143 Network Interface Information Service Specification

143.1 Introduction

The Network Interface Information Service is a service that provides a standard way for bundles to receive notification about changes in the network interface and IP address.

When the IP address has changed, bundles utilizing the IP address information need to detect this change. When using the standard Java API, such as java.net.NetworkInterface and java.net.InetAddress, calls to confirm the IP address at regular intervals are required. Since this is a process common to all bundles that need to detect any change in IP address information, this specification defines a notification feature for all available network interfaces, including the IP address. In addition, this specification defines an API that provides the function to obtain the network interface information and the information about the IP address bound to a network interface.

The name of a network interface can be Operating System specific. In order for bundles to refer to the network interface it is necessary to distinguish the network interface in a form that it is independent of the Operating System.

This specification defines the NetworkAdapter Service and NetworkAddress Service. These services provide information about the network interface and IP addresses.

143.1.1 Entities

  • Network Interface - Available and activated network interfaces provided in the execution environment. In this specification, the unit of the network interface is the logical interface, not the physical interface.

  • NetworkAdapter - The OSGi service that provides information related to the Network Interface. This service provides function similar to java.net.NetworkInterface.

  • NetworkAddress - The OSGi service that provides information of IP addresses available on the execution environment in which a Network Interface Information Service bundle is running.

  • Network Interface Information Service bundle - The OSGi bundle that implements NetworkAdapter and NetworkAddress services. Network Interface Information Service bundle registers NetworkAdapter and NetworkAddress services with the Framework.

  • Network Interface Type - An identifier of the network interface. It is independent of the operating system. The two type of identifier string is specified in this specification. This specification allows that Network Interface type other than them can be defined by the platform provider in each environment. This identifier is used by user bundle to specify the network interface to be monitored.

  • IPAddressVersion - An identifier indicating the IP address version. For example, IPv4, IPv6. This identifier is defined in this specification. This identifier is used by a bundle to specify the network interface to be monitored.

  • IPAddressScope - An identifier indicating the scope of IP address. For example, GLOBAL, PRIVATE. This identifier is defined in this specification. This identifier is used by a bundle to specify the network interface to be monitored.

Figure 143.1 Network Interface Information Service Overview Diagram

Network Interface Information Service Overview Diagram

The NetworkAdapter service provides the network interface information for a logical interface. NetworkAddress service provides the IP address information for an IP address. A NetworkAddress service is associated with a NetworkAdapter service.

When network interface information is changed, the service properties of the corresponing NetworkAdapter service and NetworkAddress service are changed. It is necessary for the bundle using these services to track these services and be advised of changes in the network interface information through Service Events.

143.2 NetworkAdapter Service

NetworkAdapter is an interface that provides information about a single network interface provided by the execution environment. If multiple network interfaces are present, NetworkAdapter services that correspond to each network interface must be registered. NetworkAdapter services must be registered with service properties as shown in the following table.

Table 143.1 Service properties of NetworkAdapter service

The key of service property Type Description
networkAdapter.type String Required property. Network interface type is set to a value.
networkAdapter.hardwareAddress byte[] Required property. Hardware address (MAC address) is set to a value. This property can also be obtained from getHardwareAddress().
networkAdapter.name String Required property. Network interface name is set to a value. This property can also be obtained from getName().
networkAdapter.displayName String Required property. Network interface display name is set to a value. This property can also be obtained from getDisplayName().
networkAdapter.isUp boolean Required property. The value is true when a network interface is up and running, otherwise it is false.
networkAdapter.isLoopback boolean Required property. The value is true when a network interface is a loopback interface, otherwise it is false.
networkAdapter.isPointToPoint boolean Required property. The value is true when a network interface is a point to point interface, otherwise it is false.
networkAdapter.isVirtual boolean Required property. The value is true when a network interface is a virtual interface, otherwise it is false.
networkAdapter.supportsMulticast boolean Required property. The value is true when a network interface supports multicasting, otherwise it is false.
networkAdapter.parent String Required property. Service PID of the NetworkAdapter service which is parent of this NetworkAdapter is specified.
networkAdapter.subInterface String[] Required property. Service PID of the NetworkAdapter service which is subinterface of this NetworkAdapter is specified.

