704 Measurement and State Specification

704.1 Introduction

The Measurement class is a utility that provides a consistent way of handling a diverse range of measurements for bundle developers. Its purpose is to simplify the correct handling of measurements in OSGi Frameworks.

OSGi bundle developers from all over the world have different preferences for measurement units, such as feet versus meters. In an OSGi environment, bundles developed in different parts of the world can and will exchange measurements when collaborating.

Distributing a measurement such as a simple floating point number requires the correct and equal understanding of the measurement's semantic by both the sender and the receiver. Numerous accidents have occurred due to misunderstandings between the sender and receiver because there are so many different ways to represent the same value. For example, on September 23, 1999, the Mars Polar Lander was lost because calculations used to program the craft's trajectory were input with English units while the operation documents specified metric units. See [5] Mars Polar Lander failure for more information.

This Measurement and State Specification defines the norm that should be used by all applications that execute in an OSGi Framework. This specification also provides utility classes.

704.1.1 Measurement Essentials

  • Numerical error - All floating point measurements should be able to have a numerical error.

  • Numerical error calculations simplification - Support should be provided to simplify measurements calculations.

  • Unit conflict resolution - It must not be possible to perform addition or subtraction with different units when they are not compatible. For example, it must not be possible to add meters to amperes or watts to pascals.

  • Unit coercion - Multiplication and division operations involving more than one type of measurement must result in a different unit. For example, if meters are divided by seconds, the result must be a new unit that represents m/s.

  • Time-stamp - Measurements should contain a time-stamp so that bundles can determine the age of a particular measurement.

  • Support for floating and discrete values - Both floating point values (64 bit Java double floats) and discrete measurements (32 bit Java int) should be supported.

  • Consistency - The method of error calculation and handling of unit types should be consistent.

  • Presentation - The format of measurements and specified units should be easy to read and understand.

704.1.2 Measurement Entities

  • Measurement object - A Measurement object contains a double value, a double error, and a long time-stamp. It is associated with a Unit object that represents its type.

  • State object - A State object contains a discrete measurement (int) with a time-stamp and a name.

  • Unit object - A Unit object represents a unit such as meter, second, mol, or Pascal. A number of Unit objects are predefined and have common names. Other Unit objects are created as needed from the 7 basic Système International d'Unité (SI) units. Different units are not used when a conversion is sufficient. For example, the unit of a Measurement object for length is always meters. If the length is needed in feet, then the number of feet is calculated by multiplying the value of the Measurement object in meters with the necessary conversion factor.

  • Error - When a measurement is taken, it is never accurate. This specification defines the error as the value that is added and subtracted to the value to produce an interval, where the probability is 95% that the actual value falls within this interval.

  • Unit - A unit is the type of a measurement: meter, feet, liter, gallon etc.

  • Base Unit - One of the 7 base units defined in the SI.

  • Derived SI unit - A unit is a derived SI unit when it is a combination of exponentiated base units. For example, a volt (V) is a derived unit because it can be expressed as ( m2 × kg ) / ( s3 × A ), where m, kg, s and A are all base units.

  • Quantitative derivation - A unit is quantitatively derived when it is converted to one of the base units or derived units using a conversion formula. For example, kilometers (km) can be converted to meters (m), gallons can be converted to liters, or horsepower can be converted to watts.

Figure 704.1 Class Diagram, org.osgi.util.measurement

Class Diagram, org.osgi.util.measurement

704.2 Measurement Object

A Measurement object contains a value, an error, and a time-stamp It is linked to a Unit object that describes the measurement unit in an SI Base Unit or Derived SI Unit.

704.2.1 Value

The value of the Measurement object is the measured value. It is set in a constructor. The type of the value is double.

704.2.2 Error

The Measurement object can contain a numerical error. This error specifies an interval by adding and subtracting the error value from the measured value. The type of the error is double. A valid error value indicates that the actual measured value has a 95% chance of falling within this interval (see Figure 704.2). If the error is not known it should be represented as a Double.NaN.

Figure 704.2 The Error Interval

The Error Interval

704.2.3 Time-stamp

When a Measurement object is created, the time-stamp can be set. A time-stamp is a long value representing the number of milliseconds since the epoch midnight of January 1, 1970, UTC (this is the value from System.currentTimeMillis() method).

