101 Log Service Specification

101.1 Introduction

The Log Service provides a general purpose message logger for the OSGi framework. It consists of several services: a service for obtaining Loggers to log information and other services for retrieving current or previously recorded log information.

This specification defines the methods and semantics of interfaces which bundle developers can use to log entries and to retrieve log entries.

Bundles can use the Logger Factory to log information for the Operator. Other bundles, oriented toward management of the environment, can use the Log Stream Provider or Log Reader Service to retrieve Log Entry objects that were recorded recently or to receive Log Entry objects as they are logged by other bundles.

101.1.1 Entities

  • Logger - An interface that allows a bundle to log information, including a message, a level, an exception, and a ServiceReference object.

  • LoggerFactory - The service interface that allows a bundle to obtain a Logger. A Logger is named and associated with a Bundle object.

  • LogService - The legacy service interface that allows a bundle to log information, including a message, a level, an exception, a ServiceReference object, and a Bundle object. The methods of this service are deprecated and it is recommended to use LoggerFactory and Loggers instead.

  • LogEntry - An interface that allows access to a log entry in the log. It includes all the information that can be logged through the Logger as well as a time stamp, a sequence number, thread information, and location information.

  • LogStreamProvider - A service interface that allows access to a PushStream of LogEntry objects.

  • LogReaderService - A service interface that allows access to a list of recent LogEntry objects, and allows the registration of a LogListener object that receives LogEntry objects as they are created.

  • LogListener - The interface for the listener to LogEntry objects. Must be registered with the Log Reader Service.

  • LoggerContext - An interface that allows the configuration of effective logging levels for a Bundle. The configuration can be set in Configuration Admin and via method calls.

  • LoggerAdmin - A service interface that allows for the configuration of logging. The service provides access to Logger Context objects.

101.2 The Logger Interface

The Logger interface allows bundle developers to log messages that can be distributed to other bundles, which in turn can forward the logged entries to a file system, remote system, or some other destination. It is inspired by the ideas used in [1] SLF4J.

Figure 101.1 Logger Class Diagram org.osgi.service.log package

Logger Class Diagram org.osgi.service.log package

The Logger interface allows the bundle developer to:

  • Specify a message, message parameters, and an exception to be logged.

  • Define the log level representing the severity of the message being logged. If the effective log level for the Logger does not imply the requested log level, then the logging request is ignored. See Effective Log Level.

  • Specify the Service associated with the message being logged.

  • Query if a log level is effective.

By obtaining a Logger object from the LoggerFactory service, a bundle can start logging messages to the Log Service by calling one of the Logger methods.

The Logger interface defines several methods for each of the defined LogLevels.

Table 101.1 Log Levels

Log Level Descriptions


This log level is used for information that must always be logged.


This log level is used for information about an error situation.


This log level is used for information about a failure or unwanted situation that is not blocking.


This log level is used for information about normal operation.


This log level is used for detailed output for debugging operations.


This log level is used for large volume of output for tracing operations.

Many of the Logger methods take a message format string and message parameters which are formatted together to create the log message. In the format string, use a left curly bracket ('{' \u007B) followed by a right curly bracket ('}' \u007D) as a place holder for a message parameter: "{}". If you need to use the literal "{}" in the formatted message, precede the place holder with a reverse solidus ('\' \u005C): "\\{}". If you need to place a backslash before the place holder, precede the reverse solidus with a reverse solidus: "\\\\{}".

You can also add a Throwable and/or ServiceReference to the generated LogEntry by passing them to the logging methods as additional arguments to the Logger method. If the last argument is a Throwable or a ServiceReference, it is added to the generated LogEntry and then, if the next to last argument is a ServiceReference or Throwable and not the same type as the last argument, it is also added to the generated LogEntry. These arguments will not be used as message parameters. For example:

logger.info("Found service {}.", serviceReference, serviceReference);
logger.warn("Something named {} happened.", name, serviceReference, throwable);
logger.error("Failed.", exception);

The following example code records error conditions as log messages.

try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(myFile)) {
    int b;
    while ((b = in.read()) != -1 ) {
} catch (IOException e) {
    logger.error("Cannot access file {}", myFile, e);

Notice that in addition to the error message, the exception itself is also logged. Providing this information can significantly simplify problem determination by the Operator.

Sometimes message parameters can be expensive to compute, so avoiding computation is important if the log level is not effective. This can be done using either an if block or a LoggerConsumer. The latter is convenient as a lambda expression. For example, both of the following examples avoid computation if the log level is not effective.

if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Max {}", Collections.max(processing));
logger.info(l -> l.info("Max {}", Collections.max(processing)));

The latter example only calls the lambda expression if the log level is effective.

101.3 Obtaining a Logger

Logger objects can be obtained from the LoggerFactory service. Loggers are named. Logger names should be in the form of a fully qualified Java class names with segments separated by full stop ('.' \u002E). For example:


Logger names form a hierarchy. A logger name is said to be an ancestor of another logger name if the logger name followed by a full stop ('.' \u002E) is a prefix of the descendant logger name. The root logger name (ROOT_LOGGER_NAME) is the top ancestor of the logger name hierarchy. For example:


Normally the name of the class which is doing the logging is used as the logger name. There are Logger Factory methods which take Class objects to simplify this.

Logger logger = loggerFactory.getLogger(Bar.class);

The LoggerFactory service can be used to obtain two types of Logger objects: Logger and FormatterLogger. The Logger object uses SLF4J-style ("{}") place holders for message formatting. The FormatterLogger object use printf-style place holders from java.util.Formatter for message formatting.