When a network interface becomes available, a NetworkAdapter service associated with the network interface is registered with the service registry. If the network interface becomes unavailable, the corresponding NetworkAdapter service is unregistered.

When the attribute values of the network interface change, the NetworkAdapter service is updated with changed service properties. NetworkAdapter interface provides a method corresponding to java.net.NetworkInterface in order to provide information on the associated network interface.

143.2.1 Network Interface Type

Identifying the network interface is possible by using the network interface name. However, since the network interface name is an identifier that is dependent on the operating system, if network interface name is used as identifier, bundles must be implemented to be aware of the operating system. Therefore, in this specification, "network interface type” which is independent of the operating system, is used to identify the network interface. The network interface type string of "LAN" and "WAN" are defined in this specification. This specification allows that Network Interface type other than "LAN"and "WAN" can be defined by the platform provider in each environment. It is provided by the platform provider on which Network Interface Information Service bundle is running. Network Interface type "LAN"indicates the network interface connects to a local area network. Network Interface type "WAN" indicates the network interface connects to an external network (i.e. Internet). If a bundle wants to obtain the information of the network interface connected to the Internet, the bundle is able to get it by obtaining NetworkAdapter service with the networkAdapter.type service property set to the value "WAN".

This specification allows that Network Interface type other than "LAN"and "WAN" can be defined by the platform provider in each environment. It may be provided by the platform provider on which Network Interface Information Service bundle is running.

Table 143.2 Network Interface Type

Network Interface Type Description
LAN The network interface to connect to a local area network.
WAN The network interface to connect to an external network (i.e. Internet).

143.3 NetworkAddress Service

NetworkAddress interface provides information about an IP address available in the execution environment in which the a Network Interface Information Service bundle is running. NetworkAddress service is registered with the service registry together with service properties as shown in the following table.

Table 143.3 Service properties of NetworkAddress service

The key of service property Type Description
networkAdapter.type String Required property. Network interface type is set to a value.
ipAddress.version String Required property. IP address version is set to a value.
ipAddress.scope String Required property. IP address scope is set to a value.
ipAddress String Required property. IP address String is set to a value.
subnetmask.length int Required property. Subnet mask length of the required properties IPv4, or IPv6 prefix length is set to a value.
networkAdapter.pid String Required property. Service PID of the NetworkAdapterService corresponding to the network interface binding this IP address is set to a value.

A NetworkAddress service is registered with the service registry for each available IP address. When an associated IP address is deleted, or the network interface to which the IP address is bound becomes unavailable, the NetworkAddress service is unregistered. When the associated IP address changes, the NetworkAddress service is updated with updated service properties. A bundle can detect the change of IP address by monitoring the registration or unregistering, updating of the NetworkAddress service. When registering a NetworkAdapter service, the Network Interface Information Service bundle must register it with a unique service PID. Because IP addresses are bound to a network interface, the service PID of the associated NetworkAdapter service and its network interface type are set in the service properties of the NetworkAddress service.

143.3.1 IP Address Version

Defines the version of the IP address. A bundle can select NetworkAddress services using the following IP address version.

Table 143.4 IP Address Version

IP Address Version Description
IPV4 IP address version which means IPv4 address.
IPV6 IP address version which means IPv6 address.

143.3.2 IP address scope

Defins the scope of the IP address. A bundle can select NetworkAddress services using the following IP address scope.

Table 143.5 IP Address Scope

IP Address Scope Description
GLOBAL IP address scope which means global address.
PRIVATE_USE IP address scope which means private address.
LOOPBACK IP address scope which means loopback address.
LINKLOCAL IP address scope which means link local address.
UNIQUE_LOCAL IP address scope which means unique-localaddress.
UNSPECIFIED IP address scope which means the absence of an address.