By default, a time-stamp is not set because the call to System.currentTimeMillis() incurs overhead. If the time-stamp is not set when the Measurement object is created, then its default value is zero. If the time-stamp is set, the creator of the Measurement object must give the time as an argument to the constructor. For example:

Measurement m = new Measurement( 
    v, e, null, System.currentTimeMillis() );

704.3 Error Calculations

Once a measurement is taken, it often is used in calculations. The error value assigned to the result of a calculation depends largely on the error values of the operands. Therefore, the Measurement class offers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions for measurements and constants. These functions take the error into account when performing the specific operation.

The Measurement class uses absolute errors and has methods to calculate a new absolute error when multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction is performed. Error calculations must therefore adhere to the rules listed in the following table. In this table, Δa is the absolute positive error in a value a and Δ b is the absolute positive error in a value b. c is a constant floating point value without an error.

Table 704.1 Error Calculation Rules

Calculation Function Error

a × b


| Δa × b | + | a × Δb |

a / b


( | Δa × b | + | a × Δb | ) / b2

a + b


Δa + Δb

a - b


Δa + Δb

a × c


| Δa × c |

a / c


| Δa / c |

a + c



a - c



704.4 Constructing and Comparing Measurements

Measurement objects have a value and an error range, making comparing and constructing these objects more complicated than normal scalars.

704.4.1 Constructors

The Measurements object has the following constructors that the value, error, unit and timestamp:

704.4.2 Identity and Equality

Both equals(Object) and hashCode() methods are overridden to provide value-based equality. Two Measurement objects are equal when the unit, error, and value are the same. The time-stamp is not relevant for equality or the hash code.

704.4.3 Comparing Measurement Objects

The Measurement class implements the java.lang.Comparable interface and thus implements the compareTo(Object) method. Comparing two Measurement objects is not straightforward, however, due to the associated error. The error effectively creates a range, so comparing two Measurement objects is actually comparing intervals.

Two Measurement objects are considered to be equal when their intervals overlap. In all other cases, the value is used in the comparison.

Figure 704.3 Comparing Measurement Objects

Comparing Measurement Objects

This comparison implies that the equals(Object) method may return false while the compareTo(Object) method returns 0 for the same Measurement object.

704.5 Unit Object

Each Measurement object is related to a Unit object. The Unit object defines the unit of the measurement value and error. For example, the Unit object might define the unit of the measurement value and the error as meters (m). For convenience, the Unit class defines a number of standard units as constants. Measurement objects are given a specific Unit with the constructor. The following example shows how a measurement can be associated with meters (m):

Measurement length = new Measurement( v, 0.01,Unit.m );

Units are based on the Système International d'Unité (SI), developed after the French Revolution. The SI consists of 7 different units that can be combined in many ways to form a large series of derived units. The basic 7 units are listed in the following table. For more information, see [2] General SI index.

Table 704.2 Basic SI units.

Description Unit name Symbol
length meter m
mass kilogram kg
time second s
electric current ampere A
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
amount of substance mole mol
luminous intensity candela cd

Additional units are derived in the following ways:

Derived units can be a combination of exponentiated base units. For example, Hz (Hertz) is the unit for frequencies and is actually derived from the calculation of 1/s. A more complicated derived unit is volt (V). A volt is actually:

 ( m2 × kg ) / ( s3 × A )

The SI defines various derived units with their own name, for example pascal (Pa), watt (W), volt (V), and many more.

The Measurement class must maintain its unit by keeping track of the exponents of the 7 basic SI units.

If different units are used in addition or subtraction of Measurement objects, an ArithmeticException must be thrown.

Measurement length = new Measurement( v1,0.01, Unit.m );
Measurement duration = new Measurement( v2, 0, Unit.s );
try {
    Measurement r = length.add( duration );
catch( ArithmeticException e ) {
    // This must be thrown

When two Measurement objects are multiplied, the Unit object of the result contains the sum of the exponents. When two Measurement objects are divided, the exponents of the Unit object of the result are calculated by subtraction of the exponents.

The Measurement class must support exponents of -64 to +63. Overflow must not be reported but must result in an invalid Unit object. All calculations with an invalid Unit object should result in an invalid Unit object. Typical computations generate exponents for units between +/- 4.

704.5.1 Quantitative Differences

The base and derived units can be converted to other units that are of the same quality, but require a conversion because their scales and offsets may differ. For example, degrees Fahrenheit, kelvin, and Celsius are all temperatures and, therefore, only differ in their quantity. Kelvin and Celsius are the same scale and differ only in their starting points. Fahrenheit differs from kelvin in that both scale and starting point differ.

