext.getServiceReferences(String, String), BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference), BundleContext.getServiceObjects(ServiceReference)
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public int compareTo(Object reference)
The ServiceReference
to be compared.
Compares this ServiceReference
with the specified
for order.
If this ServiceReference
and the specified
have the same service id they are equal. This ServiceReference
is less than
the specified ServiceReference
if it has a lower
service ranking and greater if it has a
higher service ranking. Otherwise, if this ServiceReference
the specified ServiceReference
have the same
service ranking, this
is less than the specified
if it has a higher service id and greater if it has a lower service id.
Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this
is less than, equal to, or greater than
the specified ServiceReference
– If the specified
was not created by the same framework
instance as this ServiceReference
¶ public Bundle getBundle()
Returns the bundle that registered the service referenced by this
This method must return null
when the service has been
unregistered. This can be used to determine if the service has been
The bundle that registered the service referenced by this
object; null
if that service has
already been unregistered.
¶ public Dictionary<String, Object> getProperties()
Returns a copy of the properties of the service referenced by this
This method will continue to return the properties after the service has
been unregistered. This is so references to unregistered services (for
example, ServiceReference
objects stored in the log) can still be
The returned Dictionary
Must map property values by using property keys in a case-insensitive manner.
Must return property keys is a case-preserving manner. This means that the keys must have the same case as the corresponding key in the properties
that was passed to the BundleContext.registerService(String[],Object,Dictionary) or ServiceRegistration.setProperties(Dictionary) methods. -
Is the property of the caller and can be modified by the caller but any changes are not reflected in the properties of the service. ServiceRegistration.setProperties(Dictionary) must be called to modify the properties of the service.
A copy of the properties of the service referenced by this
¶ public Object getProperty(String key)
The property key.
Returns the property value to which the specified property key is mapped
in the properties Dictionary
object of the service referenced by
this ServiceReference
Property keys are case-insensitive.
This method must continue to return property values after the service has
been unregistered. This is so references to unregistered services (for
example, ServiceReference
objects stored in the log) can still be
The property value to which the key is mapped; null
there is no property named after the key.
¶ public String[] getPropertyKeys()
Returns an array of the keys in the properties Dictionary
of the service referenced by this ServiceReference
This method will continue to return the keys after the service has been
unregistered. This is so references to unregistered services (for
example, ServiceReference
objects stored in the log) can still be
This method is case-preserving ; this means that every key in the
returned array must have the same case as the corresponding key in the
properties Dictionary
that was passed to the
BundleContext.registerService(String[],Object,Dictionary) or
ServiceRegistration.setProperties(Dictionary) methods.
An array of property keys.
¶ public Bundle[] getUsingBundles()
Returns the bundles that are using the service referenced by this
object. Specifically, this method returns the
bundles whose usage count for that service is greater than zero.
An array of bundles whose usage count for the service referenced
by this ServiceReference
object is greater than zero;
if no bundles are currently using that service.
¶ public boolean isAssignableTo(Bundle bundle, String className)
The Bundle
object to check.
The class name to check.
Tests if the bundle that registered the service referenced by this
and the specified bundle use the same source for
the package of the specified class name.
This method performs the following checks:
Get the package name from the specified class name.
For the bundle that registered the service referenced by this
(registrant bundle); find the source for the package. If no source is found then returntrue
if the registrant bundle is equal to the specified bundle; otherwise returnfalse
. -
If the package source of the registrant bundle is equal to the package source of the specified bundle then return
; otherwise returnfalse
if the bundle which registered the service
referenced by this ServiceReference
and the specified
bundle use the same source for the package of the specified class
name. Otherwise false
is returned.
– If the specified Bundle
was not
created by the same framework instance as this
¶10.1.30 public interface ServiceRegistration<S>
Type of Service.
A registered service.
The Framework returns a ServiceRegistration
object when a
method invocation is successful. The
object is for the private use of the registering
bundle and should not be shared with other bundles.
The ServiceRegistration
object may be used to update the properties
of the service or to unregister the service.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public ServiceReference<S> getReference()
Returns a ServiceReference
object for a service being registered.
The ServiceReference
object may be shared with other bundles.
– If this ServiceRegistration
has already been unregistered.
¶ public void setProperties(Dictionary<String, ?> properties)
The properties for this service. See Constants for a list of standard service property keys. Changes should not be made to this object after calling this method. To update the service's properties this method should be called again.
Updates the properties associated with a service.
The Constants.OBJECTCLASS, Constants.SERVICE_BUNDLEID, Constants.SERVICE_ID and Constants.SERVICE_SCOPE keys cannot be modified by this method. These values are set by the Framework when the service is registered in the OSGi environment.
The following steps are required to modify service properties:
The service's properties are replaced with the provided properties.
A service event of type ServiceEvent.MODIFIED is fired.
– If this ServiceRegistration
has already been unregistered.
– If properties
contains case
variants of the same key name.
¶ public void unregister()
Unregisters a service. Remove a ServiceRegistration
object from
the Framework service registry. All ServiceReference
associated with this ServiceRegistration
object can no longer be
used to interact with the service once unregistration is complete.
The following steps are required to unregister a service:
The service is removed from the Framework service registry so that it can no longer be obtained.
A service event of type ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING is fired so that bundles using this service can release their use of the service. Once delivery of the service event is complete, the
objects for the service may no longer be used to get a service object for the service. -
For each bundle whose use count for this service is greater than zero:
The bundle's use count for this service is set to zero.
If the service was registered with a ServiceFactory object, the
method is called to release the service object for the bundle.
– If this ServiceRegistration
has already been unregistered.
BundleContext.ungetService(ServiceReference), ServiceFactory.ungetService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration, Object)
¶10.1.31 public interface SynchronousBundleListener
extends BundleListener
A synchronous BundleEvent
listener. SynchronousBundleListener
is a listener interface that may be implemented by a bundle developer. When a
is fired, it is synchronously delivered to a
. The Framework may deliver
objects to a SynchronousBundleListener
out of
order and may concurrently call and/or reenter a
For BundleEvent
types STARTED and
LAZY_ACTIVATION, the Framework must not
hold the referenced bundle's "state change" lock when the
is delivered to a SynchronousBundleListener
. For
the other BundleEvent
types, the Framework must hold the referenced
bundle's "state change" lock when the BundleEvent
delivered to a SynchronousBundleListener
. A
cannot directly call life cycle methods on
the referenced bundle when the Framework is holding the referenced bundle's
"state change" lock.
A SynchronousBundleListener
object is registered with the Framework
using the BundleContext.addBundleListener(BundleListener) method.
objects are called with a
object when a bundle has been installed, resolved,
starting, started, stopping, stopped, updated, unresolved, or uninstalled.
Unlike normal BundleListener
s are synchronously called during bundle
lifecycle processing. The bundle lifecycle processing will not proceed until
all SynchronousBundleListener
s have completed.
objects will be called prior to
is required to add or remove a
¶10.1.32 public interface UnfilteredServiceListener
extends ServiceListener
A ServiceEvent
listener that does not filter based upon any
filter string specified to
BundleContext.addServiceListener(ServiceListener, String). Using an
and specifying a filter string to
BundleContext.addServiceListener(ServiceListener, String) allows the
listener to receive all ServiceEvent
objects while still advising
ListenerHook implementation of the service interests in the filter
For example, an implementation of Declarative Services would add an
with a filter string listing all the
services referenced by all the service components. The Declarative Services
implementation would receive all ServiceEvent
objects for internal
processing and a Remote Services discovery service implementation can observe
the service interests of the service components using a ListenerHook.
When the set of service components being processed changes, the Declarative
Services implementation would re-add the UnfilteredServiceListener
with an updated filter string.
When a ServiceEvent
is fired, it is synchronously delivered to an
. The Framework may deliver
objects to an UnfilteredServiceListener
out of
order and may concurrently call and/or reenter an
An UnfilteredServiceListener
object is registered with the Framework
using the BundleContext.addServiceListener
objects are called with a
object when a service is registered, modified, or is in
the process of unregistering.
object delivery to UnfilteredServiceListener
objects are not filtered by the filter specified when the listener was
registered. If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, then some
filtering is done. ServiceEvent
objects are only delivered to the
listener if the bundle which defines the listener object's class has the
appropriate ServicePermission
to get the service using at least one
of the named classes under which the service was registered.
ServiceEvent, ServicePermission
¶10.1.33 public class Version
implements Comparable<Version>
Version identifier for capabilities such as bundles and packages.
Version identifiers have four components.
Major version. A non-negative integer.
Minor version. A non-negative integer.
Micro version. A non-negative integer.
Qualifier. A text string. See
for the format of the qualifier string.
objects are immutable.
¶ public static final Version emptyVersion
The empty version "0.0.0".
¶ public Version(int major, int minor, int micro)
Major component of the version identifier.
Minor component of the version identifier.
Micro component of the version identifier.
Creates a version identifier from the specified numerical components.
The qualifier is set to the empty string.
– If the numerical components are
¶ public Version(int major, int minor, int micro, String qualifier)
Major component of the version identifier.
Minor component of the version identifier.
Micro component of the version identifier.
Qualifier component of the version identifier. If
is specified, then the qualifier will be set to the
empty string.
Creates a version identifier from the specified components.
– If the numerical components are negative
or the qualifier string is invalid.
¶ public Version(String version)
String representation of the version identifier. There must be no whitespace in the argument.
Creates a version identifier from the specified string.
Version string grammar:
version ::= major('.'minor('.'micro('.'qualifier)?)?)?
major ::= digit+
minor ::= digit+
micro ::= digit+
qualifier ::= (alpha|digit|'_'|'-')+
digit ::= [0..9]
alpha ::= [a..zA..Z]
– If version
is improperly
¶ public int compareTo(Version other)
The Version
object to be compared.
Compares this Version
object to another Version
A version is considered to be less than another version if its
major component is less than the other version's major component, or the
major components are equal and its minor component is less than the other
version's minor component, or the major and minor components are equal
and its micro component is less than the other version's micro component,
or the major, minor and micro components are equal and it's qualifier
component is less than the other version's qualifier component (using
A version is considered to be equal to another version if the
major, minor and micro components are equal and the qualifier component
is equal (using String.compareTo
A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this version
is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified
– If the specified object is not a
¶ public boolean equals(Object object)
The Version
object to be compared.
Compares this Version
object to another object.
A version is considered to be equal to another version if the
major, minor and micro components are equal and the qualifier component
is equal (using String.equals
if object
is a Version
and is equal
to this object; false
¶ public int getMajor()
Returns the major component of this version identifier.
The major component.
¶ public int getMicro()
Returns the micro component of this version identifier.
The micro component.
