Interface ZCLDataTypeDescription
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface ZCLDataTypeDescription
This interface is used for representing any of the ZigBee Data Types defined
in the ZCL. Each of these data types has a set of associated information that
this interface definition permits to retrieve using the specific methods.
- The data type identifier
- The data type name
- The data type is analog or digital
- The Java class used to represent the data type.
- "Consumers of this API must not implement this interface"
Method Summary
Method Details
short getId()Returns the data type identifier.- Returns:
- the data type identifier. The data types identifiers supported by
this specification are defined in the
String getName()Returns the associated data type name.- Returns:
- the associated data type name string.
boolean isAnalog()Checks if the data type is analog.- Returns:
- true, if the data type is Analog, otherwise is Discrete.
Class<?> getJavaDataType()Returns the corresponding Java type class.- Returns:
- the corresponding Java type class.