FormatterLogger logger = loggerFactory.getLogger(Bar.class,
logger.error("Cannot access file %s", myFile);

Some bundles, such as the Service Component Runtime implementation, may need to log on behalf of other bundles. The getLogger(Bundle,String,Class) method can be used to obtain a Logger object associated with the specified bundle.

Logger logger = loggerFactory.getLogger(componentBundle,

As long as the LoggerFactory service, from which the Logger is obtained, is active, that is, the LoggerFactory service has not been unregistered, then the Logger is valid and can be used to log. However, once the LoggerFactory service has been unregistered, then Logger objects obtained from the LoggerFactory service must enter a "no-op" state where no log level is effective and no logging occurs.

101.4 Logger Configuration

A Logger Admin service is defined which allows for the configuration of Loggers.

Figure 101.2 Log Admin Class Diagram org.osgi.service.log.admin package

Log Admin Class Diagram org.osgi.service.log.admin package

The LoggerAdmin service can be used to obtain the LoggerContext for a bundle. Each bundle may have its own named LoggerContext based upon its bundle symbolic name, bundle version, and bundle location. There is also a root LoggerContext from which all named LoggerContexts inherit. The root LoggerContext has no name.

The LoggerAdmin service is associated with the LoggerFactory service it administrates via the LOG_SERVICE_ID service property whose value is a Long containing the service.id of the LoggerFactory service.

A Logger implementation must locate the LoggerContext for the bundle to determine the effective log level of the Logger when a log method is called. See Effective Log Level. The best matching name for the LoggerContext is the longest name, which has a non-empty LoggerContext, according to the following syntax:

name ::= symbolic-name ( ’|’ version ( ’|’ location )? )?

The version must be formatted canonically, that is, according to the toString() method of the Version class. So the LoggerContext for a bundle is searched for using the following names in the given order:


The search stops at the first non-empty LoggerContext. If no non-empty LoggerContext is found using the above search order, the LoggerContext with the symbolic name of the bundle must be used.

This allows a bundle to have no LoggerContext configured. In this case it will use the root LoggerContext's configuration. It also allows a bundle to be configured based upon bundle symbolic name, bundle symbolic name and bundle version or even bundle symbolic name, bundle version, and bundle location. The latter forms may be of interest if there are multiple versions of a bundle installed.

LoggerContexts can be configured using the getLogLevels() and setLogLevels(Map) methods of the LoggerContext. Logger names, including the root logger name (ROOT_LOGGER_NAME), can be configured to a specific log level.

Any change to the configuration of a LoggerContext must be effective immediately for all loggers that would rely upon the configuration of the LoggerContext. Changes to the configuration of a LoggerContext via the setLogLevels(Map) method are not persisted.

101.4.1 Configuration Admin Integration

The configured log levels for a LoggerContext can be set by both the setLogLevels(Map) method and by configuration information in Configuration Admin, if Configuration Admin is present. The configured log levels for a LoggerContext are based upon the last technique used to update the configured log levels.

If Configuration Admin is present, LoggerContext configuration information in Configuration Admin must be used. This allows external LoggerContext configuration such as via Configurator Specification. The name of the LoggerContext is mapped to a Configuration Admin targeted PID as follows:

In the Configuration for the targeted PID, the dictionary keys are Logger names having a key type of String, and the values are the names of the LogLevel values having a value type of String. If the Configuration contains any key/value pairs whose value is not the name of a LogLevel value, that key/value pair must be ignored when setting the configuration into the LoggerContext.

Any change to the Configuration for a LoggerContext must be set into the LoggerContext as soon as possible. Since notification of Configuration changes happen asynchronously, it may take a brief period of time before Configuration changes can be made effective.

This section is not meant to require that a Log Service implementation must require Configuration Admin. But if Configuration Admin is present, the Configurations must be used to set the log levels in the mapped LoggerContexts.

101.4.2 Effective Log Level

Once the LoggerContext for the logging bundle is determined, the effective log level for the Logger is found using the getEffectiveLogLevel(String) method:

  1. If the logger name is configured with a log level, return the configured log level.

  2. For each ancestor logger name of the logger name, if the ancestor logger name is configured with a log level, return the configured log level.

  3. If the LoggerContext is named, return the result of calling the getEffectiveLogLevel(String) method on the root LoggerContext with the logger name.

  4. If the LoggerContext is the root Logger Context, return the default log level for the root LoggerContext.

The default log level for the root LoggerContext can be set by the framework launch property LOGGER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL. The value of this property must be the name of the one of the LogLevel values. If not specified, or the specified value is not the name of the one of the LogLevel values, the default log level of the root LoggerContext is WARN.

101.5 Log Stream Provider

The Log Stream Provider service can be used to create Push Streams of Log Entries. Since the log is basically an ongoing stream of Log Entries having asynchronous arrival, a Push Stream of LogEntry objects can be used receive the Log Entries. See Push Stream Specification for information on Push Streams and how to use them.

Figure 101.3 Log Stream Diagram org.osgi.service.log.stream package

Log Stream Diagram org.osgi.service.log.stream package

Push Streams created by the LogStreamProvider must:

  • Be buffered with a buffer large enough to contain the history, if included.

  • Have the QueuePolicyOption.DISCARD_OLDEST queue policy option.