¶ public int getMinor()
Returns the minor component of this version identifier.
The minor component.
¶ public String getQualifier()
Returns the qualifier component of this version identifier.
The qualifier component.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the object.
An integer which is a hash code value for this object.
¶ public static Version parseVersion(String version)
String representation of the version identifier. Leading and trailing whitespace will be ignored.
Parses a version identifier from the specified string.
See Version(String) for the format of the version string.
A Version
object representing the version identifier. If
is null
or the empty string then
emptyVersion will be returned.
– If version
is improperly
¶ public String toString()
Returns the string representation of this version identifier.
The format of the version string will be major.minor.micro
qualifier is the empty string or major.minor.micro.qualifier
The string representation of this version identifier.
¶ public static Version valueOf(String version)
String representation of the version identifier. Leading
and trailing whitespace will be ignored. Must not be null
Returns a Version
object holding the version identifier in the
specified String
See Version(String) for the format of the version string.
This method performs a similar function as parseVersion(String)
but has the static factory valueOf(String)
method signature.
A Version
object representing the version identifier. If
is the empty string then emptyVersion
will be returned.
– If version
is improperly
¶10.1.34 public class VersionRange
Version range. A version range is an interval describing a set of versions.
A range has a left (lower) endpoint and a right (upper) endpoint. Each endpoint can be open (excluded from the set) or closed (included in the set).
objects are immutable.
¶ public static final char LEFT_CLOSED = 91
The left endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
The value of LEFT_CLOSED
is '['
¶ public static final char LEFT_OPEN = 40
The left endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.
The value of LEFT_OPEN
is '('
¶ public static final char RIGHT_CLOSED = 93
The right endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
The value of RIGHT_CLOSED
is ']'
¶ public static final char RIGHT_OPEN = 41
The right endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.
The value of RIGHT_OPEN
is ')'
¶ public VersionRange(char leftType, Version leftEndpoint, Version rightEndpoint, char rightType)
Must be either LEFT_CLOSED or LEFT_OPEN .
Left endpoint of range. Must not be null
Right endpoint of range. May be null
indicate the right endpoint is Infinity.
Must be either RIGHT_CLOSED or RIGHT_OPEN.
Creates a version range from the specified versions.
– If the arguments are invalid.
¶ public VersionRange(String range)
String representation of the version range. The versions in
the range must contain no whitespace. Other whitespace in the
range string is ignored. Must not be null
Creates a version range from the specified string.
Version range string grammar:
range ::= interval | atleast
interval ::= ( '[' | '(' ) left ',' right ( ']' | ')' )
left ::= version
right ::= version
atleast ::= version
– If range
is improperly
¶ public boolean equals(Object object)
The VersionRange
object to be compared.
Compares this VersionRange
object to another object.
A version range is considered to be equal to another version range if both the endpoints and their types are equal or if both version ranges are empty.
if object
is a VersionRange
and is
equal to this object; false
¶ public Version getLeft()
Returns the left endpoint of this version range.
The left endpoint.
¶ public char getLeftType()
Returns the type of the left endpoint of this version range.
LEFT_CLOSED if the left endpoint is closed or LEFT_OPEN if the left endpoint is open.
¶ public Version getRight()
Returns the right endpoint of this version range.
The right endpoint. May be null
which indicates the right
endpoint is Infinity.
¶ public char getRightType()
Returns the type of the right endpoint of this version range.
RIGHT_CLOSED if the right endpoint is closed or RIGHT_OPEN if the right endpoint is open.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the object.
An integer which is a hash code value for this object.
¶ public boolean includes(Version version)
The version to test for inclusion in this version range.
Returns whether this version range includes the specified version.
if the specified version is included in this version
range; false
¶ public VersionRange intersection(VersionRange... ranges)
The version ranges to intersect with this version range.
Returns the intersection of this version range with the specified version ranges.
A version range representing the intersection of this version range and the specified version ranges. If no version ranges are specified, then this version range is returned.
¶ public boolean isEmpty()
Returns whether this version range is empty. A version range is empty if the set of versions defined by the interval is empty.
if this version range is empty; false
¶ public boolean isExact()
Returns whether this version range contains only a single version.
if this version range contains only a single
version; false
¶ public String toFilterString(String attributeName)
The attribute name to use in the returned filter string.
Returns the filter string for this version range using the specified attribute name.
A filter string for this version range using the specified attribute name.
– If the specified attribute name is not a
valid attribute name.
Core Specification, Filters, for a description of the filter string syntax.
¶ public String toString()
Returns the string representation of this version range.
The format of the version range string will be a version string if the
right end point is Infinity (null
) or an interval string.
The string representation of this version range.
¶ public static VersionRange valueOf(String range)
String representation of the version range. The versions in
the range must contain no whitespace. Other whitespace in the
range string is ignored. Must not be null
Returns a VersionRange
object holding the version range in the
specified String
See VersionRange(String) for the format of the version range string.
A VersionRange
object representing the version range.
– If range
is improperly
¶10.2 org.osgi.framework.launch
Version 1.2
Framework Launch Package Version 1.2.
Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest.
Example import for consumers using the API in this package:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.launch; version="[1.2,2.0)"
¶10.2.1 Summary
- A Framework instance. -
- A factory for creating Framework instances.
¶10.2.2 public interface Framework
extends Bundle
A Framework instance. A Framework is also known as a System Bundle.
Framework instances are created using a FrameworkFactory. The methods of this interface can be used to manage and control the created framework instance.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public A adapt(Class<A> type)
The type to which this Framework is to be adapted.
Class object for the type to which this Framework is to be adapted.
Adapt this Framework to the specified type.
Adapting this Framework to the specified type may require certain checks,
including security checks, to succeed. If a check does not succeed, then
this Framework cannot be adapted and null
is returned. If this
Framework is not initialized, then null
returned if the specified type is one of the OSGi defined types to which
a system bundle can be adapted.
The object, of the specified type, to which this Framework has
been adapted or null
if this Framework cannot be adapted
¶ public Enumeration<URL> findEntries(String path, String filePattern, boolean recurse)
Returns null
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return entries.
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return entries.
¶ public long getBundleId()
Returns the Framework unique identifier. This Framework is assigned the unique identifier zero (0) since this Framework is also a System Bundle.
¶ public URL getEntry(String path)
Returns null
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return an entry.
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return an entry.
¶ public Enumeration<String> getEntryPaths(String path)
Returns null
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return entry paths.
as a framework implementation does not have a proper
bundle from which to return entry paths.
¶ public long getLastModified()
Returns the time when the set of bundles in this framework was last modified. The set of bundles is considered to be modified when a bundle is installed, updated or uninstalled.
The time value is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
The time when the set of bundles in this framework was last modified.
¶ public String getLocation()
Returns the Framework location identifier. This Framework is assigned the
unique location "System Bundle
" since this Framework is
also a System Bundle.
The string "System Bundle
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public String getSymbolicName()
Returns the symbolic name of this Framework. The symbolic name is unique
for the implementation of the framework. However, the symbolic name
" must be recognized as an alias to the
implementation-defined symbolic name since this Framework is also a
System Bundle.
The symbolic name of this Framework.
Bundle.getSymbolicName(), Constants.SYSTEM_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME
¶ public void init() throws BundleException
Initialize this Framework.
This method performs the same function as calling init(FrameworkListener...) with no framework listeners.
– If this Framework could not be initialized.
– If the Java Runtime Environment supports
permissions and the caller does not have the appropriate
or if there is a security
manager already installed and the
Constants.FRAMEWORK_SECURITY configuration property is
¶ public void init(FrameworkListener... listeners) throws BundleException
Zero or more listeners to be notified when framework events occur while initializing the framework. The specified listeners do not need to be otherwise registered with the framework. If a specified listener is registered with the framework, it will be notified twice for each framework event.
Initialize this Framework. After calling this method, this Framework must:
Have generated a new framework UUID.
Be in the STARTING state.
Have a valid Bundle Context.
Be at start level 0.
Have event handling enabled.
Have reified Bundle objects for all installed bundles.
Have registered any framework services. For example,
. -
Be adaptable to the OSGi defined types to which a system bundle can be adapted.
Have called the
method of the extension bundle activator for all resolved extension bundles.
This Framework will not actually be started until start is called.
This method does nothing if called when this Framework is in the STARTING, ACTIVE or STOPPING states.
All framework events fired by this method are also delivered to the specified FrameworkListeners in the order they are specified before returning from this method. After returning from this method the specified listeners are no longer notified of framework events.
– If this Framework could not be initialized.
– If the Java Runtime Environment supports
permissions and the caller does not have the appropriate
or if there is a security
manager already installed and the
Constants.FRAMEWORK_SECURITY configuration property is
¶ public void start() throws BundleException
Start this Framework.
The following steps are taken to start this Framework:
If this Framework is not in the STARTING state, initialize this Framework.
All installed bundles must be started in accordance with each bundle's persistent autostart setting. This means some bundles will not be started, some will be started with eager activation and some will be started with their declared activation policy. The start level of this Framework is moved to the start level specified by the beginning start level framework property, as described in the Start Level Specification. If this framework property is not specified, then the start level of this Framework is moved to start level one (1). Any exceptions that occur during bundle starting must be wrapped in a BundleException and then published as a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR
This Framework's state is set to ACTIVE.
A framework event of type FrameworkEvent.STARTED is fired
– If this Framework could not be started.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
Start Level Specification
¶ public void start(int options) throws BundleException
Ignored. There are no start options for the Framework.
Start this Framework.
Calling this method is the same as calling start(). There are no start options for the Framework.
– If this Framework could not be started.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void stop() throws BundleException
Stop this Framework.
The method returns immediately to the caller after initiating the following steps to be taken on another thread.
This Framework's state is set to STOPPING.
All installed bundles must be stopped without changing each bundle's persistent autostart setting. The start level of this Framework is moved to start level zero (0), as described in the Start Level Specification. Any exceptions that occur during bundle stopping must be wrapped in a BundleException and then published as a framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR
Unregister all services registered by this Framework.
Event handling is disabled.
This Framework's state is set to RESOLVED.
All resources held by this Framework are released. This includes threads, bundle class loaders, open files, etc.
Notify all threads that are waiting at waitForStop that the stop operation has completed.
After being stopped, this Framework may be discarded, initialized or started.
– If stopping this Framework could not be
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
Start Level Specification
¶ public void stop(int options) throws BundleException
Ignored. There are no stop options for the Framework.
Stop this Framework.
Calling this method is the same as calling stop(). There are no stop options for the Framework.
– If stopping this Framework could not be
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void uninstall() throws BundleException
The Framework cannot be uninstalled.
This method always throws a BundleException.
