OSGi™ Compendium
Release 6
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y 


C - Static variable in class org.osgi.util.measurement.Unit
The electric charge unit coulomb (C).
calculateRequestInfoDTO(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.http.runtime.HttpServiceRuntime
Return a request info DTO containing the services involved with processing a request for the specified path.
call(R) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.async.Async
Invoke the last method call registered by a mediated object as an asynchronous task.
call() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.async.Async
Invoke the last method call registered by a mediated object as an asynchronous task.
call(Promise<T>) - Method in interface org.osgi.util.promise.Success
Success callback for a Promise.
can(int) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Check whether the given operation is valid for this node.
cancel() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentAdmin
This method cancels the currently active deployment session.
CANCEL - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentAdminPermission
Constant String to the "cancel" action.
cancel() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.ResourceProcessor
Processing of a resource passed to the resource processor may take long.
canConvert(Object, ReifiedType) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.Converter
Return if this converter is able to convert the specified object to the specified type.
CAPABILITY_CONFIGS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.namespace.DistributionNamespace
The capability attribute used to specify the config types supported by this distribution provider.
CAPABILITY_MIME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.repository.ContentNamespace
The capability attribute that defines the IANA MIME Type/Format for this content.
CAPABILITY_OBJECTCLASS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.namespace.service.ServiceNamespace
The capability attribute used to specify the types of the service.
CAPABILITY_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.namespace.TopologyNamespace
The capability attribute used to specify the policy or policies supported by this topology manager.
CAPABILITY_PROTOCOLS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.namespace.DiscoveryNamespace
The capability attribute used to specify the discovery protocols supported by this discovery provider.
CAPABILITY_REGISTER_DIRECTIVE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.serviceloader.ServiceLoaderNamespace
The capability directive used to specify the implementation classes of the service.
CAPABILITY_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.repository.ContentNamespace
The capability attribute that contains the size, in bytes, of the content.
CAPABILITY_URL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.repository.ContentNamespace
The capability attribute that contains the URL to the content.
CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.namespace.contract.ContractNamespace
The capability attribute contains the Version of the specification of the contract.
CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.namespace.extender.ExtenderNamespace
The capability attribute contains the Version of the specification of the extender.
CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.osgi.namespace.implementation.ImplementationNamespace
The capability attribute contains the Version of the specification or contract being implemented.
cardinality - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ReferenceDTO
The cardinality of the reference.
CAUSE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.EventConstants
The cause for a FAILURE event.
cd - Static variable in class org.osgi.util.measurement.Unit
The luminous intensity unit candela (cd)
CHANGE_CREDENTIAL - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdminPermission
The action string "changeCredential".
CHANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdminPermission
The action string "changeProperty".
changeOccurred(DmtEvent) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtEventListener
DmtAdmin uses this method to notify the registered listeners about the change.
CHARACTER - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.metatype.AttributeDefinition
CHILDREN_UDN - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.upnp.UPnPDevice
The property key that must be set for all devices containing other embedded devices.
childrenNames() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences
Returns the names of the children of this node.
clear() - Method in class org.osgi.service.event.EventProperties
This method throws UnsupportedOperationException.
clear() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences
Removes all of the properties (key-value associations) in this node.
close() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Closes a session.
close() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.ReadableDataSession
Closes a session.
close() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportRegistration
Delete the local endpoint and disconnect any remote distribution providers.
close() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ImportRegistration
Close this Import Registration.
CM_CC - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.monitor.StatusVariable
Constant for identifying 'Cumulative Counter' data collection method.
CM_DELETED - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationEvent
A Configuration has been deleted.
CM_DER - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.monitor.StatusVariable
Constant for identifying 'Discrete Event Registration' data collection method.
CM_GAUGE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.monitor.StatusVariable
Constant for identifying 'Gauge' data collection method.
CM_LOCATION_CHANGED - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationEvent
The location of a Configuration has been changed.
CM_RANKING - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationPlugin
A service property to specify the order in which plugins are invoked.
CM_SI - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.monitor.StatusVariable
Constant for identifying 'Status Inspection' data collection method.