  • Use a shared executor.

  • Have a parallelism of one.

The following code snippet show how one could get future Log Entries and print them.

  .forEach(l -> System.out.println(l))
  .onResolve(() -> System.out.println("stream closed"));

An existing LogListener implementation can also be used with the Push Streams.

  .onResolve(() -> System.out.println("stream closed"));

The LogStreamProvider service offers a HISTORY option which will prime the returned Push Stream with the available log history, if any. The following code will process the available historical log entries followed by any new log entries.

  .forEach(l -> System.out.println(l))
  .onResolve(() -> System.out.println("stream closed"));

The LogStreamProvider interface is in a separate package, org.osgi.service.log.stream, so that the org.osgi.service.log package does not have a dependency on the org.osgi.util.pushstream package. The org.osgi.util.pushstream package requires org.osgi.util.promise and Java 8. Having LogStreamProvider in a separate package allows the org.osgi.service.log package to be implemented in a framework and avoid dependencies on org.osgi.util.pushstream, org.osgi.util.promise and Java 8. In this situation, LogStreamProvider can be implemented by a bundle which sources Log Entries from the LogReaderService. Since LogStreamProvider requires Java 8, the LogStreamProvider service is optional when implementations of this specification run on Java versions prior to Java 8.

101.6 Log Reader Service

The Log Reader Service maintains a list of LogEntry objects called the log. The Log Reader Service is a service that bundle developers can use to retrieve information contained in this log, and receive notifications about LogEntry objects when they are created through the Log Service.

The size of the log is implementation-specific, and it determines how far into the past the log entries go.

The LogReaderService interface defines the following methods:

  • getLog() - This method retrieves past log entries as an enumeration with the most recent entry first.

  • addLogListener(LogListener) - This method is used to subscribe to the Log Reader Service in order to receive log messages as they occur. Unlike the previously recorded log entries, all log messages must be sent to subscribers of the Log Reader Service as they are recorded.

    After a subscription to the Log Reader Service has been started, the subscriber's logged(LogEntry) method must be called with a LogEntry object for the message each time a message is logged.

  • removeLogListener(LogListener) - This method is used to unsubscribe the LogListener from the Log Reader Service.

The LogListener interface defines the following method:

The delivery of LogEntry objects to the LogListener object should be done asynchronously.

101.7 Log Entry Interface

The LogEntry interface abstracts a log entry. It is a record of the information that was passed when an event was logged as well as information captured at the time the event was logged. The LogEntry interface defines these methods to retrieve this information.

  • getBundle() - This method returns the Bundle object associated with the Logger used to create the log entry.

  • getException() - This method returns the logged exception, if any. In some implementations, the returned exception may not be the original exception object. To avoid references to a bundle-defined exception class, thus preventing an uninstalled bundle from being garbage collected, the Log Service may return an exception object of an implementation defined Throwable subclass. This object will attempt to return as much information as possible, such as the message and stack trace, from the original exception object .

  • getLoggerName() - This name of the Logger used to create the log entry.

  • getLogLevel() - This method returns the LogLevel.

  • getMessage() - This method returns the formatted message.

  • getServiceReference() - This method returns the logged ServiceReference, if any.

  • getTime() - This method returns the time that the log entry was created.

  • getSequence() - This method returns a sequence number which increases for each created log entry.

  • getThreadInfo() - This method returns information about the thread that created the log entry.

  • getLocation() - This method returns a StackTraceElement about the caller that created the log entry.

101.8 Mapping of Events

Implementations of a Log Service must log Framework-generated events and map the information to LogEntry objects in a consistent way. Framework events must be treated exactly the same as other logged events and distributed to all LogListener objects that are associated with the Log Reader Service. Additionally, if the Event Admin service is present, implementations of a Log Service must map LogEntry objects to events in Event Admin. The following sections define these mappings.

101.8.1 Bundle Events Mapping

A Bundle Event is mapped to a LogEntry object according to the following table.

Table 101.2 Mapping of Bundle Events to Log Entries

Log Entry method Information about Bundle Event

The logger name "Events.Bundle".




Identifies the bundle to which the event happened. In other words, it identifies the bundle that was installed, started, stopped, updated, or uninstalled. This identification is obtained by calling getBundle() on the BundleEvent object.






The message depends on the event type:


  • STARTED - "BundleEvent STARTED"

  • STOPPED - "BundleEvent STOPPED"

  • UPDATED - "BundleEvent UPDATED"


  • RESOLVED - "BundleEvent RESOLVED"


101.8.2 Service Events Mapping

A Service Event is mapped to a LogEntry object according to the following table.

Table 101.3 Mapping of Service Events to Log Entries

Log Entry method Information about Service Event

The logger name "Events.Service".


INFO, except for ServiceEvent.MODIFIED events. ServiceEvent.MODIFIED events can happen frequently and contains relatively little information. They must be logged with a level of DEBUG.


Identifies the bundle that registered the service associated with this event. It is obtained by calling getServiceReference().getBundle() on the ServiceEvent object.




Identifies a reference to the service associated with the event. It is obtained by calling getServiceReference() on the ServiceEvent object.


This message depends on the actual event type. The messages are mapped as follows:


  • MODIFIED - "ServiceEvent MODIFIED"


101.8.3 Framework Events Mapping

A Framework Event is mapped to a LogEntry object according to the following table.

Table 101.4 Mapping of Framework Event to Log Entries

Log Entry method Information about Framework Event

The logger name "Events.Framework".