– This Framework cannot be uninstalled.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void update() throws BundleException
Stop and restart this Framework.
The method returns immediately to the caller after initiating the following steps to be taken on another thread.
– If stopping and restarting this Framework could
not be initiated.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public void update(InputStream in) throws BundleException
Any provided InputStream is immediately closed before returning from this method and otherwise ignored.
Stop and restart this Framework.
Calling this method is the same as calling update() except that any provided InputStream is immediately closed.
– If stopping and restarting this Framework could
not be initiated.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public FrameworkEvent waitForStop(long timeout) throws InterruptedException
Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until this Framework has completely stopped. A value of zero will wait indefinitely.
Wait until this Framework has completely stopped. The stop
methods on a Framework performs an asynchronous stop of
the Framework. This method can be used to wait until the asynchronous
stop of this Framework has completed. This method will only wait if
called when this Framework is in the STARTING, ACTIVE,
or STOPPING states. Otherwise it will return immediately.
A Framework Event is returned to indicate why this Framework has stopped.
A Framework Event indicating the reason this method returned. The
following FrameworkEvent
types may be returned by this
STOPPED - This Framework has been stopped.
STOPPED_UPDATE - This Framework has been updated which has shutdown and will now restart.
STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED - This Framework has been stopped and a bootclasspath extension bundle has been installed or updated. The VM must be restarted in order for the changed boot class path to take effect.
ERROR - The Framework encountered an error while shutting down or an error has occurred which forced the framework to shutdown.
WAIT_TIMEDOUT - This method has timed out and returned before this Framework has stopped.
– If another thread interrupted the current
thread before or while the current thread was waiting for this
Framework to completely stop. The interrupted status of
the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
– If the value of timeout is negative.
¶10.2.3 public interface FrameworkFactory
A factory for creating Framework instances.
A framework implementation jar must contain the following resource:
This UTF-8 encoded resource must contain the name of the framework
implementation's FrameworkFactory implementation class. Space and tab
characters, including blank lines, in the resource must be ignored. The
number sign ('#'
\u0023) and all characters following it on each
line are a comment and must be ignored.
Launchers can find the name of the FrameworkFactory implementation class in
the resource and then load and construct a FrameworkFactory object for the
framework implementation. The FrameworkFactory implementation class must have
a public, no-argument constructor. Java™ SE 6 introduced the
class which can create a FrameworkFactory instance from
the resource.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public Framework newFramework(Map<String, String> configuration)
The framework properties to configure the new
framework instance. If framework properties are not provided by
the configuration argument, the created framework instance must
use some reasonable default configuration appropriate for the
current VM. For example, the system packages for the current
execution environment should be properly exported. The specified
configuration argument may be null
. The created framework
instance must copy any information needed from the specified
configuration argument since the configuration argument can be
changed after the framework instance has been created.
Create a new Framework instance.
A new, configured Framework instance. The framework instance must be in the Bundle.INSTALLED state.
– If the caller does not have
, and the Java Runtime Environment supports
¶10.3 org.osgi.resource
Version 1.0
Resource Package Version 1.0.
Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. For example:
Import-Package: org.osgi.resource; version="[1.0,2.0)"
¶10.3.1 Summary
- A capability that has been declared from a Resource. -
- Capability and Requirement Namespaces base class. -
- A requirement that has been declared from a Resource . -
- A resource is the representation of a uniquely identified and typed data. -
- A wire connecting a Capability to a Requirement. -
- A wiring for a resource.
¶10.3.2 public interface Capability
A capability that has been declared from a Resource.
Instances of this type must be effectively immutable. That is, for a given instance of this interface, the methods defined by this interface must always return the same result.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to compare against this Capability
Compares this Capability
to another Capability
This Capability
is equal to another Capability
if they
have the same namespace, directives and attributes and are declared by
the same resource.
if this Capability
is equal to the other
object; false
¶ public Map<String, Object> getAttributes()
Returns the attributes of this capability.
An unmodifiable map of attribute names to attribute values for this capability, or an empty map if this capability has no attributes.
¶ public Map<String, String> getDirectives()
Returns the directives of this capability.
An unmodifiable map of directive names to directive values for this capability, or an empty map if this capability has no directives.
¶ public String getNamespace()
Returns the namespace of this capability.
The namespace of this capability.
¶ public Resource getResource()
Returns the resource declaring this capability.
The resource declaring this capability.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode of this Capability
The hashCode of this Capability
¶10.3.3 public abstract class Namespace
Capability and Requirement Namespaces base class.
This class is the common class shared by all OSGi defined namespaces. It defines the names for the common attributes and directives for the OSGi specified namespaces.
The OSGi Alliance reserves the right to extend the set of directives and attributes which have specified semantics for all of the specified namespaces.
The values associated with these keys are of type String
, unless
otherwise indicated.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE = "effective"
The capability directive used to specify the effective time for the capability. The default value is resolve.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_USES_DIRECTIVE = "uses"
The capability directive used to specify the comma separated list of package names used by a capability.
¶ public static final String CARDINALITY_MULTIPLE = "multiple"
The directive value identifying a multiple cardinality type.
¶ public static final String CARDINALITY_SINGLE = "single"
The directive value identifying a cardinality type of single.
¶ public static final String EFFECTIVE_ACTIVE = "active"
The directive value identifying a capability or requirement that is effective at active time. Capabilities and requirements with an effective time of active are ignored while resolving a resource.
¶ public static final String EFFECTIVE_RESOLVE = "resolve"
The directive value identifying a capability or requirement that is effective at resolve time. Capabilities and requirements with an effective time of resolve are the only capabilities which are processed while resolving a resource.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_CARDINALITY_DIRECTIVE = "cardinality"
The requirement directive used to specify the cardinality for a requirement. The default value is single.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_EFFECTIVE_DIRECTIVE = "effective"
The requirement directive used to specify the effective time for the requirement. The default value is resolve.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE = "filter"
The requirement directive used to specify a capability filter. This filter is used to match against a capability's attributes.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE = "resolution"
The requirement directive used to specify the resolution type for a requirement. The default value is mandatory .
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_MANDATORY = "mandatory"
The directive value identifying a mandatory requirement resolution type. A mandatory resolution type indicates that the requirement must be resolved when the resource is resolved. If such a requirement cannot be resolved, the resource fails to resolve.
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL = "optional"
The directive value identifying an optional requirement resolution type. An optional resolution type indicates that the requirement is optional and the resource may be resolved without the requirement being resolved.
¶ protected Namespace()
Protected constructor for Namespace sub-types.
¶10.3.4 public interface Requirement
A requirement that has been declared from a Resource .
Instances of this type must be effectively immutable. That is, for a given instance of this interface, the methods defined by this interface must always return the same result.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to compare against this Requirement
Compares this Requirement
to another Requirement
This Requirement
is equal to another Requirement
if they
have the same namespace, directives and attributes and are declared by
the same resource.
if this Requirement
is equal to the other
object; false
¶ public Map<String, Object> getAttributes()
Returns the attributes of this requirement.
Requirement attributes have no specified semantics and are considered extra user defined information.
An unmodifiable map of attribute names to attribute values for this requirement, or an empty map if this requirement has no attributes.
¶ public Map<String, String> getDirectives()
Returns the directives of this requirement.
An unmodifiable map of directive names to directive values for this requirement, or an empty map if this requirement has no directives.
¶ public String getNamespace()
Returns the namespace of this requirement.
The namespace of this requirement.
¶ public Resource getResource()
Returns the resource declaring this requirement.
The resource declaring this requirement. This can be null
if this requirement is synthesized.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode of this Requirement
The hashCode of this Requirement
¶10.3.5 public interface Resource
A resource is the representation of a uniquely identified and typed data. A resource declares requirements that need to be satisfied by capabilities before it can provide its capabilities.
Instances of this type must be effectively immutable. That is, for a given instance of this interface, the methods defined by this interface must always return the same result.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to compare against this Resource
Compares this Resource
to another Resource
This Resource
is equal to another Resource
if both have
the same content and come from the same location. Location may be defined
as the bundle location if the resource is an installed bundle or the
repository location if the resource is in a repository.
if this Resource
is equal to the other
object; false
¶ public List<Capability> getCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared capabilities to return or
to return the declared capabilities from all
Returns the capabilities declared by this resource.
An unmodifiable list containing the declared Capabilitys from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no capabilities in the specified namespace.
¶ public List<Requirement> getRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared requirements to return or
to return the declared requirements from all
Returns the requirements declared by this bundle resource.
An unmodifiable list containing the declared Requirement s from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no requirements in the specified namespace.
¶ public int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode of this Resource
The hashCode of this Resource
¶10.3.6 public interface Wire
A wire connecting a Capability to a Requirement.
Instances of this type must be effectively immutable. That is, for a given instance of this interface, the methods defined by this interface must always return the same result.
¶ public boolean equals(Object obj)
The object to compare against this Wire
Compares this Wire
to another Wire
This Wire
is equal to another Wire
if they have the same
capability, requirement, provider and requirer.
if this Wire
is equal to the other object;
¶ public Capability getCapability()
Returns the Capability for this wire.
The Capability for this wire.
¶ public Resource getProvider()
Returns the resource providing the capability.
The returned resource may differ from the resource referenced by the capability.
The resource providing the capability.
¶ public Requirement getRequirement()
Returns the Requirement for this wire.
The Requirement for this wire.
¶ public Resource getRequirer()
Returns the resource who requires the capability.
The returned resource may differ from the resource referenced by the requirement.
The resource who requires the capability.
¶10.3.7 public interface Wiring
A wiring for a resource. A wiring is associated with a resource and represents the dependencies with other wirings.
Instances of this type must be effectively immutable. That is, for a given instance of this interface, the methods defined by this interface must always return the same result.
¶ public List<Wire> getProvidedResourceWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the capabilities in
all namespaces.
Returns the Wires to the provided capabilities of this wiring.
A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the capabilities of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public List<Wire> getRequiredResourceWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the requirements in
all namespaces.
Returns the Wires to the requirements in use by this wiring.
A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the requirements of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
¶ public Resource getResource()
Returns the resource associated with this wiring.
The resource associated with this wiring.
¶ public List<Capability> getResourceCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities to return or
to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
Returns the capabilities provided by this wiring.
Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example, capabilities with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A capability may not be required by any wiring and thus there may be no wires for the capability.
A wiring for a non-fragment resource provides a subset of the declared capabilities from the resource and all attached fragment resources†. Not all declared capabilities may be provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.
