OSGi™ Core
Release 6


FACTORY_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.framework.ServiceException
The service factory produced an invalid service object.
FACTORY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception org.osgi.framework.ServiceException
The service factory threw an exception.
FACTORY_RECURSION - Static variable in exception org.osgi.framework.ServiceException
The service factory resulted in a recursive call to itself for the requesting bundle.
FALSE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.condpermadmin.Condition
A Condition object that will always evaluate to false and that is never postponed.
Filter - Interface in org.osgi.framework
An RFC 1960-based Filter.
filter - Variable in class org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker
The Filter used by this ServiceTracker which specifies the search criteria for the services to track.
FILTER_DIRECTIVE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header directive identifying the capability filter specified in the Require-Capability manifest header.
filterCollisions(int, Bundle, Collection<Bundle>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.CollisionHook
Filter bundle collisions hook method.
filterMatches(BundleRequirement, Collection<BundleCapability>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver.ResolverHook
Filter matches hook method.
filterResolvable(Collection<BundleRevision>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver.ResolverHook
Filter resolvable candidates hook method.
filterSingletonCollisions(BundleCapability, Collection<BundleCapability>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver.ResolverHook
Filter singleton collisions hook method.
find(BundleContext, Collection<Bundle>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.FindHook
Find hook method.
find(BundleContext, String, String, boolean, Collection<ServiceReference<?>>) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.hooks.service.FindHook
Find hook method.
findEntries(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.Bundle
Returns entries in this bundle and its attached fragments.
findEntries(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.launch.Framework
Returns null as a framework implementation does not have a proper bundle from which to return entries.
findEntries(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring
Returns entries in this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions.
FINDENTRIES_RECURSE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring
The find entries operation must recurse into subdirectories.
FindHook - Interface in org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle
OSGi Framework Bundle Context Hook Service.
FindHook - Interface in org.osgi.framework.hooks.service
OSGi Framework Service Find Hook Service.
findProviders(Requirement) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.wiring.FrameworkWiring
Find bundle capabilities that match the given requirement.
FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.osgi.framework.BundlePermission
The action string fragment.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of always.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_ALWAYS - Static variable in class org.osgi.framework.namespace.HostNamespace
The directive value indicating that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time (while the host is resolved or during the process of resolving the host bundle).
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_DIRECTIVE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header directive identifying if and when a fragment may attach to a host bundle.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_NEVER - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of never.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_NEVER - Static variable in class org.osgi.framework.namespace.HostNamespace
The directive value indicating that no fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle at any time.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_RESOLVETIME - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header directive value identifying a fragment attachment type of resolve-time.
FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_RESOLVETIME - Static variable in class org.osgi.framework.namespace.HostNamespace
The directive value indicating that fragments are allowed to attach to the host bundle only during the process of resolving the host bundle.
FRAGMENT_HOST - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Manifest header identifying the symbolic name of another bundle for which that the bundle is a fragment.
Framework - Interface in org.osgi.framework.launch
A Framework instance.
FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the beginning start level of the framework.
FRAMEWORK_BOOTDELEGATION - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying packages for which the Framework must delegate class loading to the parent class loader of the bundle.
FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying whether multiple bundles having the same symbolic name and version may be installed.
FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_MANAGED - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies the framework must consult the bundle collision hook services to determine if it will be an error to install a bundle or update a bundle to have the same symbolic name and version as another installed bundle.
FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_MULTIPLE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies the framework will allow multiple bundles to be installed having the same symbolic name and version.
FRAMEWORK_BSNVERSION_SINGLE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies the framework will only allow a single bundle to be installed for a given symbolic name and version.
FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the parent class loader type for all bundle class loaders.
FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_APP - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies to use the application class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_BOOT - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies to use of the boot class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_EXT - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies to use the extension class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_PARENT_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies to use the framework class loader as the parent class loader for all bundle class loaders.
FRAMEWORK_COMMAND_ABSPATH - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specified the substitution string for the absolute path of a file.
FRAMEWORK_EXECPERMISSION - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying an optional OS specific command to set file permissions on extracted native code.
FRAMEWORK_EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Deprecated. As of 1.6. Replaced by the osgi.ee capability.
FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying the Framework implementation language (see ISO 639 for possible values).
FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying a comma separated list of additional library file extensions that must be used when a bundle's class loader is searching for native libraries.
FRAMEWORK_OS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's operating system.
FRAMEWORK_OS_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's operating system version number.
FRAMEWORK_PROCESSOR - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying the Framework host-computer's processor name.
FRAMEWORK_SECURITY - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the type of security manager the framework must use.
FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_OSGI - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies that a security manager that supports all security aspects of the OSGi core specification including postponed conditions must be installed.
FRAMEWORK_STORAGE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the persistent storage area used by the framework.
FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying if and when the persistent storage area for the framework should be cleaned.
FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN_ONFIRSTINIT - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Specifies that the framework storage area must be cleaned before the framework is initialized for the first time.
FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMCAPABILITIES - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying capabilities which the system bundle must provide.
FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMCAPABILITIES_EXTRA - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying extra capabilities which the system bundle must additionally provide.
FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying packages which the system bundle must export.
FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property identifying extra packages which the system bundle must export from the current execution environment.
FRAMEWORK_TRUST_REPOSITORIES - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the trust repositories used by the framework.
FRAMEWORK_UUID - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework environment property identifying the Framework's universally unique identifier (UUID).
FRAMEWORK_VENDOR - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework environment property identifying the Framework implementation vendor.
FRAMEWORK_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework environment property identifying the Framework version.
FRAMEWORK_WINDOWSYSTEM - Static variable in interface org.osgi.framework.Constants
Framework launching property specifying the current windowing system.
FrameworkDTO - Class in org.osgi.framework.dto
Data Transfer Object for a Framework.
FrameworkDTO() - Constructor for class org.osgi.framework.dto.FrameworkDTO
FrameworkEvent - Class in org.osgi.framework
A general event from the Framework.
FrameworkEvent(int, Object) - Constructor for class org.osgi.framework.FrameworkEvent
Deprecated. As of 1.2. This constructor is deprecated in favor of using the other constructor with the System Bundle as the event source.
FrameworkEvent(int, Bundle, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.osgi.framework.FrameworkEvent
Creates a Framework event regarding the specified bundle.
frameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent) - Method in interface org.osgi.framework.FrameworkListener
Receives notification of a general FrameworkEvent object.
FrameworkFactory - Interface in org.osgi.framework.launch
A factory for creating Framework instances.
FrameworkListener - Interface in org.osgi.framework
A FrameworkEvent listener.
FrameworkStartLevel - Interface in org.osgi.framework.startlevel
Query and modify the start level information for the framework.
FrameworkStartLevelDTO - Class in org.osgi.framework.startlevel.dto
Data Transfer Object for a FrameworkStartLevel.
FrameworkStartLevelDTO() - Constructor for class org.osgi.framework.startlevel.dto.FrameworkStartLevelDTO
FrameworkUtil - Class in org.osgi.framework
Framework Utility class.
FrameworkWiring - Interface in org.osgi.framework.wiring
Query and modify wiring information for the framework.

OSGi™ Core
Release 6
Copyright © OSGi Alliance (2000, 2015). All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OSGi Specification License, Version 2.0