INFO, except for FrameworkEvent.ERROR events and FrameworkEvent.WARNING events. A FrameworkEvent.ERROR event represents an error and is logged with a level of ERROR and a FrameworkEvent.WARNING event represents a warning and is logged with a level of WARN.


Identifies the bundle associated with the event. This may be the system bundle. It is obtained by calling getBundle() on the FrameworkEvent object.


Identifies the exception associated with the error. This will be null for event types other than FrameworkEvent.ERROR. It is obtained by calling getThrowable() on the FrameworkEvent object.




This message depends on the actual event type. The messages are mapped as follows:

  • STARTED - "FrameworkEvent STARTED"

  • ERROR - "FrameworkEvent ERROR"



  • WARNING - "FrameworkEvent WARNING"

  • INFO - "FrameworkEvent INFO"

101.8.4 Log Events

Log entries must be mapped into events by the Log Service implementation and delivered asynchronously to the Event Admin service (if present). The following event topics are used based upon the log level of the log entry:

Table 101.5 Event Topics

Event Topic Description


When the log level is AUDIT.


When the log level is ERROR.


When the log level is WARN.


When the log level is INFO.


When the log level is DEBUG.


When the log level is TRACE.

The properties of a log event are:

  • bundle.id - (Long) The source bundle's id.

  • bundle.symbolicName - (String) The source bundle's symbolic name. Only set if not null.

  • bundle - (Bundle) The source bundle.

  • log.level - (Integer) The integer log level.

  • log.loggername - (String) The logger name.

  • log.threadinfo - (String) The thread information for the thread creating the log entry.

  • log.loglevel - (LogLevel) The log level.

  • message - (String) The log message.

  • timestamp - (Long) The log entry's timestamp.

  • log.entry - (LogEntry) The LogEntry object.

If the log entry has an associated Exception:

  • exception.class - (String) The fully-qualified class name of the attached exception. Only set if the getException method returns a non-null value.

  • exception.message - (String) The message of the attached Exception. Only set if the Exception message is not null.

  • exception - (Throwable) The Exception returned by the getException method.

If the getServiceReference method returns a non- null value:

  • service - (ServiceReference) The result of the getServiceReference method.

  • service.id - (Long) The id of the service.

  • service.pid - (String) The service's persistent identity. Only set if the service.pid service property is not null.

  • service.objectClass - (String[]) The object class of the service object.

101.9 Log Service

The members of the LogService interface are deprecated. Its log methods can still be used by bundles. These log methods are now specified to log to the Logger with the logger name "LogService" which allows legacy logging to be configured as specified above. Furthermore, the integer log level values used with the log methods are mapped to the new LogLevels as follows:

The specified integer log level value is stored in the generated LogEntry to be returned by getLevel().

The implementation of this specification must use a single service registration using both the LogService and LoggerFactory service names since both service names represent the same log and since the LogService type extends the LoggerFactory type.

101.10 Capabilities

The bundle providing the LoggerFactory and LogService service must provide a capability in the osgi.service namespace representing this service. This capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.log package:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;

The bundle providing the LogReaderService service must provide a capability in the osgi.service namespace representing this service. This capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.log package:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;

The bundle providing the LoggerAdmin service must provide a capability in the osgi.service namespace representing this service. This capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.log.admin package:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;

The bundle providing the LogStreamProvider service must provide a capability in the osgi.service namespace representing this service. This capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.log.stream package:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;

These capabilities must follow the rules defined for the osgi.service Namespace.

101.11 Security

The Log Service specification should only be implemented by trusted bundles. These bundles require ServicePermission[LoggerFactory|LogReaderService|LoggerAdmin|LogStreamProvider|LogService, REGISTER] and ServicePermission[ConfigurationAdmin|EventAdmin, GET].

Virtually all bundles should get ServicePermission[LoggerFactory|LogService, GET] so they can log.

Only trusted bundles who must be able to access log entries should be assigned ServicePermission[LogStreamProvider|LogReaderService, GET].

Only trusted bundles who must be able to change log configuration should be assigned ServicePermission[LogAdmin, GET].

101.12 org.osgi.service.log

Version 1.4

Log Service Package Version 1.4.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log; version="[1.4,2.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log; version="[1.4,1.5)"

101.12.1 Summary

  • FormatterLogger - Provides methods for bundles to write messages to the log using printf-style format strings.

  • LogEntry - Provides methods to access the information contained in an individual Log Service log entry.

  • Logger - Provides methods for bundles to write messages to the log using SLF4J-style format strings.

  • LoggerConsumer - An operation that accepts a Logger argument and produces no result.

  • LoggerFactory - Logger Factory service for logging information.

  • LogLevel - Log Levels.

  • LogListener - Subscribes to LogEntry objects from the LogReaderService.

  • LogReaderService - LogReaderService for obtaining logging information.

  • LogService - LogService for logging information.

101.12.2 public interface FormatterLogger
extends Logger

Provides methods for bundles to write messages to the log using printf-style format strings.

Messages can be formatted by the Logger once the Logger determines the log level is enabled. Uses printf-style format strings as described in java.util.Formatter.