If a bundle which wants to check for an IP address of the IPv4 global, the bundle is able to confirm by obtaining NetworkAddress service with the ipAddress.version service property set to the value "IPV4" and the ipAddress.scope service property set to the value "GLOBAL".

143.4 A Controller Example

The following example shows the usage of NetworkAddress service. The sample Controller class extends the ServiceTracker class so that it can track NetworkAddress services.

class Controller extends ServiceTracker {
  Controller(BundleContext context) {
    super(context, NetworkAdapter.class.getName(), null);

  public Object addingService(ServiceReference ref) {
    NetworkAdapter addAdapter =  (NetworkAdapter)super.addingService(ref);
    String type = addAdapter.getNetworkAdapterType();
    String displayName = addAdapter.getDisplayName();

    // ...

    String servicePID = (String)ref.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_PID);
    try {
      String filter 
         = "(" + NetworkAddress.NETWORKADAPTER_PID + "=" + servicePID + ")";
      ServiceReference[] refs  
        = context.getServiceReferences(NetworkAddress.class.getName(), filter);
      for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
        NetworkAddress address = (NetworkAddress) context.getService(refs[i]);
        String ipAddress = address.getIpAddress();
        int subnetMaskLength = address.getSubnetMaskLength();
         // ...
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
    return addAdapter;

143.5 Security

To acquire network interface information, a bundle needs ServicePermission[NetworkAdapter, GET] and ServicePermission[NetworkAddress, GET]. It can use Filter Based Permissions. When a platform provider performs access control of the bundle, It can set ServicePermission like the following example.


ServicePermission["(&(objectClass=org.osgi.service.networkadapter.NetworkAddress)(networkAdapter.type=LAN) (ipAddress.version=IPV4)(ipAddress.scope=PRIVATE_USE))", GET]

The NetworkAdapter service and the NetworkAddress service should only be implemented by trusted bundles. This bundle requires ServicePermission[NetworkAdapter, REGISTER] and ServicePermission[NetworkAddress, REGISTER].

143.6 org.osgi.service.networkadapter

Version 1.0

Network Interface Information Service Specification Package Version 1.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.networkadapter; version="[1.0,2.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.networkadapter; version="[1.0,1.1)"

143.6.1 Summary

  • NetworkAdapter - NetworkAdapter is an interface that provides information about single network interfaces provided by the execution environment.

  • NetworkAddress - This interface represents an IP address information.

143.6.2 public interface NetworkAdapter

NetworkAdapter is an interface that provides information about single network interfaces provided by the execution environment.

If multiple network interfaces are present, NetworkAdapter Services that correspond to each network interface must be registered. Network interface information service is set the following information as service property.

When a network interface becomes available, NetworkAdapter service associated with the network interface is registered with the service registry. If the network interface becomes unavailable, the corresponding NetworkAdapter service is unregistered.

When the attribute values of the network interface are set to the service property changes, NetworkAdapter service is updated. NetworkAdapter interface provides a method corresponding to java.net.NetworkInterface in order to provide information on the associated network interface. However, this interface method does not support the Static method. In addition, because NetworkInterface object or InetAddress object is registered in the service registry as NetworkAdapter and NetworkAddress, the NetworkAdapter interface does not provide a method to get those objects. NetworkAdapter provides a method to retrieve the value of an attribute of a network interface.

Thread-safe public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY

The value byte array of service property, when information is not available. public static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""

The value string of service property, when information is not available. public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY

The value string array of service property, when information is not available. public static final String LAN = "LAN"

The string of network interface type which means the network interface to connect to a local area network. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_DISPLAYNAME = "networkAdapter.displayName"

The key string of "networkAdapter.displayName" service property.

Network Interface display name is specified. EMPTY_STRING if no display name is available. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_HARDWAREADDRESS = "networkAdapter.hardwareAddress"

The key string of "networkAdapter.hardwareAddress" service property.

Hardware Address is specified. EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY if no hardware address is available. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_IS_LOOPBACK = "networkAdapter.isLoopback"

The key string of "networkAdapter.isLoopback" service property.