A wiring for a fragment resource with a symbolic name must provide
exactly one osgi.identity
† The osgi.identity
capability provided by attached
fragment resource must not be included in the capabilities of the host
A list containing a snapshot of the Capabilitys, or an empty list if this wiring provides no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the capabilities in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources† of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public List<Requirement> getResourceRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements to return or
to return the requirements from all namespaces.
Returns the requirements of this wiring.
Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example, requirements with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A wiring for a non-fragment resource has a subset of the declared requirements from the resource and all attached fragment resources. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.
A list containing a snapshot of the Requirements, or an empty list if this wiring uses no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the requirements in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
¶10.4 org.osgi.framework.wiring
Version 1.2
Framework Wiring Package Version 1.2.
Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. For example:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.wiring; version="[1.2,2.0)"
¶10.4.1 Summary
- A capability that has been declared from a bundle revision. -
- A requirement that has been declared from a bundle revision. -
- Bundle Revision. -
- The bundle revisions of a bundle. -
- A wire connecting a BundleCapability to a BundleRequirement. -
- A wiring for a bundle. -
- Query and modify wiring information for the framework.
¶10.4.2 public interface BundleCapability
extends Capability
A capability that has been declared from a bundle revision.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public Map<String, Object> getAttributes()
Returns the attributes of this capability.
An unmodifiable map of attribute names to attribute values for this capability, or an empty map if this capability has no attributes.
¶ public Map<String, String> getDirectives()
Returns the directives of this capability.
All capability directives not specified by the wiring namespaces have no specified semantics and are considered extra user defined information.
An unmodifiable map of directive names to directive values for this capability, or an empty map if this capability has no directives.
¶ public String getNamespace()
Returns the namespace of this capability.
The namespace of this capability.
¶ public BundleRevision getResource()
Returns the resource declaring this capability.
This method returns the same value as getRevision().
The resource declaring this capability.
¶ public BundleRevision getRevision()
Returns the bundle revision declaring this capability.
The bundle revision declaring this capability.
¶10.4.3 public interface BundleRequirement
extends Requirement
A requirement that has been declared from a bundle revision.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public Map<String, Object> getAttributes()
Returns the attributes of this requirement.
Requirement attributes have no specified semantics and are considered extra user defined information.
An unmodifiable map of attribute names to attribute values for this requirement, or an empty map if this requirement has no attributes.
¶ public Map<String, String> getDirectives()
Returns the directives of this requirement.
All requirement directives not specified by the wiring namespaces have no specified semantics and are considered extra user defined information.
An unmodifiable map of directive names to directive values for this requirement, or an empty map if this requirement has no directives.
¶ public String getNamespace()
Returns the namespace of this requirement.
The namespace of this requirement.
¶ public BundleRevision getResource()
Returns the resource declaring this requirement.
This method returns the same value as getRevision().
The resource declaring this requirement. This can be null
if this requirement is synthesized.
¶ public BundleRevision getRevision()
Returns the bundle revision declaring this requirement.
The bundle revision declaring this requirement.
¶ public boolean matches(BundleCapability capability)
The capability to match to this requirement.
Returns whether the specified capability matches this requirement.
if the specified capability has the same
namespace as this requirement and the
filter for this requirement matches the
attributes of the
specified capability; false
¶10.4.4 public interface BundleRevision
extends BundleReference, Resource
Bundle Revision. When a bundle is installed and each time a bundle is updated, a new bundle revision of the bundle is created. Since a bundle update can change the entries in a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle can be associated with different bundle revisions.
For a bundle that has not been uninstalled, the most recent bundle revision
is defined to be the current bundle revision. A bundle in the UNINSTALLED
state does not have a current revision. The current bundle revision for a
bundle can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt
(BundleRevision.class). Since a bundle in the UNINSTALLED state does not have
a current revision, adapting such a bundle returns null
The framework defines namespaces for package, bundle and host capabilities and requirements. These namespaces are defined only to express wiring information by the framework. They must not be used in Provide-Capability and Require-Capability manifest headers.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.bundle"
Namespace for bundle capabilities and requirements.
The bundle symbolic name of the bundle is stored in the capability attribute of the same name as this namespace (osgi.wiring.bundle). The other directives and attributes of the bundle, from the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header, can be found in the capability's directives and attributes. The bundle-version capability attribute must contain the Version of the bundle from the Bundle-Version manifest header if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified.
A non-fragment revision declares exactly one† bundle capability (that is, the bundle can be required by another bundle). A fragment revision must not declare a bundle capability.
A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides exactly one† bundle capability (that is, the bundle can be required by another bundle) and requires zero or more bundle capabilities (that is, requires other bundles).
† A bundle with no bundle symbolic name (that is, a bundle with Bundle-ManifestVersion < 2) must not provide a bundle capability.
¶ public static final String HOST_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.host"
Namespace for host capabilities and requirements.
The bundle symbolic name of the bundle is stored in the capability attribute of the same name as this namespace (osgi.wiring.host). The other directives and attributes of the bundle, from the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header, can be found in the capability's directives and attributes. The bundle-version capability attribute must contain the Version of the bundle from the Bundle-Version manifest header if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified.
A non-fragment revision declares zero or one† host capability if the bundle allows fragments to be attached. A fragment revision must declare exactly one host requirement.
A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides zero or one† host capability if the bundle allows fragments to be attached. A bundle wiring for a fragment revision requires a host capability for each host to which it is attached.
† A bundle with no bundle symbolic name (that is, a bundle with Bundle-ManifestVersion < 2) must not provide a host capability.
¶ public static final String PACKAGE_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.package"
Namespace for package capabilities and requirements.
The name of the package is stored in the capability attribute of the same name as this namespace (osgi.wiring.package). The other directives and attributes of the package, from the Export-Package manifest header, can be found in the capability's directives and attributes. The version capability attribute must contain the Version of the package if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified. The bundle-symbolic-name capability attribute must contain the symbolic name of the provider if one is specified. The bundle-version capability attribute must contain the version of the provider if one is specified or Version.emptyVersion if not specified.
The package capabilities provided by the system bundle, that is the bundle with id zero, must include the package specified by the Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES and Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA framework properties as well as any other package exported by the framework implementation.
A bundle revision declares zero or more package capabilities (this is, exported packages) and declares zero or more package requirements.
A bundle wiring provides zero or more resolved package capabilities (that is, exported packages) and requires zero or more resolved package requirements (that is, imported packages). The number of package wires required by a bundle wiring may change as the bundle wiring may dynamically import additional packages.
¶ public static final int TYPE_FRAGMENT = 1
Bundle revision type indicating the bundle revision is a fragment.
¶ public List<Capability> getCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared capabilities to return or
to return the declared capabilities from all
Returns the capabilities declared by this resource.
This method returns the same value as getDeclaredCapabilities(String).
An unmodifiable list containing the declared Capabilitys from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no capabilities in the specified namespace.
¶ public List<BundleCapability> getDeclaredCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared capabilities to return or
to return the declared capabilities from all
Returns the capabilities declared by this bundle revision.
An unmodifiable list containing the declared BundleCapabilitys from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this bundle revision declares no capabilities in the specified namespace. The list contains the declared capabilities in the order they are specified in the manifest.
¶ public List<BundleRequirement> getDeclaredRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared requirements to return or
to return the declared requirements from all
Returns the requirements declared by this bundle revision.
An unmodifiable list containing the declared BundleRequirements from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this bundle revision declares no requirements in the specified namespace. The list contains the declared requirements in the order they are specified in the manifest.
¶ public List<Requirement> getRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the declared requirements to return or
to return the declared requirements from all
Returns the requirements declared by this bundle resource.
This method returns the same value as getDeclaredRequirements(String).
An unmodifiable list containing the declared Requirement s from the specified namespace. The returned list will be empty if this resource declares no requirements in the specified namespace.
¶ public String getSymbolicName()
Returns the symbolic name for this bundle revision.
The symbolic name for this bundle revision.
¶ public int getTypes()
Returns the special types of this bundle revision. The bundle revision type values are:
A bundle revision may be more than one type at a time. A type code is used to identify the bundle revision type for future extendability.
If this bundle revision is not one or more of the defined types then 0 is returned.
The special types of this bundle revision. The type values are ORed together.
¶ public Version getVersion()
Returns the version for this bundle revision.
The version for this bundle revision, or Version.emptyVersion if this bundle revision has no version information.
¶ public BundleWiring getWiring()
Returns the bundle wiring which is using this bundle revision.
The bundle wiring which is using this bundle revision or
if no bundle wiring is using this bundle revision.
¶10.4.5 public interface BundleRevisions
extends BundleReference
The bundle revisions of a bundle. When a bundle is installed and each time a bundle is updated, a new bundle revision of the bundle is created. For a bundle that has not been uninstalled, the most recent bundle revision is defined to be the current bundle revision. A bundle in the UNINSTALLED state does not have a current revision. An in use bundle revision is associated with an in use BundleWiring. The current bundle revision, if there is one, and all in use bundle revisions are returned.
The bundle revisions for a bundle can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt(BundleRevisions.class). getRevisions() on the bundle.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public List<BundleRevision> getRevisions()
Return the bundle revisions for the referenced bundle.
The result is a list containing the current bundle revision, if there is one, and all in use bundle revisions. The list may also contain intermediate bundle revisions which are not in use.
The list is ordered in reverse chronological order such that the first item is the most recent bundle revision and last item is the oldest bundle revision.
Generally the list will have at least one bundle revision for the bundle: the current bundle revision. However, for an uninstalled bundle with no in use bundle revisions, the list may be empty.
A list containing a snapshot of the BundleRevisions for the referenced bundle.
¶10.4.6 public interface BundleWire
extends Wire
A wire connecting a BundleCapability to a BundleRequirement.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public BundleCapability getCapability()
Returns the BundleCapability for this wire.
The BundleCapability for this wire.
¶ public BundleRevision getProvider()
Returns the resource providing the capability.
The returned resource may differ from the resource referenced by the capability.
This method returns the same value as getProviderWiring(). getRevision().
The resource providing the capability.
¶ public BundleWiring getProviderWiring()
Returns the bundle wiring providing the capability.
The bundle revision referenced by the returned bundle wiring may differ from the bundle revision referenced by the capability.
The bundle wiring providing the capability. If the bundle wiring
providing the capability is not in
use, null
will be returned.
¶ public BundleRequirement getRequirement()
Return the BundleRequirement for this wire.
The BundleRequirement for this wire.
¶ public BundleRevision getRequirer()
Returns the resource who requires the capability.
The returned resource may differ from the resource referenced by the requirement.
This method returns the same value as getRequirerWiring(). getRevision().
The resource who requires the capability.
¶ public BundleWiring getRequirerWiring()
Returns the bundle wiring who requires the capability.
The bundle revision referenced by the returned bundle wiring may differ from the bundle revision referenced by the requirement.