You can also add a Throwable and/or ServiceReference to the generated LogEntry by passing them to the logging methods as additional arguments. If the last argument is a Throwable or ServiceReference, it is added to the generated LogEntry and then if the next to last argument is a ServiceReference or Throwable and not the same type as the last argument, it is also added to the generated LogEntry. These arguments will not be used as message arguments. For example:

 logger.info("Found service %s.", serviceReference, serviceReference);
 logger.warn("Something named %s happened.", name, serviceReference,
 logger.error("Failed.", exception);

If an exception occurs formatting the message, the logged message will indicate the formatting failure including the format string and the arguments.



Consumers of this API must not implement this type

101.12.3 public interface LogEntry

Provides methods to access the information contained in an individual Log Service log entry.

A LogEntry object may be acquired from the LogReaderService.getLog method or by registering a LogListener object.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public Bundle getBundle()

Returns the bundle that created this LogEntry object.

The bundle that created this LogEntry object; null if no bundle is associated with this LogEntry object. public Throwable getException()

Returns the exception object associated with this LogEntry object.

In some implementations, the returned exception may not be the original exception. To avoid references to a bundle defined exception class, thus preventing an uninstalled bundle from being garbage collected, the Log Service may return an exception object of an implementation defined Throwable subclass. The returned object will attempt to provide as much information as possible from the original exception object such as the message and stack trace.

Throwable object of the exception associated with this LogEntry;null if no exception is associated with this LogEntry object. public int getLevel()

Returns the integer level of this LogEntry object.

If one of the log methods of LogService was used, this is the specified integer level. Otherwise, this is the ordinal value of the log level.

Integer level of this LogEntry object.

Since 1.4. Replaced by getLogLevel(). public StackTraceElement getLocation()

Returns the location information of the creation of this LogEntry object.

The location information of the creation of this LogEntry object.

1.4 public String getLoggerName()

Returns the name of the Logger object used to create this LogEntry object.

The name of the Logger object used to create this LogEntry object.

1.4 public LogLevel getLogLevel()

Returns the level of this LogEntry object.

The level of this LogEntry object.

1.4 public String getMessage()

Returns the formatted message associated with this LogEntry object.

String containing the formatted message associated with this LogEntry object. public long getSequence()

Returns the sequence number for this LogEntry object.

A unique, non-negative value that is larger than all previously assigned values since the log implementation was started. These values are transient and are reused upon restart of the log implementation.

The sequence number for this LogEntry object.

1.4 public ServiceReference<?> getServiceReference()

Returns the ServiceReference object for the service associated with this LogEntry object.

ServiceReference object for the service associated with this LogEntry object; null if no ServiceReference object was provided. public String getThreadInfo()

Returns a string representing the thread which created this LogEntry object.

This string must contain the name of the thread and may contain other information about the thread.

A string representing the thread which created this LogEntry object.

1.4 public long getTime()

Returns the value of currentTimeMillis() at the time this LogEntry object was created.

The system time in milliseconds when this LogEntry object was created.


101.12.4 public interface Logger

Provides methods for bundles to write messages to the log using SLF4J-style format strings.

Messages can be formatted by the Logger once the Logger determines the log level is enabled. Use a left curly bracket ('{' \u007B) followed by a right curly bracket ('}' \u007D) as a place holder for an argument: "{}". If you need to use the literal "{}" in the formatted message, precede the place holder with a reverse solidus ('\' \u005C): "\{}". If you need to place a backslash before the place holder, precede the reverse solidus with a reverse solidus: "\\{}".

You can also add a Throwable and/or ServiceReference to the generated LogEntry by passing them to the logging methods as additional arguments. If the last argument is a Throwable or a ServiceReference, it is added to the generated LogEntry and then, if the next to last argument is a ServiceReference or Throwable and not the same type as the last argument, it is also added to the generated LogEntry. These arguments will not be used as message arguments. For example:

 logger.info("Found service {}.", serviceReference, serviceReference);
 logger.warn("Something named {} happened.", name, serviceReference,
 logger.error("Failed.", exception);



Consumers of this API must not implement this type public static final String ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = "ROOT"

Root Logger Name. public void audit(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.AUDIT level. public void audit(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.AUDIT level. public void audit(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.AUDIT level. public void audit(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.AUDIT level. public void debug(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.DEBUG level. public void debug(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.DEBUG level. public void debug(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.DEBUG level. public void debug(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.DEBUG level. public void debug(LoggerConsumer<E> consumer) throws E

<E extends Exception>

The operation to perform on this Logger.

Perform the specified operation if logging enabled for the LogLevel.DEBUG level.

E– An exception thrown by the operation. public void error(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.ERROR level. public void error(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.ERROR level. public void error(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.ERROR level. public void error(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.ERROR level. public void error(LoggerConsumer<E> consumer) throws E

<E extends Exception>

The operation to perform on this Logger.

Perform the specified operation if logging enabled for the LogLevel.ERROR level.

E– An exception thrown by the operation. public String getName()

Return the name of this Logger.

The name of this Logger. public void info(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.INFO level. public void info(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.INFO level. public void info(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.INFO level. public void info(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.INFO level. public void info(LoggerConsumer<E> consumer) throws E

<E extends Exception>

The operation to perform on this Logger.

Perform the specified operation if logging enabled for the LogLevel.INFO level.