CM_TARGET - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationPlugin
A service property to limit the Managed Service or Managed Service Factory configuration dictionaries a Configuration Plugin service receives.
CM_UPDATED - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationEvent
A Configuration has been updated.
CMD_ADD - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Constant for the ADD access type.
CMD_DELETE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Constant for the DELETE access type.
CMD_EXECUTE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Constant for the EXECUTE access type.
CMD_GET - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Constant for the GET access type.
CMD_REPLACE - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.MetaNode
Constant for the REPLACE access type.
CODE_BAD_HEADER - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Syntax error in any manifest header.
CODE_BUNDLE_NAME_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Bundle symbolic name is not the same as defined by the deployment package manifest.
CODE_BUNDLE_SHARING_VIOLATION - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Bundle with the same symbolic name already exists.
CODE_CANCELLED - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
CODE_COMMIT_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Exception with this error code is thrown when one of the Resource Processors involved in the deployment session threw a ResourceProcessorException with the CODE_PREPARE error code.
CODE_FOREIGN_CUSTOMIZER - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Matched resource processor service is a customizer from another deployment package.
CODE_MISSING_BUNDLE - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
A bundle in the deployment package is marked as DeploymentPackage-Missing but there is no such bundle in the target deployment package.
CODE_MISSING_FIXPACK_TARGET - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Fix pack version range doesn't fit to the version of the target deployment package or the target deployment package of the fix pack doesn't exist.
CODE_MISSING_HEADER - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Missing mandatory manifest header.
CODE_MISSING_RESOURCE - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
A resource in the source deployment package is marked as DeploymentPackage-Missing but there is no such resource in the target deployment package.
CODE_NOT_A_JAR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
DeploymentAdmin.installDeploymentPackage(InputStream) methods can throw DeploymentException with this error code if the got InputStream is not a jar.
CODE_ORDER_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Order of files in the deployment package is bad.
CODE_OTHER_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Other error condition.
CODE_OTHER_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.ResourceProcessorException
Other error condition.
CODE_PREPARE - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.ResourceProcessorException
Resource Processors are allowed to raise an exception with this error code to indicate that the processor is not able to commit the operations it made since the last call of ResourceProcessor.begin(DeploymentSession) method.
CODE_PROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
The Resource Processor service with the given PID (see Resource-Processor manifest header) is not found.
CODE_RESOURCE_SHARING_VIOLATION - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
An artifact of any resource already exists.
CODE_RESOURCE_SHARING_VIOLATION - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.ResourceProcessorException
An artifact of any resource already exists.
CODE_SIGNING_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
Bad deployment package signing.
CODE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.DeploymentException
When a client requests a new session with an install or uninstall operation, it must block that call until the earlier session is completed.
CollectionMetadata - Interface in org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect
Metadata for a collection based value.
COMMAND_FAILED - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
The recipient encountered an error which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
The requested command is not allowed on the target node.
commit() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin.spi.ResourceProcessor
Called when the processing of the current deployment package is finished.
commit() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Commits a series of DMT operations issued in the current atomic session since the last transaction boundary.
commit() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.TransactionalDataSession
Commits a series of DMT operations issued in the current atomic session since the last transaction boundary.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.osgi.util.measurement.Measurement
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
Component - Annotation Type in org.osgi.service.component.annotations
Identify the annotated class as a Service Component.
COMPONENT_CAPABILITY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants
Capability name for Service Component Runtime.
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants
A service registration property for a Component Factory that contains the value of the factory attribute.
COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants
A component property that contains the generated id for a component configuration.
COMPONENT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants
A component property for a component configuration that contains the name of the component as specified in the name attribute of the component element.
ComponentConfigurationDTO - Class in org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto
A representation of an actual instance of a declared component description parameterized by component properties.
ComponentConfigurationDTO() - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentConfigurationDTO
ComponentConstants - Interface in org.osgi.service.component
Defines standard names for Service Component constants.
ComponentContext - Interface in org.osgi.service.component
A Component Context object is used by a component instance to interact with its execution context including locating services by reference name.