The bundle wiring whose requirement is wired to the capability.
If the bundle wiring requiring the capability is not
in use, null
will be
¶10.4.7 public interface BundleWiring
extends BundleReference, Wiring
A wiring for a bundle. Each time a bundle is resolved, a new bundle wiring for the bundle is created. A bundle wiring is associated with a bundle revision and represents the dependencies with other bundle wirings.
The bundle wiring for a bundle is the current bundle wiring if it is the most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle revision. A bundle wiring is in use if it is the current bundle wiring or if some other in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. For example, another bundle wiring is wired to a capability provided by the bundle wiring. An in use bundle wiring for a non-fragment bundle has a class loader. All bundles with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered removal pending. Once a bundle wiring is no longer in use, it is considered stale and is discarded by the framework.
The current bundle wiring for a bundle can be obtained by calling
bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class). A bundle in the
INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED state does not have a current wiring, adapting such
a bundle returns null
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public static final int FINDENTRIES_RECURSE = 1
The find entries operation must recurse into subdirectories.
This bit may be set when calling findEntries(String, String, int) to specify the result must include the matching entries from the specified path and its subdirectories. If this bit is not set, then the result must only include matching entries from the specified path.
¶ public static final int LISTRESOURCES_LOCAL = 2
The list resource names operation must limit the result to the names of matching resources contained in this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions. The result must not include resource names for resources in package names which are imported by this wiring.
This bit may be set when calling listResources(String, String, int) to specify the result must only include the names of matching resources contained in this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions. If this bit is not set, then the result must include the names of matching resources reachable from this bundle wiring's class loader which may include the names of matching resources contained in imported packages and required bundles.
¶ public static final int LISTRESOURCES_RECURSE = 1
The list resource names operation must recurse into subdirectories.
This bit may be set when calling listResources(String, String, int) to specify the result must include the names of matching resources from the specified path and its subdirectories. If this bit is not set, then the result must only include names of matching resources from the specified path.
¶ public List<URL> findEntries(String path, String filePattern, int options)
The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle wiring and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle wiring.
The file name pattern for selecting entries in the
specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last
element of the entry path. If the entry is a directory then the
trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring
matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification,
using the wildcard character ("*"). If null
specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all
The options for listing resource names. See FINDENTRIES_RECURSE. The method must ignore unrecognized options.
Returns entries in this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions. This bundle wiring's class loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions are searched for the specified entries.
This method takes into account that the "contents" of this bundle wiring can have attached fragments. This "bundle space" is not a namespace with unique members; the same entry name can be present multiple times. This method therefore returns a list of URL objects. These URLs can come from different JARs but have the same path name. This method can either return only entries in the specified path or recurse into subdirectories returning entries in the directory tree beginning at the specified path.
URLs for directory entries must have their path end with "/".
Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.
An unmodifiable list of URL objects for each matching entry, or
an empty list if no matching entry could be found, if this bundle
wiring is for a fragment revision or if the caller does not have
the appropriate AdminPermission[bundle,RESOURCE]
and the
Java Runtime Environment supports permissions. The list is
ordered such that entries from the bundle
revision are returned first followed by the entries from
attached fragment revisions in attachment order. If this bundle
wiring is not in use, null
must be
¶ public List<BundleCapability> getCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities to return or
to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
Returns the capabilities provided by this bundle wiring.
Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example, capabilities with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A capability may not be required by any bundle wiring and thus there may be no wires for the capability.
A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides a subset of the declared capabilities from the bundle revision and all attached fragment revisions†. Not all declared capabilities may be provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.
A bundle wiring for a fragment revision with a symbolic name must provide exactly one identity capability.
† The identity capability provided by attached fragment revisions must not be included in the capabilities of the host bundle wiring.
A list containing a snapshot of the BundleCapabilitys, or
an empty list if this bundle wiring provides no capabilities in
the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
in use, null
will be returned. For a
given namespace, the list contains the capabilities in the order
the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the
bundle revision and the attached
fragments† of this bundle wiring. There is no
ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Returns the class loader for this bundle wiring. Since a bundle refresh creates a new bundle wiring for a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle will have different class loaders.
The class loader for this bundle wiring. If this bundle wiring is
not in use or this bundle wiring is for a
fragment revision, null
will be returned.
– If the caller does not have the appropriate
, and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions.
¶ public List<Wire> getProvidedResourceWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the capabilities in
all namespaces.
Returns the Wires to the provided capabilities of this wiring.
This method returns the same value as getProvidedWires(String).
A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the capabilities of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public List<BundleWire> getProvidedWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the capabilities in
all namespaces.
Returns the BundleWires to the provided capabilities of this bundle wiring.
A list containing a snapshot of the BundleWires for the
capabilities of this bundle wiring, or
an empty list if this bundle wiring has no capabilities in the
specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
in use, null
will be returned. For a
given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
capabilities were specified in the manifests of the
bundle revision and the attached fragments
of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between
capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public List<Wire> getRequiredResourceWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the requirements in
all namespaces.
Returns the Wires to the requirements in use by this wiring.
This method returns the same value as getRequiredWires(String).
A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the requirements of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
¶ public List<BundleWire> getRequiredWires(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements for which to return
wires or null
to return the wires for the requirements in
all namespaces.
Returns the BundleWires to the requirements in use by this bundle wiring.
This method may return different results if this bundle wiring establishes additional wires to more requirements. For example, dynamically importing a package will establish a new wire to the dynamically imported package.
A list containing a snapshot of the BundleWires for the
requirements of this bundle wiring, or
an empty list if this bundle wiring has no requirements in the
specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
in use, null
will be returned. For a
given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the
requirements were specified in the manifests of the
bundle revision and the attached fragments
of this bundle wiring followed by dynamically established wires,
if any, in the order they were established. There is no ordering
defined between requirements in different namespaces.
¶ public List<BundleRequirement> getRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements to return or
to return the requirements from all namespaces.
Returns the requirements of this bundle wiring.
Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example, requirements with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision has a subset of the declared requirements from the bundle revision and all attached fragment revisions. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.
A list containing a snapshot of the BundleRequirements,
or an empty list if this bundle wiring uses no requirements in
the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not
in use, null
will be returned. For a
given namespace, the list contains the requirements in the order
the requirements were specified in the manifests of the
bundle revision and the attached fragments
of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between
requirements in different namespaces.
¶ public BundleRevision getResource()
Returns the resource associated with this wiring.
This method returns the same value as getRevision().
The resource associated with this wiring.
¶ public List<Capability> getResourceCapabilities(String namespace)
The namespace of the capabilities to return or
to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
Returns the capabilities provided by this wiring.
Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example, capabilities with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A capability may not be required by any wiring and thus there may be no wires for the capability.
A wiring for a non-fragment resource provides a subset of the declared capabilities from the resource and all attached fragment resources†. Not all declared capabilities may be provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.
A wiring for a fragment resource with a symbolic name must provide
exactly one osgi.identity
† The osgi.identity
capability provided by attached
fragment resource must not be included in the capabilities of the host
This method returns the same value as getCapabilities(String).
A list containing a snapshot of the Capabilitys, or an empty list if this wiring provides no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the capabilities in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources† of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
¶ public List<Requirement> getResourceRequirements(String namespace)
The namespace of the requirements to return or
to return the requirements from all namespaces.
Returns the requirements of this wiring.
Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example, requirements with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.
A wiring for a non-fragment resource has a subset of the declared requirements from the resource and all attached fragment resources. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be optionally imported and is not actually imported, the requirement must be discarded.
This method returns the same value as getRequirements(String).
A list containing a snapshot of the Requirements, or an empty list if this wiring uses no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the requirements in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
¶ public BundleRevision getRevision()
Returns the bundle revision for the bundle in this bundle wiring. Since a bundle update can change the entries in a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle can have different bundle revisions.
The bundle object referenced by the
returned BundleRevision
may return different information than the
returned BundleRevision
since the returned BundleRevision
may refer to an older revision of the bundle.
The bundle revision for this bundle wiring.
¶ public boolean isCurrent()
Returns true
if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring.
The bundle wiring for a bundle is the current bundle wiring if it is the
most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle revision. All bundles
with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered
removal pending.
if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring;
¶ public boolean isInUse()
Returns true
if this bundle wiring is in use. A bundle wiring is
in use if it is the current wiring or if some other
in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. Once a bundle wiring is no
longer in use, it is considered stale and is discarded by the framework.
if this bundle wiring is in use; false
¶ public Collection<String> listResources(String path, String filePattern, int options)
The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle wiring's class loader and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle wiring's class loader.
The file name pattern for selecting resource names in
the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last
element of the resource path. If the resource is a directory then
the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching.
Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter
specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If
is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and
matches all files.
The options for listing resource names. See LISTRESOURCES_LOCAL and LISTRESOURCES_RECURSE. This method must ignore unrecognized options.
Returns the names of resources visible to this bundle wiring's class loader. The returned names can be used to access the resources via this bundle wiring's class loader.
Only the resource names for resources in bundle wirings will be returned. The names of resources visible to a bundle wiring's parent class loader, such as the bootstrap class loader, must not be included in the result.
Only established wires will be examined for resources. This method must not cause new wires for dynamic imports to be established.
An unmodifiable collection of resource names for each matching
resource, or an empty collection if no matching resource could be
found, if this bundle wiring is for a fragment revision or if the
caller does not have the appropriate
and the Java Runtime
Environment supports permissions. The collection is unordered and
must contain no duplicate resource names. If this bundle wiring
is not in use, null
must be returned.
¶10.4.8 public interface FrameworkWiring
extends BundleReference
Query and modify wiring information for the framework. The framework wiring object for the framework can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt(FrameworkWiring.class) on the system bundle. Only the system bundle can be adapted to a FrameworkWiring object.
The system bundle associated with this FrameworkWiring object can be obtained by calling BundleReference.getBundle().
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public Collection<BundleCapability> findProviders(Requirement requirement)
The requirement to find matching bundle capabilities.
Must not be null
Find bundle capabilities that match the given requirement.
The returned collection contains BundleCapability objects where the revision must be the declaring revision of the capability and the revision must either be the current bundle revision or an in use bundle revision.
Each returned capability must match the given requirement. This means that the filter in the requirement must match as well as any namespace specific directives. For example, the mandatory attributes for the osgi.wiring.package namespace.
The returned collection has not been filtered to remove capabilities that are non-effective, substituted or for which the providing bundle does not have permission to provide. No resolve hooks are called to filter matching capabilities.
A collection of BundleCapability objects that match the specified requirement.