E– An exception thrown by the operation. public boolean isDebugEnabled()

Is logging enabled for the LogLevel.DEBUG level?

true if logging is enabled for the trace level. public boolean isErrorEnabled()

Is logging enabled for the LogLevel.ERROR level?

true if logging is enabled for the trace level. public boolean isInfoEnabled()

Is logging enabled for the LogLevel.INFO level?

true if logging is enabled for the trace level. public boolean isTraceEnabled()

Is logging enabled for the LogLevel.TRACE level?

true if logging is enabled for the LogLevel.TRACE level. public boolean isWarnEnabled()

Is logging enabled for the LogLevel.WARN level?

true if logging is enabled for the trace level. public void trace(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.TRACE level. public void trace(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.TRACE level. public void trace(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.TRACE level. public void trace(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.TRACE level. public void trace(LoggerConsumer<E> consumer) throws E

<E extends Exception>

The operation to perform on this Logger.

Perform the specified operation if logging enabled for the LogLevel.TRACE level.

E– An exception thrown by the operation. public void warn(String message)

The message to log.

Log a message at the LogLevel.WARN level. public void warn(String format, Object arg)

The format of the message to log.

The argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.WARN level. public void warn(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2)

The format of the message to log.

The first argument to format into the message.

The second argument to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.WARN level. public void warn(String format, Object... arguments)

The format of the message to log.

The arguments to format into the message.

Log a formatted message at the LogLevel.WARN level. public void warn(LoggerConsumer<E> consumer) throws E

<E extends Exception>

The operation to perform on this Logger.

Perform the specified operation if logging enabled for the LogLevel.WARN level.

E– An exception thrown by the operation.

101.12.5 public interface LoggerConsumer<E extends Exception>

The type of the exception that may be thrown.

An operation that accepts a Logger argument and produces no result.

This is a functional interface and can be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.


Thread-safe public void accept(Logger l) throws E

The Logger input to this operation.

Perform this operation on the specified Logger.

E– An exception thrown by the operation.

101.12.6 public interface LoggerFactory

Logger Factory service for logging information.

Provides methods for bundles to obtain named Loggers that can be used to write messages to the log.

Logger names should be in the form of a fully qualified Java class names with segments separated by full stop ('.' \u002E). For example:


Logger names exist in a hierarchy. A logger name is said to be an ancestor of another logger name if the logger name followed by a full stop ('.' \u002E) is a prefix of the descendant logger name. The root logger name is the top ancestor of the logger name hierarchy. For example:




Consumers of this API must not implement this type public Logger getLogger(String name)

The name to use for the logger name. Must not be null.

Return the Logger named with the specified name.

The Logger named with the specified name. If the name parameter is equal to Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME, then the root logger is returned. public Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)

The class to use for the logger name. Must not be null.

Return the Logger named with the specified class.

The Logger named with the name of the specified class. public L extends Logger getLogger(String name, Class<L> loggerType)

<L extends Logger>

The Logger type.

The name to use for the logger name. Must not be null.

The type of Logger. Can be Logger or FormatterLogger.

Return the Logger of the specified type named with the specified name.

The Logger or FormatterLogger named with the specified name. If the name parameter is equal to Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME, then the root logger is returned.

IllegalArgumentException– If the specified type is not a supported Logger type. public L extends Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Class<L> loggerType)

<L extends Logger>

A Logger type.

The class to use for the logger name. Must not be null.

The type of Logger. Can be Logger or FormatterLogger. Must not be null.

Return the Logger of the specified type named with the specified class.

The Logger or FormatterLogger named with the name of the specified class.

IllegalArgumentException– If the specified type is not a supported Logger type. public L extends Logger getLogger(Bundle bundle, String name, Class<L> loggerType)

<L extends Logger>

The Logger type.

The bundle associated with the Logger. Must not be null.

The name to use for the logger name. Must not be null.

The type of Logger. Can be Logger or FormatterLogger. Must not be null.

Return the Logger of the specified type named with the specified name for the specified bundle.

This method is not normally used. The other getLogger methods return a Logger associated with the bundle used to obtain this Logger Factory service. This method is used to obtain a Logger for the specified bundle which may be useful to code which is logging on behalf of another bundle.

The Logger or FormatterLogger named with the specified name for the specified bundle. If the name parameter is equal to Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME, then the root logger is returned.

IllegalArgumentException– If the specified type is not a supported Logger type or the specified Bundle is not a resolved bundle.

101.12.7 enum LogLevel

Log Levels.


Audit – Information that must always be logged. ERROR

Error – Information about an error situation. WARN

Warning – Information about a failure or unwanted situation that is not blocking. INFO

Info – Information about normal operation. DEBUG

Debug – Detailed output for debugging operations. TRACE

Trace level – Large volume of output for tracing operations.

101.12.8 public interface LogListener
extends EventListener

Subscribes to LogEntry objects from the LogReaderService.

A LogListener object may be registered with the Log Reader Service using the LogReaderService.addLogListener method. After the listener is registered, the logged method will be called for each LogEntry object created. The LogListener object may be unregistered by calling the LogReaderService.removeLogListener method.

Since 1.4, org.osgi.service.log.stream.LogStreamProvider is the preferred way to obtain LogEntry objects.

Thread-safe public void logged(LogEntry entry)

A LogEntry object containing log information.

Listener method called for each LogEntry object created.

101.12.9 public interface LogReaderService

LogReaderService for obtaining logging information.

Since 1.4, org.osgi.service.log.stream.LogStreamProvider is the preferred way to obtain LogEntry objects.

The LogReaderService provides two ways to obtain LogEntry objects:


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public void addLogListener(LogListener listener)

A LogListener object to register; the LogListener object is used to receive LogEntry objects.

Subscribes to LogEntry objects.