ComponentDefinitionException - Exception in org.osgi.service.blueprint.container
A Blueprint exception indicating that a component definition is in error.
ComponentDefinitionException() - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException
Creates a Component Definition Exception with no message or exception cause.
ComponentDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException
Creates a Component Definition Exception with the specified message
ComponentDefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException
Creates a Component Definition Exception with the specified message and exception cause.
ComponentDefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException
Creates a Component Definition Exception with the exception cause.
ComponentDescriptionDTO - Class in org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto
A representation of a declared component description.
ComponentDescriptionDTO() - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO
ComponentException - Exception in org.osgi.service.component
Unchecked exception which may be thrown by Service Component Runtime.
ComponentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException
Construct a new ComponentException with the specified message and cause.
ComponentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException
Construct a new ComponentException with the specified message.
ComponentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException
Construct a new ComponentException with the specified cause.
ComponentFactory - Interface in org.osgi.service.component
When a component is declared with the factory attribute on its component element, Service Component Runtime will register a Component Factory service to allow new component configurations to be created and activated rather than automatically creating and activating component configuration as necessary.
ComponentInstance - Interface in org.osgi.service.component
A ComponentInstance encapsulates a component instance of an activated component configuration.
ComponentMetadata - Interface in org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect
Metadata for managed components.
ComponentServiceObjects<S> - Interface in org.osgi.service.component
Allows multiple service objects for a service to be obtained.
CONCURRENT_ACCESS - Static variable in exception org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtException
An error occurred related to concurrent access of nodes.
Configuration - Interface in org.osgi.service.cm
The configuration information for a ManagedService or ManagedServiceFactory object.
ConfigurationAdmin - Interface in org.osgi.service.cm
Service for administering configuration data.
ConfigurationEvent - Class in org.osgi.service.cm
A Configuration Event.
ConfigurationEvent(ServiceReference<ConfigurationAdmin>, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationEvent
Constructs a ConfigurationEvent object from the given ServiceReference object, event type, and pids.
configurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationListener
Receives notification of a Configuration that has changed.
ConfigurationException - Exception in org.osgi.service.cm
An Exception class to inform the Configuration Admin service of problems with configuration data.
ConfigurationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationException
Create a ConfigurationException object.
ConfigurationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationException
Create a ConfigurationException object.
ConfigurationListener - Interface in org.osgi.service.cm
Listener for Configuration Events.
ConfigurationPermission - Class in org.osgi.service.cm
Indicates a bundle's authority to configure bundles or be updated by Configuration Admin.
ConfigurationPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationPermission
Create a new ConfigurationPermission.
configurationPid - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO
The configuration pids.
ConfigurationPlugin - Interface in org.osgi.service.cm
A service interface for processing configuration dictionary before the update.
ConfigurationPolicy - Enum in org.osgi.service.component.annotations
Configuration Policy for the Component annotation.
configurationPolicy - Variable in class org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO
The configuration policy.
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationPermission
Provides permission to create new configurations for other bundles as well as manipulate them.
ConnectionFactory - Interface in org.osgi.service.io
A Connection Factory service is called by the implementation of the Connector Service to create javax.microedition.io.Connection objects which implement the scheme named by IO_SCHEME.
ConnectorService - Interface in org.osgi.service.io
The Connector Service should be called to create and open javax.microedition.io.Connection objects.
Constants - Interface in org.osgi.service.device
This interface defines standard names for property keys associated with Device and Driver services.
CONSUME - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WirePermission
The action string for the consume action.
Consumer - Interface in org.osgi.service.wireadmin
Data Consumer, a service that can receive updated values from Producer services.
CONSUMER_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireAdminEvent
A Consumer service method has thrown an exception.
consumersConnected(Wire[]) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Producer
Update the list of Wire objects to which this Producer object is connected.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.osgi.service.event.EventProperties
Indicates if the specified property is present.
containsProperty(String) - Method in class org.osgi.service.event.Event
Indicate the presence of an event property.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.osgi.service.event.EventProperties
Indicates if the specified value is present.
CONTENT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.repository.ContentNamespace
Namespace name for content capabilities and requirements.