¶ public Collection<Bundle> getDependencyClosure(Collection<Bundle> bundles)
The initial bundles for which to generate the dependency closure.
Returns the dependency closure for the specified bundles.
A graph of bundles is computed starting with the specified bundles. The
graph is expanded by adding any bundle that is either wired to a package
that is currently exported by a bundle in the graph or requires a bundle
in the graph. The graph is fully constructed when there is no bundle
outside the graph that is wired to a bundle in the graph. The graph may
bundles that are
removal pending.
A collection containing a snapshot of the dependency closure of the specified bundles, or an empty collection if there were no specified bundles.
– If the specified Bundle
s were
not created by the same framework instance associated with this
¶ public Collection<Bundle> getRemovalPendingBundles()
Returns the bundles that have non-current, in use bundle wirings. This is typically the bundles which have been updated or uninstalled since the last call to refreshBundles(Collection, FrameworkListener...).
A collection containing a snapshot of the Bundle
s which
have non-current, in use BundleWiring
s, or an empty
collection if there are no such bundles.
¶ public void refreshBundles(Collection<Bundle> bundles, FrameworkListener... listeners)
The bundles to be refreshed, or null
to refresh
the removal pending bundles.
Zero or more listeners to be notified when the bundle refresh has been completed. The specified listeners do not need to be otherwise registered with the framework. If a specified listener is already registered with the framework, it will be notified twice.
Refreshes the specified bundles. This forces the update (replacement) or removal of packages exported by the specified bundles.
The technique by which the framework refreshes bundles may vary among different framework implementations. A permissible implementation is to stop and restart the framework.
This method returns to the caller immediately and then performs the following steps on a separate thread:
Compute the dependency closure of the specified bundles. If no bundles are specified, compute the dependency closure of the removal pending bundles.
Each bundle in the dependency closure that is in the
state will be stopped as described in theBundle.stop
method. -
Each bundle in the dependency closure that is in the
state is unresolved and thus moved to theINSTALLED
state. The effect of this step is that bundles in the dependency closure are no longerRESOLVED
. -
Each bundle in the dependency closure that is in the
state is removed from the dependency closure and is now completely removed from the Framework. -
Each bundle in the dependency closure that was in the
state prior to Step 2 is started as described in theBundle.start
method, causing all bundles required for the restart to be resolved. It is possible that, as a result of the previous steps, packages that were previously exported no longer are. Therefore, some bundles may be unresolvable until bundles satisfying the dependencies have been installed in the Framework.
For any exceptions that are thrown during any of these steps, a framework
event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR
is fired containing the
exception. The source bundle for these events should be the specific
bundle to which the exception is related. If no specific bundle can be
associated with the exception then the System Bundle must be used as the
source bundle for the event. All framework events fired by this method
are also delivered to the specified FrameworkListener
s in the
order they are specified.
When this process completes after the bundles are refreshed, the
Framework will fire a Framework event of type
to announce it has completed
the bundle refresh. The specified FrameworkListener
s are notified
in the order specified. Each specified FrameworkListener
will be
called with a Framework event of type
– If the specified Bundle
s were
not created by the same framework instance associated with this
– If the caller does not have
AdminPermission[System Bundle,RESOLVE]
and the Java
runtime environment supports permissions.
¶ public boolean resolveBundles(Collection<Bundle> bundles)
The bundles to resolve or null
to resolve all
unresolved bundles installed in the Framework.
Resolves the specified bundles. The Framework must attempt to resolve the specified bundles that are unresolved. Additional bundles that are not included in the specified bundles may be resolved as a result of calling this method. A permissible implementation of this method is to attempt to resolve all unresolved bundles installed in the framework.
If no bundles are specified, then the Framework will attempt to resolve all unresolved bundles. This method must not cause any bundle to be refreshed, stopped, or started. This method will not return until the operation has completed.
if all specified bundles are resolved; false
– If the specified Bundle
s were
not created by the same framework instance associated with this
– If the caller does not have
AdminPermission[System Bundle,RESOLVE]
and the Java
runtime environment supports permissions.
¶10.5 org.osgi.framework.startlevel
Version 1.0
Framework Start Level Package Version 1.0.
The Framework Start Level package allows management agents to manage a start
level assigned to each bundle and the active start level of the Framework.
This package is a replacement for the now deprecated
A start level is defined to be a state of execution in which the Framework exists. Start level values are defined as unsigned integers with 0 (zero) being the state where the Framework is not launched. Progressively higher integral values represent progressively higher start levels. For example, 2 is a higher start level than 1.
is required to modify start level information.
Start Level support in the Framework includes the ability to modify the active start level of the Framework and to assign a specific start level to a bundle. The beginning start level of a Framework is specified via the org.osgi.framework.Constants.FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL framework property when configuring a framework.
When the Framework is first started it must be at start level zero. In this state, no bundles are running. This is the initial state of the Framework before it is launched. When the Framework is launched, the Framework will enter start level one and all bundles which are assigned to start level one and whose autostart setting indicates the bundle should be started are started as described in the org.osgi.framework.Bundle.start(int) method. The Framework will continue to increase the start level, starting bundles at each start level, until the Framework has reached a beginning start level. At this point the Framework has completed starting bundles and will then fire a Framework event of type org.osgi.framework.FrameworkEvent.STARTED to announce it has completed its launch.
Within a start level, bundles may be started in an order defined by the Framework implementation. This may be something like ascending org.osgi.framework.Bundle.getBundleId() order or an order based upon dependencies between bundles. A similar but reversed order may be used when stopping bundles within a start level.
The Framework Start Level package can be used by management bundles to alter the active start level of the framework.
Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. For example:
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.startlevel; version="[1.0,2.0)"
¶10.5.1 Summary
- Query and modify the start level information for a bundle. -
- Query and modify the start level information for the framework.
¶10.5.2 public interface BundleStartLevel
extends BundleReference
Query and modify the start level information for a bundle. The start level object for a bundle can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt(BundleStartLevel.class) on the bundle.
The bundle associated with this BundleStartLevel object can be obtained by calling BundleReference.getBundle().
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public int getStartLevel()
Return the assigned start level value for the bundle.
The start level value of the bundle.
– If the bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public boolean isActivationPolicyUsed()
Returns whether the bundle's autostart setting indicates that the activation policy declared in the bundle manifest must be used.
The autostart setting of a bundle indicates whether the bundle's declared activation policy is to be used when the bundle is started.
if the bundle's autostart setting indicates the
activation policy declared in the manifest must be used.
if the bundle must be eagerly activated.
– If the bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public boolean isPersistentlyStarted()
Returns whether the bundle's autostart setting indicates it must be started.
The autostart setting of a bundle indicates whether the bundle is to be started when its start level is reached.
if the autostart setting of the bundle indicates it
is to be started. false
– If this bundle has been uninstalled.
¶ public void setStartLevel(int startlevel)
The new start level for the bundle.
Assign a start level value to the bundle.
The bundle will be assigned the specified start level. The start level value assigned to the bundle will be persistently recorded by the Framework.
If the new start level for the bundle is lower than or equal to the
active start level of the Framework and the bundle's autostart setting
indicates this bundle must be started, the Framework will start the
bundle as described in the Bundle.start(int) method using the
Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option. The
Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option must also be used if
isActivationPolicyUsed() returns true
. The actual
starting of the bundle must occur asynchronously.
If the new start level for the bundle is higher than the active start level of the Framework, the Framework will stop the bundle as described in the Bundle.stop(int) method using the Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT option. The actual stopping of the bundle must occur asynchronously.
– If the specified start level is less
than or equal to zero, or if the bundle is the system bundle.
– If the bundle has been uninstalled.
– If the caller does not have
and the Java runtime
environment supports permissions.
¶10.5.3 public interface FrameworkStartLevel
extends BundleReference
Query and modify the start level information for the framework. The start level object for the framework can be obtained by calling bundle.adapt(FrameworkStartLevel.class) on the system bundle. Only the system bundle can be adapted to a FrameworkStartLevel object.
The system bundle associated with this FrameworkStartLevel object can be obtained by calling BundleReference.getBundle().
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public int getInitialBundleStartLevel()
Return the initial start level value that is assigned to a Bundle when it is first installed.
The initial start level value for Bundles.
¶ public int getStartLevel()
Return the active start level value of the Framework. If the Framework is in the process of changing the start level this method must return the active start level if this differs from the requested start level.
The active start level value of the Framework.
¶ public void setInitialBundleStartLevel(int startlevel)
The initial start level for newly installed bundles.
Set the initial start level value that is assigned to a Bundle when it is first installed.
The initial bundle start level will be set to the specified start level. The initial bundle start level value will be persistently recorded by the Framework.
When a Bundle is installed via BundleContext.installBundle
, it is
assigned the initial bundle start level value.
The default initial bundle start level value is 1 unless this method has been called to assign a different initial bundle start level value.
This method does not change the start level values of installed bundles.
– If the specified start level is less
than or equal to zero.
– If the caller does not have
AdminPermission[System Bundle,STARTLEVEL]
and the Java
runtime environment supports permissions.
¶ public void setStartLevel(int startlevel, FrameworkListener... listeners)
The requested start level for the Framework.
Zero or more listeners to be notified when the start level change has been completed. The specified listeners do not need to be otherwise registered with the framework. If a specified listener is already registered with the framework, it will be notified twice.
Modify the active start level of the Framework and notify when complete.
The Framework will move to the requested start level. This method will
return immediately to the caller and the start level change will occur
asynchronously on another thread. The specified FrameworkListener
s are notified, in the order specified, when the start level change is
complete. When the start level change completes normally, each specified
will be called with a Framework event of type
. If the start level change does
not complete normally, each specified FrameworkListener
will be
called with a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR
If the specified start level is higher than the active start level, the Framework will continue to increase the start level until the Framework has reached the specified start level. At each intermediate start level value on the way to and including the target start level, the Framework must:
Change the active start level to the intermediate start level value.
Start bundles at the intermediate start level whose autostart setting indicate they must be started. They are started as described in the Bundle.start(int) method using the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option. The Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option must also be used if BundleStartLevel.isActivationPolicyUsed() returns
for the bundle.
When this process completes after the specified start level is reached,
the Framework will fire a Framework event of type
to announce it has moved to the
specified start level.
If the specified start level is lower than the active start level, the Framework will continue to decrease the start level until the Framework has reached the specified start level. At each intermediate start level value on the way to and including the specified start level, the framework must:
Stop bundles at the intermediate start level as described in the Bundle.stop(int) method using the Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT option.
Change the active start level to the intermediate start level value.
When this process completes after the specified start level is reached,
the Framework will fire a Framework event of type
to announce it has moved to the
specified start level.