Using different Unit objects for the units that differ only in quantity can easily introduce serious software bugs. Therefore, the Unit class utilizes the SI units. Any exchange of measurements should be done using SI units to prevent these errors. When a measurement needs to be displayed, the presentation logic should perform the necessary conversions to present it in a localized form. For example, when speed is presented in a car purchased in the United States, it should be presented as miles instead of meters.

704.5.2 Why Use SI Units

The adoption of the SI in the United States and the United Kingdom has met with resistance. This issue raises the question why the SI system has to be the preferred measurement system in the OSGi Specifications.

The SI system is utilized because it is the only measurement system that has a consistent set of base units. The base units can be combined to create a large number of derived units without requiring a large number of complicated conversion formulas. For example, a watt is simply a combination of meters, kilograms, and seconds ( m2×kg / s3). In contrast, horsepower is not easily related to inches, feet, fathoms, yards, furlongs, ounces, pounds, stones, or miles. This difficulty is the reason that science has utilized the SI for a long time. It is also the reason that the SI has been chosen as the system used for the Measurement class.

The purpose of the Measurement class is internal, however, and should not restrict the usability of the OSGi environment. Users should be able to use the local measurement units when data is input or displayed. This choice is the responsibility of the application developer.

704.6 State Object

The State object is used to represent discrete states. It contains a time-stamp but does not contain an error or Unit object. The Measurement object is not suitable to maintain discrete states. For example, a car door can be LOCKED, UNLOCKED, or CHILDLOCKED. Measuring and operating with these values does not require error calculations, nor does it require SI units. Therefore, the State object is a simple, named object that holds an integer value.

704.7 Related Standards

704.7.1 GNU Math Library in Kawa

The open source project Kawa, a scheme-based Java environment, has included a gnu.math library that contains unit handling similar to this specification. It can be found at [4] A Math Library containing unit handling in Kawa.

The library seems considerably more complex without offering much more functionality than this specification. It also does not strictly separate basic SI units such as meter from quantitatively derived units such as pica.

704.8 Security Considerations

The Measurement, Unit and State classes have been made immutable. Instances of these classes can be freely handed out to other bundles because they cannot be extended, nor can the value, error, or time-stamp be altered after the object is created.

704.9 org.osgi.util.measurement

Version 1.0

Measurement Package Version 1.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.util.measurement; version="[1.0,2.0)"

704.9.1 Summary

  • Measurement - Represents a value with an error, a unit and a time-stamp.

  • State - Groups a state name, value and timestamp.

  • Unit - A unit system for measurements.

704.9.2 public class Measurement
implements Comparable<Object>

Represents a value with an error, a unit and a time-stamp.

A Measurement object is used for maintaining the tuple of value, error, unit and time-stamp. The value and error are represented as doubles and the time is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Mathematic methods are provided that correctly calculate taking the error into account. A runtime error will occur when two measurements are used in an incompatible way. E.g., when a speed (m/s) is added to a distance (m). The measurement class will correctly track changes in unit during multiplication and division, always coercing the result to the most simple form. See Unit for more information on the supported units.

Errors in the measurement class are absolute errors. Measurement errors should use the P95 rule. Actual values must fall in the range value +/- error 95% or more of the time.

A Measurement object is immutable in order to be easily shared.

Note: This class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals. See compareTo(Object).


704.9.2.1 public Measurement(double value, double error, Unit unit, long time)

The value of the Measurement.

The error of the Measurement.

The Unit object in which the value is measured. If this argument is null, then the unit will be set to Unit.unity.

The time measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Create a new Measurement object.

704.9.2.2 public Measurement(double value, double error, Unit unit)

The value of the Measurement.

The error of the Measurement.

The Unit object in which the value is measured. If this argument is null, then the unit will be set to Unit.unity.

Create a new Measurement object with a time of zero.

704.9.2.3 public Measurement(double value, Unit unit)

The value of the Measurement.

The Unit in which the value is measured. If this argument is null, then the unit will be set to Unit.unity.

Create a new Measurement object with an error of 0.0 and a time of zero.

704.9.2.4 public Measurement(double value)

The value of the Measurement.

Create a new Measurement object with an error of 0.0, a unit of Unit.unity and a time of zero.

704.9.2.5 public Measurement add(Measurement m)

The Measurement object that will be added with this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the sum of this object added to the specified object. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

A new Measurement object that is the sum of this and m.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be added.


704.9.2.6 public Measurement add(double d, Unit u)

The value that will be added with this object.