The value is true when a network interface is a loopback interface, otherwise it is false. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_IS_POINTTOPOINT = "networkAdapter.isPointToPoint"

The key string of "networkAdapter.isPointToPoint" service property.

The value is true when a network interface is a point to point interface, otherwise it is false. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_IS_UP = "networkAdapter.isUp"

The key string of "networkAdapter.isUp" service property.

The value is true when a network interface is up and running, otherwise it is false. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_IS_VIRTUAL = "networkAdapter.isVirtual"

The key string of "networkAdapter.isVirtual" service property.

The value is true when a network interface is a virtual interface, otherwise it is false. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_NAME = "networkAdapter.name"

The key string of "networkAdapter.name" service property.

Network Interface Name is specified. EMPTY_STRING if no name is available. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_PARENT = "networkAdapter.parent"

The key string of "networkAdapter.parent" service property.

Service PID of the NetworkAdapter service which is parent of this NetworkAdapter is specified. EMPTY_STRING if no parent is available. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_SUBINTERFACE = "networkAdapter.subInterface"

The key string of "networkAdapter.subInterface" service property.

Service PID of the NetworkAdapter service which is subinterface of this NetworkAdapter is specified. EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY if no subinterface is available. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_SUPPORTS_MULTICAST = "networkAdapter.supportsMulticast"

The key string of "networkAdapter.supportsMulticast" service property.

The value is true when a network interface supports multicasting, otherwise it is false. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_TYPE = "networkAdapter.type"

The key string of "networkAdapter.type" service property.

Network Interface Type is specified. public static final String WAN = "WAN"

The string of network interface type which means the network interface to connect to an external network (i.e. Internet). public String getDisplayName()

Returns the network interface display name of "networkAdapter.displayname" service property value.

Network Interface display name, or null if "networkAdapter.displayname" service property value is empty. public byte[] getHardwareAddress()

Returns the MAC address of "networkAdapter.hardwareAddress" service property value.

Hardware Address, or null if "networkAdapter.hardwareAddress" service property value is empty. public int getMTU() throws SocketException

Returns the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of this interface.

The value of the MTU for that interface.

SocketException– If an I/O error occurs. public String getName()

Returns the network interface name of "networkAdapter.name" service property value.

Network Interface Name, or null if "networkAdapter.name" service property value is empty. public String getNetworkAdapterType()

Returns the network interface type of "networkAdapter.type" service property value.

Network Interface Type, or null if "networkAdapter.type" service property value is empty. public boolean isLoopback() throws SocketException

Returns whether a network interface is a loopback interface.

true if the interface is a loopback interface.

SocketException– If an I/O error occurs. public boolean isPointToPoint() throws SocketException

Returns whether a network interface is a point to point interface.

true if the interface is a point to point interface.

SocketException– If an I/O error occurs. public boolean isUp() throws SocketException

Returns whether a network interface is up and running.

true if the interface is up and running.

SocketException– If an I/O error occurs. public boolean isVirtual()

Returns whether this interface is a virtual interface (also called subinterface). Virtual interfaces are, on some systems, interfaces created as a child of a physical interface and given different settings (like address or MTU). Usually the name of the interface will the name of the parent followed by a colon (:) and a number identifying the child since there can be several virtual interfaces attached to a single physical interface.

true if this interface is a virtual interface. public boolean supportsMulticast() throws SocketException

Returns whether a network interface supports multicasting or not.

true if the interface supports Multicasting.

SocketException– If an I/O error occurs.

143.6.3 public interface NetworkAddress

This interface represents an IP address information.

NetworkAddress interface provides information of IP addresses available in which execution environment on a Network Interface Information Service bundle is running. IP address information service is set the following information as service property.