If the specified start level is equal to the active start level, then no
bundles are started or stopped, however, the Framework must fire a
Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.STARTLEVEL_CHANGED
announce it has finished moving to the specified start level. This event
may arrive before this method returns.
– If the specified start level is less
than or equal to zero.
– If the caller does not have
AdminPermission[System Bundle,STARTLEVEL]
and the Java
runtime environment supports permissions.
¶10.6 org.osgi.framework.namespace
Version 1.1
Namespace Package Version 1.1.
Bundles should not need to import this package at runtime since all the types in this package just contain constants for capability and requirement namespaces specified by the OSGi Alliance.
¶10.6.1 Summary
- Wiring Capability and Requirement Namespaces base class. -
- Bundle Capability and Requirement Namespace. -
- Execution Environment Capability and Requirement Namespace. -
- Host Capability and Requirement Namespace. -
- Identity Capability and Requirement Namespace. -
- Native Capability and Requirement Namespace. -
- Package Capability and Requirement Namespace.
¶10.6.2 public abstract class AbstractWiringNamespace
extends Namespace
Wiring Capability and Requirement Namespaces base class.
This class is the common class shared by all OSGi defined wiring namespaces. It defines the names for the common attributes and directives for the OSGi specified wiring namespaces.
The values associated with these keys are of type String
, unless
otherwise indicated.
Consumers of this API must not implement this type
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "bundle-version"
The capability attribute contains the Version
of the resource
providing the capability if one is specified or 0.0.0
if not
specified. The value of this attribute must be of type Version
¶10.6.3 public final class BundleNamespace
extends AbstractWiringNamespace
Bundle Capability and Requirement Namespace.
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
Unless otherwise noted, all directives specified on the
header are visible in the capability and all
directives specified on the Require-Bundle
header are visible in the
The uses directive must be ignored. A
directive specified on theBundle-SymbolicName
header must be ignored. Auses
directive must not be present in the capability. -
The effective directives must be ignored. This namespace is only effective at resolve time. An
directive specified on theBundle-SymbolicName
headers must be ignored. Aneffective
directive must not be present in a capability or requirement. -
The cardinality directive must be ignored. A
directive specified on theRequire-Bundle
header must be ignored. Acardinality
directive must not be present in a requirement.
A non-fragment resource with the osgi.bundle type identity provides exactly one† bundle capability (that is, the bundle can be required by another bundle). A fragment resource with the osgi.fragment type identity must not declare a bundle capability. A resource requires zero or more bundle requirements (that is, required bundles).
† A resource with no symbolic name must not provide a bundle capability.
¶ public static final String BUNDLE_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.bundle"
Namespace name for bundle capabilities and requirements.
Also, the capability attribute used to specify the symbolic name of the bundle.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_DIRECTIVE = "fragment-attachment"
The capability directive identifying if and when a fragment may attach to a host bundle.
This directive should be examined using the host namespace.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE = "singleton"
The capability directive identifying if the resource is a singleton. A
value of "true
" indicates the resource
is a singleton; any other value or null
indicates the resource is
not a singleton.
This directive should be examined using the identity namespace.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_EXTENSION_DIRECTIVE = "extension"
The requirement directive used to specify the type of the extension fragment.
This directive should be examined using the host namespace.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_VISIBILITY_DIRECTIVE = "visibility"
The requirement directive used to specify the visibility type for a requirement. The default value is private.
¶ public static final String VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = "private"
The directive value identifying a private visibility type. A private visibility type indicates that any packages that are exported by the required bundle are not made visible on the export signature of the requiring bundle. .
¶ public static final String VISIBILITY_REEXPORT = "reexport"
The directive value identifying a reexport visibility type. A reexport visibility type indicates any packages that are exported by the required bundle are re-exported by the requiring bundle.
¶10.6.4 public final class ExecutionEnvironmentNamespace
extends Namespace
Execution Environment Capability and Requirement Namespace.
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "version"
The capability attribute contains the versions of the execution
environment. The value of this attribute must be of type
¶ public static final String EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NAMESPACE = "osgi.ee"
Namespace name for execution environment capabilities and requirements.
Also, the capability attribute used to specify the name of the execution environment.
¶10.6.5 public final class HostNamespace
extends AbstractWiringNamespace
Host Capability and Requirement Namespace.
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
Unless otherwise noted, all directives specified on the
header are visible in the capability and all
directives specified on the Fragment-Host
header are visible in the
The uses directive must be ignored. A
directive specified on theBundle-SymbolicName
header must be ignored. Auses
directive must not be present in the capability. -
The effective directives must be ignored. This namespace is only effective at resolve time. An
directive specified on theBundle-SymbolicName
headers must be ignored. Aneffective
directive must not be present in a capability or requirement. -
The cardinality directive has limited applicability to this namespace. A
directive specified on theFragment-Host
header must be ignored. All requirements must have thecardinality
directive set to multiple.
A non-fragment resource with the with the osgi.bundle type identity provides zero or one† host capabilities. A fragment resource with the osgi.fragment type identity must not declare a host capability and must declare exactly one host requirement.
† A resource with no bundle symbolic name must not provide a host capability.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_DIRECTIVE = "fragment-attachment"
The capability directive identifying if and when a fragment may attach to a host bundle. The default value is always.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE = "singleton"
The capability directive identifying if the resource is a singleton. A
value of "true
" indicates the resource
is a singleton; any other value or null
indicates the resource is
not a singleton.
This directive should be examined using the identity namespace.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_BOOTCLASSPATH = "bootclasspath"
The directive value indicating that the extension fragment is to be loaded by the boot class loader.
¶ public static final String EXTENSION_FRAMEWORK = "framework"
The directive value indicating that the extension fragment is to be loaded by the framework's class loader.
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_ALWAYS = "always"
The directive value indicating that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time (while the host is resolved or during the process of resolving the host bundle).
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_NEVER = "never"
The directive value indicating that no fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time.
¶ public static final String FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_RESOLVETIME = "resolve-time"
The directive value indicating that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle only during the process of resolving the host bundle.
¶ public static final String HOST_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.host"
Namespace name for host capabilities and requirements.
Also, the capability attribute used to specify the symbolic name of the host.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_EXTENSION_DIRECTIVE = "extension"
The requirement directive used to specify the type of the extension fragment. The default value is framework.
¶10.6.6 public final class IdentityNamespace
extends Namespace
Identity Capability and Requirement Namespace.
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
Each resource provides exactly one† identity capability that can be used to identify the resource.
The bundle wiring for the bundle revision provides exactly one† identity capability.
† A resource with no symbolic name must not provide an identity capability.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_COPYRIGHT_ATTRIBUTE = "copyright"
The capability attribute that contains a human readable copyright notice
for the resource. See the Bundle-Copyright
manifest header.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE = "description"
The capability attribute that contains a human readable description for
the resource. See the Bundle-Description
manifest header.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_DOCUMENTATION_ATTRIBUTE = "documentation"
The capability attribute that contains the URL to documentation for the
resource. See the Bundle-DocURL
manifest header.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_LICENSE_ATTRIBUTE = "license"
The capability attribute that contains the URL to the license for the
resource. See the name
portion of the Bundle-License
manifest header.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE = "singleton"
The capability directive identifying if the resource is a singleton. A
value of "true" indicates the resource is a
singleton; any other value or null
indicates the resource is not
a singleton.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "type"
The capability attribute identifying the resource type. If the resource has no type then the value unknown must be used for the attribute.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "version"
The capability attribute identifying the Version
of the resource
if one is specified or 0.0.0
if not specified. The value of this
attribute must be of type Version
¶ public static final String CLASSIFIER_JAVADOC = "javadoc"
The attribute value identifying the resource classifier as an archive containing the javadoc in the same directory layout as the resource.
¶ public static final String CLASSIFIER_SOURCES = "sources"
The attribute value identifying the resource classifier as an archive containing the source code in the same directory layout as the resource.
¶ public static final String IDENTITY_NAMESPACE = "osgi.identity"
Namespace name for identity capabilities and requirements.
Also, the capability attribute used to specify the symbolic name of the resource.
¶ public static final String REQUIREMENT_CLASSIFIER_DIRECTIVE = "classifier"
The requirement directive that classifies the relationship with another resource.
¶ public static final String TYPE_BUNDLE = "osgi.bundle"
The attribute value identifying the resource type as an OSGi bundle.
¶ public static final String TYPE_FRAGMENT = "osgi.fragment"
The attribute value identifying the resource type as an OSGi fragment.
¶10.6.7 public final class NativeNamespace
extends Namespace
Native Capability and Requirement Namespace.
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE = "osgi.native.language"
The capability attribute contains the
launching property value. The value of this attribute must be of type
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_OSNAME_ATTRIBUTE = "osgi.native.osname"
The capability attribute contains alias values of the
org.osgi.framework.os.name launching
property value according to the
Specification References. The value of this attribute must be of type
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_OSVERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "osgi.native.osversion"
The capability attribute contains a Version
parsed from the
launching property value. The value of this attribute must be of type
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_PROCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE = "osgi.native.processor"
The capability attribute contains alias values of the
launching property value according to the
Specification References. The value of this attribute must be of type
¶ public static final String NATIVE_NAMESPACE = "osgi.native"
Namespace name for native capabilities and requirements.
¶10.6.8 public final class PackageNamespace
extends AbstractWiringNamespace
Package Capability and Requirement Namespace.
A resource provides zero or more package capabilities (this is, exported packages) and requires zero or more package requirements (that is, imported packages).
This class defines the names for the attributes and directives for this
namespace. All unspecified capability attributes are of type String
and are used as arbitrary matching attributes for the capability. The values
associated with the specified directive and attribute keys are of type
, unless otherwise indicated.
Unless otherwise noted, all directives specified on the
header are visible in the capability and all
directives specified on the Import-Package
headers are visible in the requirement.
The effective directives must be ignored. This namespace is only effective at resolve time. An
directive specified on theExport-Package
headers must be ignored. Aneffective
directive must not be present in a capability or requirement. -
The cardinality directive has limited applicability to this namespace. A
directive specified on theImport-Package
headers must be ignored. Only requirements with resolution set to dynamic and the package name contains a wildcard must have thecardinality
directive set to multiple. Otherwise, acardinality
directive must not be present in a requirement.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME_ATTRIBUTE = "bundle-symbolic-name"
The capability attribute contains the symbolic name of the resource providing the package.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_EXCLUDE_DIRECTIVE = "exclude"
The capability directive used to specify the comma separated list of classes which must not be allowed to be exported.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_INCLUDE_DIRECTIVE = "include"
The capability directive used to specify the comma separated list of classes which must be allowed to be exported.