This method registers a LogListener object with the Log Reader Service. The LogListener.logged(LogEntry) method will be called for each LogEntry object placed into the log.

When a bundle which registers a LogListener object is stopped or otherwise releases the Log Reader Service, the Log Reader Service must remove all of the bundle's listeners.

If this Log Reader Service's list of listeners already contains a listener l such that (l==listener), this method does nothing.

Since 1.4, org.osgi.service.log.stream.LogStreamProvider is the preferred way to obtain LogEntry objects. public Enumeration<LogEntry> getLog()

Returns an Enumeration of the LogEntry objects in the log.

Each element of the enumeration is a LogEntry object, ordered with the most recent entry first. Whether the enumeration is of all LogEntry objects since the Log Service was started or some recent past is implementation-specific.

An Enumeration of the LogEntry objects in the log. public void removeLogListener(LogListener listener)

A LogListener object to unregister.

Unsubscribes to LogEntry objects.

This method unregisters a LogListener object from the Log Reader Service.

If listener is not contained in this Log Reader Service's list of listeners, this method does nothing.

Since 1.4, org.osgi.service.log.stream.LogStreamProvider is the preferred way to obtain LogEntry objects.

101.12.10 public interface LogService
extends LoggerFactory

LogService for logging information.

Replaced by LoggerFactory.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public static final int LOG_DEBUG = 4

A debugging message (Value 4).

This log entry is used for problem determination and may be irrelevant to anyone but the bundle developer.

Since 1.4. Replaced by LogLevel.DEBUG. public static final int LOG_ERROR = 1

An error message (Value 1).

This log entry indicates the bundle or service may not be functional.

Since 1.4. Replaced by LogLevel.ERROR. public static final int LOG_INFO = 3

An informational message (Value 3).

This log entry may be the result of any change in the bundle or service and does not indicate a problem.

Since 1.4. Replaced by LogLevel.INFO. public static final int LOG_WARNING = 2

A warning message (Value 2).

This log entry indicates a bundle or service is still functioning but may experience problems in the future because of the warning condition.

Since 1.4. Replaced by LogLevel.WARN. public void log(int level, String message)

The severity of the message. This should be one of the defined log levels but may be any integer that is interpreted in a user defined way.

Human readable string describing the condition or null.

Logs a message.

The ServiceReference field and the Throwable field of the LogEntry object will be set to null.

This method will log to the Logger named "LogService" for the bundle. The specified level is mapped to a LogLevel as follows:

In the generated log entry, LogEntry.getLevel() must return the specified level.

Since 1.4. Replaced by Logger. See LoggerFactory. public void log(int level, String message, Throwable exception)

The severity of the message. This should be one of the defined log levels but may be any integer that is interpreted in a user defined way.

The human readable string describing the condition or null.

The exception that reflects the condition or null.

Logs a message with an exception.

The ServiceReference field of the LogEntry object will be set to null.

This method will log to the Logger named "LogService" for the bundle. The specified level is mapped to a LogLevel as follows:

In the generated log entry, LogEntry.getLevel() must return the specified level.

Since 1.4. Replaced by Logger. See LoggerFactory. public void log(ServiceReference<?> sr, int level, String message)

The ServiceReference object of the service that this message is associated with or null.

The severity of the message. This should be one of the defined log levels but may be any integer that is interpreted in a user defined way.

Human readable string describing the condition or null.

Logs a message associated with a specific ServiceReference object.

The Throwable field of the LogEntry will be set to null.

This method will log to the Logger named "LogService" for the bundle. The specified level is mapped to a LogLevel as follows:

In the generated log entry, LogEntry.getLevel() must return the specified level.

Since 1.4. Replaced by Logger. See LoggerFactory. public void log(ServiceReference<?> sr, int level, String message, Throwable exception)

The ServiceReference object of the service that this message is associated with.

The severity of the message. This should be one of the defined log levels but may be any integer that is interpreted in a user defined way.

Human readable string describing the condition or null.

The exception that reflects the condition or null.

Logs a message with an exception associated and a ServiceReference object.

This method will log to the Logger named "LogService" for the bundle. The specified level is mapped to a LogLevel as follows:

In the generated log entry, LogEntry.getLevel() must return the specified level.

Since 1.4. Replaced by Logger. See LoggerFactory.

101.13 org.osgi.service.log.admin

Version 1.0

Log Admin Package Version 1.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log.admin; version="[1.0,2.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log.admin; version="[1.0,1.1)"

101.13.1 Summary

101.13.2 public interface LoggerAdmin

LoggerAdmin service for configuring loggers.

Each bundle may have its own named LoggerContext based upon its bundle symbolic name, bundle version, and bundle location. There is also a root Logger Context from which each named Logger Context inherits. The root Logger Context has no name.

When a bundle logs, the logger implementation must locate the Logger Context for the bundle to determine the effective log level of the logger name. The best matching name for the Logger Context is the longest name, which has a non-empty Logger Context, according to this syntax:

 name ::= symbolic-name ( '|' version ( '|' location )? )?

The version must be formatted canonically, that is, according to the toString() method of the Version class. So the Logger Context for a bundle is searched for using the following names in the given order:


The search stops at the first non-empty Logger Context. If no non-empty Logger Context is found using the above search order, the Logger Context with the symbolic name of the bundle must be used for the bundle.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public static final String LOG_SERVICE_ID = "osgi.log.service.id"

Logger Admin service property to associate the Logger Admin service with a LoggerFactory service.