NetworkAddress service is registered with the service registry for each available IP address. When associated IP addresses are deleted, or the network interface to which the IP address is bound becomes unavailable, the NetworkAddress service is unregistered. When the associated IP address changes, NetworkAddress service is updated. The user bundle can detect the change of IP address by monitoring the registration or unregistering, updating of NetworkAddress service. Because IP addresses are bound to the network interface, if any, Service PID of the associated NetworkAdapter service and its network interface type are set to service property. NetworkAdapter service MUST be registered after the all associated NetworkAddress services are registered. On the other hand, when unregistering services, after associated NetworkAdapter service is unregistered, NetworkAddress of all related services are unregistered.

Thread-safe public static final Integer EMPTY_INTEGER

The value integer of service property, when information is not available. public static final String IPADDRESS = "ipAddress"

The key string of "ipAddress" service property. IP Address is specified. public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE = "ipAddress.scope"

The key string of "ipAddress.scope" service property. IP Address scope is specified. public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_GLOBAL = "GLOBAL"

The string of IP address scope which means global address.

The global address is defined as the address other than the address defined in the RFC6890. public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_HOST = "HOST"

The string of IP address scope which means "This host on this network".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "This host on this network". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_LINKED_SCOPED_UNICAST = "LINKED_SCOPED_UNICAST"

The string of IP address scope which means "Linked-Scoped Unicast".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Linked-Scoped Unicast". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL = "LINKLOCAL"

The string of IP address scope which means "Link Local".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Link Local". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_LOOPBACK = "LOOPBACK"

The string of IP address scope which means "Loopback".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Loopback". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_PRIVATE_USE = "PRIVATE_USE"

The string of IP address scope which means "Private-Use Networks".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Private-Use Networks". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_SHARED = "SHARED"

The string of IP address scope which means "Shared Address Space".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Shared Address Space". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_UNIQUE_LOCAL = "UNIQUE_LOCAL"

The string of IP address scope which means "Unique-Local".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Unique-Local". public static final String IPADDRESS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = "UNSPECIFIED"

The string of IP address scope which means "Unspecified Address".

See RFC6890 for the definition of "Unspecified Address". public static final String IPADDRESS_VERSION = "ipAddress.version"

The key string of "ipAddress.version" service property. IP Address version is specified. public static final String IPADDRESS_VERSION_4 = "IPV4"

The string of IP address version which means IP address version 4. public static final String IPADDRESS_VERSION_6 = "IPV6"

The string of IP address version which means IP address version 6. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_PID = "networkAdapter.pid"

The key string of "networkAdapter.pid" service property.

Service PID of the interface information service to which it belongs is specified. public static final String NETWORKADAPTER_TYPE = "networkAdapter.type"

The key string of "networkAdapter.type" service property. Network Interface Type is specified. public static final String SUBNETMASK_LENGTH = "subnetmask.length"

The key string of "subnetmask.length" service property.

Subnet Mask Length(IPv4) or Prefix Length(IPv6) is specified. EMPTY_INTEGER if no length is available. public InetAddress getInetAddress()

Returns the InetAddress object of this IP address.

Returned object is created from "ipaddress" service property value.

InetAddress, or null if "ipaddress" service property value is empty. public String getIpAddress()

Returns the IP address of "ipaddress" service property value.

IP Address string, or null if "ipaddress" service property value is empty. public String getIpAddressScope()

Returns the IP address scope of "ipaddress.scope" service property value.

IP Address Scope, or null if "ipaddress.scope" service property value is empty. public String getIpAddressVersion()

Returns the IP address version of "ipaddress.version" service property value.

IP Address Version, or null if "ipaddress.version" service property value is empty. public String getNetworkAdapterPid()

Returns the "networkadapter.pid" service property value.

Service ID of the interface information service to which it belongs, or null if "networkadapter.pid" service property value is empty. public String getNetworkAdapterType()

Returns the network interface type of "networkAdapter.type" service property value.

Network Interface Type, or null if "networkAdapter.type" service property value is empty. public int getSubnetMaskLength()

Returns the "subnetmask.length" service property value.

Subnet Mask Length(IPv4) or Prefix Length(IPv6), or -1 if "subnetmask.length" service property value is empty.

143.7 References

[1]RFC 6890 : Special-Purpose IP Address Registrieshttp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6890.txt, April 2013