The Unit object of the specified value.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the sum of this object added to the specified value.

A new Measurement object that is the sum of this object added to the specified value. The unit of the new object is computed. The error and time of the new object is set to the error and time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified value cannot be added.


704.9.2.7 public Measurement add(double d)

The value that will be added with this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the sum of this object added to the specified value.

A new Measurement object that is the sum of this object added to the specified value. The error, unit, and time of the new object is set to the error, Unit and time of this object.

704.9.2.8 public int compareTo(Object obj)

The object to be compared.

Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

Note: This class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals. For this method, another Measurement object is considered equal if there is some x such that

 getValue() - getError() <= x <= getValue() + getError()

for both Measurement objects being compared.

A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

ClassCastException– If the specified object is not of type Measurement.

ArithmeticException– If the unit of the specified Measurement object is not equal to the Unit object of this object.

704.9.2.9 public Measurement div(Measurement m)

The Measurement object that will be the divisor of this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified object.

A new Measurement object that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified object. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be divided.


704.9.2.10 public Measurement div(double d, Unit u)

The value that will be the divisor of this object.

The Unit object of the specified value.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified value.

A new Measurement that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified value. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be divided.


704.9.2.11 public Measurement div(double d)

The value that will be the divisor of this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified value.

A new Measurement object that is the quotient of this object divided by the specified value. The error of the new object is computed. The unit and time of the new object is set to the Unit and time of this object.

704.9.2.12 public boolean equals(Object obj)

The object to compare with this object.

Returns whether the specified object is equal to this object. Two Measurement objects are equal if they have same value, error and Unit.

Note: This class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals. See compareTo(Object).

true if this object is equal to the specified object; false otherwise.

704.9.2.13 public final double getError()

Returns the error of this Measurement object. The error is always a positive value.

The error of this Measurement as a double.

704.9.2.14 public final long getTime()

Returns the time at which this Measurement object was taken. The time is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC, or zero when not defined.

The time at which this Measurement object was taken or zero.

704.9.2.15 public final Unit getUnit()

Returns the Unit object of this Measurement object.

The Unit object of this Measurement object.


704.9.2.16 public final double getValue()

Returns the value of this Measurement object.

The value of this Measurement object as a double.

704.9.2.17 public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for this object.

A hash code value for this object.

704.9.2.18 public Measurement mul(Measurement m)

The Measurement object that will be multiplied with this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified object.

A new Measurement that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified object. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be multiplied.


704.9.2.19 public Measurement mul(double d, Unit u)

The value that will be multiplied with this object.

The Unit of the specified value.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified value.

A new Measurement object that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified value. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the units of this object and the specified value cannot be multiplied.


704.9.2.20 public Measurement mul(double d)

The value that will be multiplied with this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified value.

A new Measurement object that is the product of this object multiplied by the specified value. The error of the new object is computed. The unit and time of the new object is set to the unit and time of this object.

704.9.2.21 public Measurement sub(Measurement m)

The Measurement object that will be subtracted from this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified object from this object.

A new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified object from this object. The error and unit of the new object are computed. The time of the new object is set to the time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be subtracted.


704.9.2.22 public Measurement sub(double d, Unit u)

The value that will be subtracted from this object.

The Unit object of the specified value.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified value from this object.

A new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified value from this object. The unit of the new object is computed. The error and time of the new object is set to the error and time of this object.

ArithmeticException– If the Unit objects of this object and the specified object cannot be subtracted.


704.9.2.23 public Measurement sub(double d)

The value that will be subtracted from this object.

Returns a new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified value from this object.

A new Measurement object that is the subtraction of the specified value from this object. The error, unit and time of the new object is set to the error, Unit object and time of this object.

704.9.2.24 public String toString()

Returns a String object representing this Measurement object.

a String object representing this Measurement object.

704.9.3 public class State

Groups a state name, value and timestamp.

The state itself is represented as an integer and the time is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

A State object is immutable so that it may be easily shared.


704.9.3.1 public State(int value, String name, long time)

The value of the state.

The name of the state.

The time measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Create a new State object.

704.9.3.2 public State(int value, String name)

The value of the state.

The name of the state.

Create a new State object with a time of 0.

704.9.3.3 public boolean equals(Object obj)

The object to compare with this object.

Return whether the specified object is equal to this object. Two State objects are equal if they have same value and name.

true if this object is equal to the specified object; false otherwise.