¶ public static final String CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "version"
The capability attribute contains the Version
of the package if
one is specified or 0.0.0
if not specified. The value of this
attribute must be of type Version
¶ public static final String PACKAGE_NAMESPACE = "osgi.wiring.package"
Namespace name for package capabilities and requirements.
Also, the capability attribute used to specify the name of the package.
¶ public static final String RESOLUTION_DYNAMIC = "dynamic"
The directive value identifying a dynamic requirement resolution type. A dynamic resolution type indicates that the requirement is resolved dynamically at runtime (such as a dynamically imported package) and the resource will be resolved without the requirement being resolved.
¶10.7 org.osgi.annotation.versioning
Version 1.1
OSGi Versioning Annotations Package Version 1.1.
This package is not used at runtime.
¶10.7.1 Summary
- A type implemented by, or extended by, the Consumer Role. -
- A type implemented by, or extended by, the Provider Role. -
- Specify the version of a package.
¶10.7.2 @ConsumerType
A type implemented by, or extended by, the Consumer Role.
A non-binary-compatible change to a consumer type or a binary-compatible change to a consumer type affecting an abstract method normally requires incrementing the major version of the type's package. This change will require all providers and all consumers to be updated to handle the change since consumers that implement or extend the consumer type and all providers must understand the change in the consumer type.
A binary-compatible change to a consumer type not affecting an abstract method normally requires incrementing the minor version of the type's package. This change will require all providers to be updated to handle the change, but consumers will not require changes since no abstract methods requiring implementation by the consumer are affected.
A type can be marked ConsumerType or ProviderType but not both. A type is assumed to be ConsumerType if it is not marked either ConsumerType or ProviderType.
A package can be marked ProviderType. In this case, all types in the package are considered to be a provider type regardless of whether they are marked ConsumerType or ProviderType.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to understand the semantic version of a package. When a bundle implements a consumer type from an imported package, then the bundle's import range for that package must require the exact major version and a minor version greater than or equal to the package's version.
¶10.7.3 @ProviderType
A type implemented by, or extended by, the Provider Role.
A non-binary-compatible change to a provider type normally requires
incrementing the major version of the type's package. This change will
require all providers and all consumers to be updated to handle the change.
However, a non-binary-compatible change affecting a protected
member only requires incrementing the minor version of the type's package.
This change will require all providers to be updated to handle the change,
but consumers will not require changes since they only use, and do not
extend, the provider type and thus could not access protected
members of the provider type.
A binary-compatible change to a provider type normally requires incrementing the minor version of the type's package. This change will require all providers to be updated to handle the change, but consumers will not require changes since they only use, and do not implement or extend, the provider type.
A type can be marked ConsumerType or ProviderType but not both. A type is assumed to be ConsumerType if it is not marked either ConsumerType or ProviderType.
A package can be marked ProviderType. In this case, all types in the package are considered to be a provider type regardless of whether they are marked ConsumerType or ProviderType.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to understand the semantic version of a package. When a bundle implements a provider type from an imported package, then the bundle's import range for that package must require the package's exact major and minor version.
¶10.7.4 @Version
Specify the version of a package.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests or otherwise process the version of a package.
¶ String value
The version of the annotated package.
The version must be a valid OSGi version string.
¶10.8 org.osgi.annotation.bundle
Version 1.0
OSGi Bundle Annotations Package Version 1.0.
This package is not used at runtime.
¶10.8.1 Summary
- Mark an annotation element as an attribute. -
- Container annotation for repeated Capability annotations. -
- Define a capability for a bundle. -
- Mark an annotation element as a directive. -
- Mark a package to be exported from its bundle. -
- Substitution policy for this package. -
- Define a manifest header for a bundle. -
- Container annotation for repeated Header annotations. -
- Define a requirement for a bundle. -
- Cardinality for this requirement. -
- Resolution for this requirement. -
- Container annotation for repeated Requirement annotations.
¶10.8.2 @Attribute
Mark an annotation element as an attribute.
This is used when applying Capability or Requirement as a
meta annotation to an annotation declaration. The value of the annotation
element annotated with Attribute
is used as the value of an attribute
in the generated capability or requirement clause. For example:
@Capability(namespace = "my.namespace")
public @interface MyCapability {
String value() default "";
public MyClass {}
The use of the MyCapability
annotation, which is meta annotated with
the Capability
and Attribute
annotations, will result in a
capability in the namespace my.namespace
with the attribute
If the element annotated with Attribute
is unspecified when applied,
then the attribute must not be generated in the generated capability or
requirement clause. For example:
public MyClass {}
will not have the attr
attribute in the generated capability.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests.
¶ String value default ""
The name of the attribute.
If not specified, the name of the annotated element is used as the name of the attribute.
¶10.8.3 @Capabilities
Container annotation for repeated Capability annotations.
¶ Capability[] value
Repeated Capability annotations.
¶10.8.4 @Capability
Define a capability for a bundle.
For example:
name="osgi.component", version="1.3.0")
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests or otherwise process the type or package.
This annotation can be used to annotate an annotation.
¶ String namespace
The namespace of this capability.
¶ String name default ""
The name of this capability within the namespace.
If specified, adds an attribute with the name of the namespace and the value of the specified name to the capability clause.
¶ String version default ""
The version of this capability.
If specified, adds an attribute with the name and type of
and the value of the specified version to the
capability clause.
The specified version must be a valid OSGi version string.
¶ Class<?>[] uses default {}
A list of classes whose packages are inspected to calculate the
directive for this capability.
If not specified, the uses
directive is omitted from the
capability clause.
¶ String effective default "resolve"
The effective time of this capability.
Specifies the time the capability is available. The OSGi framework resolver only considers capabilities without an effective directive or effective:=resolve. Capabilities with other values for the effective directive can be considered by an external agent.
If not specified, the effective
directive is omitted from the
capability clause.
¶ String[] attribute default {}
A list of attribute or directive names and values.
Each string should be specified in the form:
for attributes. -
for typed attributes. -
for directives.
These are added, separated by semicolons, to the export package clause.
¶10.8.5 @Directive
Mark an annotation element as a directive.
This is used when applying Capability or Requirement as a
meta annotation to an annotation declaration. The value of the annotation
element annotated with Directive
is used as the value of a directive
in the generated capability or requirement clause. For example:
@Capability(namespace = "my.namespace")
public @interface MyCapability {
String value() default "";
public MyClass {}
The use of the MyCapability
annotation, which is meta annotated with
the Capability
and Directive
annotations, will result in a
capability in the namespace my.namespace
with the directive
If the element annotated with Directive
is unspecified when applied,
then the directive must not be generated in the generated capability or
requirement clause. For example:
public MyClass {}
will not have the resource
directive in the generated capability.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests.
¶ String value default ""
The name of the directive.
If not specified, the name of the annotated element is used as the name of the directive.
¶10.8.6 @Export
Mark a package to be exported from its bundle.
The package must also be annotation with the Version annotation to specify the export version of the package.
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests or otherwise process the package.
¶ String[] uses default {}
A list of package names that are used by this package.
If the uses
directive must be omitted from the export package
clause for this package, the empty value {}
be specified.
If not specified, the uses
directive for the export package
clause is calculated by inspection of the classes in this package.
¶ String[] attribute default {}
A list of attribute or directive names and values.
Each string should be specified in the form:
for attributes. -
for typed attributes. -
for directives.
These are added, separated by semicolons, to the export package clause.
¶ Export.Substitution substitution default CALCULATED
Specify the policy for substitutably importing this package.
Bundles that collaborate require the same class loader for types used in the collaboration. If multiple bundles export packages with collaboration types then they will have to be placed in disjoint class spaces, making collaboration impossible. Collaboration is significantly improved when bundles are willing to import exported packages; these imports will allow a framework to substitute exports for imports.
If not specified, the Substitution.CALCULATED substitution policy is used for this package.
¶10.8.7 enum Export.Substitution
Substitution policy for this package.
Use a consumer type version range for the import package clause when substitutably importing a package.
Use a provider type version range for the import package clause when substitutably importing a package.
The package must not be substitutably imported.
The policy value is calculated by inspection of the classes in the package.
¶10.8.8 @Header
Define a manifest header for a bundle.
For example:
@Header(name=Constants.BUNDLE_CATEGORY, value="osgi")
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests.
¶ String name
The name of this header.
¶ String value
The value of this header.
¶10.8.10 @Requirement
Define a requirement for a bundle.
For example:
name="osgi.component", version="1.3.0")
This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests or otherwise process the a package.
This annotation can be used to annotate an annotation.
¶ String namespace
The namespace of this requirement.
¶ String name default ""
The name of this requirement within the namespace.
If specified, adds an expression, using the &
operator with any
specified filter(), to the requirement's filter directive to
test that an attribute with the name of the namespace is equal to the
value of the specified name.
¶ String version default ""
The floor version of the version range for this requirement.
If specified, adds a version range expression, using the &
operator with any specified filter(), to the requirement's
filter directive. The ceiling version of the version range is the next
major version from the floor version. For example, if the specified
version is 1.3
, then the version range expression is
The specified version must be a valid OSGi version string.
¶ String filter default ""
The filter expression of this requirement, if any.
¶ String effective default "resolve"
The effective time of this requirement.
Specifies the time the requirement is available. The OSGi framework resolver only considers requirement without an effective directive or effective:=resolve. Requirements with other values for the effective directive can be considered by an external agent.
If not specified, the effective
directive is omitted from the
requirement clause.
¶ String[] attribute default {}
A list of attribute or directive names and values.
Each string should be specified in the form:
for attributes. -
for typed attributes. -
for directives.
These are added, separated by semicolons, to the export package clause.
¶ Requirement.Cardinality cardinality default SINGLE
The cardinality of this requirement.
Indicates if this requirement can be wired a single time or multiple times.
If not specified, the cardinality
directive is omitted from the
requirement clause.
¶ Requirement.Resolution resolution default MANDATORY
The resolution policy of this requirement.
A mandatory requirement forbids the bundle to resolve when this requirement is not satisfied; an optional requirement allows a bundle to resolve even if this requirement is not satisfied.
If not specified, the resolution
directive is omitted from the
requirement clause.
¶10.8.11 enum Requirement.Cardinality
Cardinality for this requirement.
Indicates if the requirement can only be wired a single time.
Indicates if the requirement can be wired multiple times.
¶10.8.12 enum Requirement.Resolution
Resolution for this requirement.
A mandatory requirement forbids the bundle to resolve when the requirement is not satisfied.
An optional requirement allows a bundle to resolve even if the requirement is not satisfied.
¶10.8.13 @Requirements
Container annotation for repeated Requirement annotations.
¶ Requirement[] value
Repeated Requirement annotations.