This service property is set to the service.id for the LoggerFactory service administered by this Logger Admin.

The value of this service property must be of type Long. public LoggerContext getLoggerContext(String name)

The name of the Logger Context. Can be null to specify the root Logger Context.

Get the Logger Context for the specified name.

The Logger Context for the specified name. The returned Logger Context may be empty.

101.13.3 public interface LoggerContext

Logger Context for a bundle.

Any change to the configuration of this Logger Context must be effective immediately for all loggers that would rely upon the configuration of this Logger Context.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public static final String LOGGER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "org.osgi.service.log.admin.loglevel"

Framework launching property specifying the default log level of the root Logger Context.

The value of this property must be the name of the one of the LogLevels.

If not specified, or the specified value is not the name of the one of the LogLevels, the default log level of the root Logger Context is LogLevel.WARN.

LogLevel public static final String LOGGER_CONTEXT_PID = "org.osgi.service.log.admin"

Logger Context PID.

If Configuration Admin is present, Logger Context configuration information in Configuration Admin must be used. The name of the Logger Context is mapped to a Configuration Admin targeted PID as follows:

  • The root Logger Context, which has no name, is mapped to the PID org.osgi.service.log.admin.

  • A named Logger Context is mapped to a targeted PID by prefixing the Logger Context's name with org.osgi.service.log.admin followed by vertical line ('|' \u007c). For example, the Logger Context named com.foo.bar is mapped to the targeted PID org.osgi.service.log.admin|com.foo.bar. public void clear()

Clear the configuration of this Logger Context.

The configured log levels will be cleared. public LogLevel getEffectiveLogLevel(String name)

The logger name.

Returns the effective log level of the logger name in this Logger Context.

The effective log level for a logger name is found by the following steps:

  1. If the specified logger name is configured with a log level, return the configured log level.

  2. For each ancestor logger name of the specified logger name, if the ancestor logger name is configured with a log level, return the configured log level.

  3. If this Logger Context is named, return the result of calling this method on the root Logger Context with the specified logger name.

  4. If this Logger Context is the root Logger Context, return the default log level of the root Logger Context.

The effective log level of the logger name in this Logger Context. public Map<String, LogLevel> getLogLevels()

Returns the configured log levels for this Logger Context.

The configured log levels for this Logger Context. The keys are the logger names and the values are the log levels. The returned map may be empty if no logger names are configured for this Logger Context. The returned map is the property of the caller who can modify the map and use it as input to setLogLevels(Map). The returned map must support all optional Map operations. public String getName()

Returns the name for this Logger Context.

The name for this Logger Context. The root Logger Context has no name and returns null. public boolean isEmpty()

Returns whether the configuration of this Logger Context is empty.

true if this Logger Context has no configuration. That is, the configured log levels are empty. Otherwise false is returned. public void setLogLevels(Map<String, LogLevel> logLevels)

The log levels to configure for this Logger Context. The keys are the logger names and the values are the log levels. The specified map is the property of the caller and this method must not modify or retain the specified map.

Configure the log levels for this Logger Context.

All previous log levels configured for this Logger Context are cleared and then the log levels in the specified map are configured.

The configured log levels for this Logger Context can be set by both this method and by configuration information in Configuration Admin, if Configuration Admin is present. The configured log levels for this Logger Context are based upon the last technique used to update the configured log levels. This method must not modify or set configuration information in Configuration Admin.

101.14 org.osgi.service.log.stream

Version 1.0

Log Stream Package Version 1.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log.stream; version="[1.0,2.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.log.stream; version="[1.0,1.1)"

101.14.1 Summary

101.14.2 public interface LogStreamProvider

LogStreamProvider service for creating a PushStream of LogEntry objects.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public PushStream<LogEntry> createStream(LogStreamProvider.Options... options)

The options to use when creating the PushStream.

Create a PushStream of LogEntry objects.

The returned PushStream must:

  • Be buffered with a buffer large enough to contain the history, if included.

  • Have the QueuePolicyOption.DISCARD_OLDEST queue policy option.

  • Use a shared executor.

  • Have a parallelism of one.

When this LogStreamProvider service is released by the obtaining bundle, this LogStreamProvider service must call PushStream.close() on the returned PushStream object if it has not already been closed.

A PushStream of LogEntry objects.

101.14.3 enum LogStreamProvider.Options

Creation options for the PushStream of LogEntry objects. HISTORY

Include history.

Prime the created PushStream with the available historical LogEntry objects. The number of available LogEntry objects is implementation specific.

The created PushStream will supply the available historical LogEntry objects followed by newly created LogEntry objects.

101.15 References

101.16 Changes

This release of the Log Service specification includes a significant number of enhancements and new features.

  • The log methods of LogService are deprecated and replaced by the new Logger type. Loggers are named and have dedicated methods to log to the defined log levels. The new Logger Factory service is used to obtain Loggers.

  • The new Log Stream Provider service creates Push Streams of Log Entries which can be used to receive Log Entries as they are created. This is an alternative to using the Log Reader Service.

  • Log Entry is extended to hold the name of the Logger, a sequence number which orders log entries, and thread and stack trace information about the logging code.

  • The LogLevel enum type specified the supported log levels which includes new log levels AUDIT and TRACE.

  • The new Logger Admin service allows the effective log levels of named loggers to be configured. It supports integration with Configuration Admin so logger configuration can be managed in Configuration Admin.

  • Service capabilities are defined for all the specified services.