704.9.3.4 public final String getName()

Returns the name of this State.

The name of this State object.

704.9.3.5 public final long getTime()

Returns the time with which this State was created.

The time with which this State was created. The time is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

704.9.3.6 public final int getValue()

Returns the value of this State.

The value of this State object.

704.9.3.7 public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for this object.

A hash code value for this object.

704.9.3.8 public String toString()

Returns a String object representing this object.

a String object representing this object.

704.9.4 public class Unit

A unit system for measurements. This class contains definitions of the most common SI units.

This class only support exponents for the base SI units in the range -64 to +63. Any operation which produces an exponent outside of this range will result in a Unit object with undefined exponents.


704.9.4.1 public static final Unit A

The electric current unit ampere (A)

704.9.4.2 public static final Unit C

The electric charge unit coulomb (C).

coulomb is expressed in SI units as s·A

704.9.4.3 public static final Unit cd

The luminous intensity unit candela (cd)

704.9.4.4 public static final Unit F

The capacitance unit farad (F).

farad is equal to C/V or is expressed in SI units as s4·A2/m2·kg

704.9.4.5 public static final Unit Gy

The absorbed dose unit gray (Gy).

Gy is equal to J/kg or is expressed in SI units as m2/s2

704.9.4.6 public static final Unit Hz

The frequency unit hertz (Hz).

hertz is expressed in SI units as 1/s

704.9.4.7 public static final Unit J

The energy unit joule (J).

joule is equal to N·m or is expressed in SI units as m2·kg/s2

704.9.4.8 public static final Unit K

The temperature unit kelvin (K)

704.9.4.9 public static final Unit kat

The catalytic activity unit katal (kat).

katal is expressed in SI units as mol/s

704.9.4.10 public static final Unit kg

The mass unit kilogram (kg)

704.9.4.11 public static final Unit lx

The illuminance unit lux (lx).

lux is expressed in SI units as cd/m2

704.9.4.12 public static final Unit m

The length unit meter (m)

704.9.4.13 public static final Unit m2

The area unit square meter (m2)

704.9.4.14 public static final Unit m3

The volume unit cubic meter (m3)

704.9.4.15 public static final Unit m_s

The speed unit meter per second (m/s)

704.9.4.16 public static final Unit m_s2

The acceleration unit meter per second squared (m/s2)

704.9.4.17 public static final Unit mol

The amount of substance unit mole (mol)

704.9.4.18 public static final Unit N

The force unit newton (N).

N is expressed in SI units as m·kg/s2

704.9.4.19 public static final Unit Ohm

The electric resistance unit ohm.

ohm is equal to V/A or is expressed in SI units as m2·kg/s3·A2

704.9.4.20 public static final Unit Pa

The pressure unit pascal (Pa).

Pa is equal to N/m2 or is expressed in SI units as kg/m·s2

704.9.4.21 public static final Unit rad

The angle unit radians (rad)

704.9.4.22 public static final Unit s

The time unit second (s)

704.9.4.23 public static final Unit S

The electric conductance unit siemens (S).

siemens is equal to A/V or is expressed in SI units as s3·A2/m2·kg

704.9.4.24 public static final Unit T

The magnetic flux density unit tesla (T).

tesla is equal to Wb/m2 or is expressed in SI units as kg/s2·A

704.9.4.25 public static final Unit unity

No Unit (Unity)

704.9.4.26 public static final Unit V

The electric potential difference unit volt (V).

volt is equal to W/A or is expressed in SI units as m2·kg/s3·A

704.9.4.27 public static final Unit W

The power unit watt (W).

watt is equal to J/s or is expressed in SI units as m2·kg/s3

704.9.4.28 public static final Unit Wb

The magnetic flux unit weber (Wb).

weber is equal to V·s or is expressed in SI units as m2·kg/s2·A

704.9.4.29 public boolean equals(Object obj)

the Unit object that should be checked for equality

Checks whether this Unit object is equal to the specified Unit object. The Unit objects are considered equal if their exponents are equal.

true if the specified Unit object is equal to this Unit object.

704.9.4.30 public int hashCode()

Returns the hash code for this object.

This object's hash code.

704.9.4.31 public String toString()

Returns a String object representing the Unit

A String object representing the Unit

704.10 References

[1]SI Units informationhttp://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units

[3]JSR 108 Units Specificationhttp://www.jcp.org/jsr/detail/108.jsp

[4]A Math Library containing unit handling in Kawahttp://www.gnu.org/software/kawa