ContentNamespace - Class in org.osgi.service.repository
Content Capability and Requirement Namespace.
CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemPermission
The action string context.
contextPath - Variable in class org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.ServletContextDTO
The servlet context path.
CONTRACT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.osgi.namespace.contract.ContractNamespace
Namespace name for contract capabilities and requirements.
ContractNamespace - Class in org.osgi.namespace.contract
Contract Capability and Requirement Namespace.
convert(Object, ReifiedType) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.Converter
Convert the specified object to an instance of the specified type.
Converter - Interface in org.osgi.service.blueprint.container
Type converter to convert an object to a target type.
Coordination - Interface in org.osgi.service.coordinator
A Coordination object is used to coordinate a number of independent Participants.
CoordinationException - Exception in org.osgi.service.coordinator
Unchecked exception which may be thrown by a Coordinator implementation.
CoordinationException(String, Coordination, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.coordinator.CoordinationException
Create a new Coordination Exception with a cause.
CoordinationException(String, Coordination, int) - Constructor for exception org.osgi.service.coordinator.CoordinationException
Create a new Coordination Exception.
CoordinationPermission - Class in org.osgi.service.coordinator
A bundle's authority to create or use a Coordination.
CoordinationPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.coordinator.CoordinationPermission
Creates a new granted CoordinationPermission object.
CoordinationPermission(String, Bundle, String) - Constructor for class org.osgi.service.coordinator.CoordinationPermission
Creates a new requested CoordinationPermission object to be used by the code that must perform checkPermission.
Coordinator - Interface in org.osgi.service.coordinator
A Coordinator service coordinates activities between different parties.
COPIED - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtEvent
Event type indicating nodes that were copied.
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create a copy of a node or a whole subtree.
copy(String[], String[], boolean) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.ReadWriteDataSession
Create a copy of a node or a whole subtree.
create(String, long) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.coordinator.Coordinator
Create a new Coordination.
createConnection(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.io.ConnectionFactory
Create a new Connection object for the specified URI.
createConnectionPoolDataSource(Properties) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
Create a new ConnectionPoolDataSource using the given properties.
CREATED - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintEvent
The Blueprint extender has created a Blueprint Container for the bundle.
createDataSource(Properties) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
Create a new DataSource using the given properties.
createDefaultHttpContext() - Method in interface org.osgi.service.http.HttpService
Creates a default HttpContext for registering servlets or resources with the HttpService, a new HttpContext object is created each time this method is called.
createDriver(Properties) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
Create a new Driver using the given properties.
createEntityManagerFactory(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryBuilder
Return an EntityManagerFactory instance configured according to the properties defined in the corresponding persistence descriptor, as well as the properties passed into the method.
createFactoryConfiguration(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationAdmin
Create a new factory Configuration object with a new PID.
createFactoryConfiguration(String, String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationAdmin
Create a new factory Configuration object with a new PID.
createInteriorNode(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create an interior node.
createInteriorNode(String, String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create an interior node with a given type.
createInteriorNode(String[], String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.ReadWriteDataSession
Create an interior node with a given type.
createLeafNode(String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create a leaf node with default value and MIME type.
createLeafNode(String, DmtData) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create a leaf node with a given value and the default MIME type.
createLeafNode(String, DmtData, String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.DmtSession
Create a leaf node with a given value and MIME type.
createLeafNode(String[], DmtData, String) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.dmt.spi.ReadWriteDataSession
Create a leaf node with a given value and MIME type.
createRestClient(URI) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.rest.client.RestClientFactory
Create a new REST client instance.
createRole(String, int) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdmin
Creates a Role object with the given name and of the given type.
createWire(String, String, Dictionary) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireAdmin
Create a new Wire object that connects a Producer service to a Consumer service.
createXADataSource(Properties) - Method in interface org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory
Create a new XADataSource using the given properties.
CREATING - Static variable in class org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintEvent
The Blueprint extender has started creating a Blueprint Container for the bundle.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y 
OSGi™ Compendium
Release 6

Copyright © OSGi Alliance (2000, 2015). All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OSGi Specification License, Version 2.0